The Death Certificate - Real Or Not?

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Do You Think Michael's Death Certificate Is Real Or Not?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 31.3%
  • No

    Votes: 21 31.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 25 37.3%

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  • Poll closed .
After reading back, Michaels make-up for the viewing was done on the 3rd.
I think the death certificate is real....I have to admit it to myself...he is gone...the hoax theory of he is still here is false..imo.....I have to except the truth. I miss him so much that it hurts. The loss of Michael is too much to put into words...maybe someday I will find the is not the day.
Michael JOSEPH Jackson????


I looked in my files and found. This is a post from a member of MJJC here that unfortunately I do not remember the username. Sorry, I did not save the link of the discussion, but only the post (text). I do not know if anyone here remembers this post, but it is very important informations. This member was in doubt about the name of Michael. She contacted the Social Security Administration in the United States (she used her name to obtain the information below) and this was their response (in bold) for it (in italic the comments of member):

Hey Everybody, I want everyone to know that I have received a response from Social Security Administration in the United States of America concerning the probability about receiving a new, different Social Security Number due to circumstances while keeping my original one unvoided or undeleted. I used my name instead of Michael Jackson's name for fear that Social Security is under strict confidentiality if I asked if Michael Jackson had at least 2 Social Security Numbers. After receiving this response from Social Security, I would probably say that there is a high chance that he did have in fact at least 2 Social Security Numbers. Here is the response I have received.

"Thank you for contacting the Social Security Administration.

Generally, an individual is assigned only one Social Security number (SSN) which is used to record the individual’s earnings for future benefit purposes and to keep track of benefits paid under that number. However, under certain circumstances, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will assign an individual a new SSN.

For integrity reasons, SSA policy is to cross-refer electronically in our records all SSN’s assigned to an individual. Therefore, when an individual is assigned a new SSN, the original and new SSN will be electronically cross-referred in our records. The level of evidence required to support the assignment of a new SSN depends on the nature of the allegation. Listed below are three situations that could contribute to an individual being assigned a new SSN:

– HARASSMENT: Harassment is the systematic annoyance of an individual through deliberate unprovoked conduct, including threats to or the stalking of an individual, which causes a loss of personal freedom and which causes him or her to fear for his or her life, personal safety, or emotional well-being.

Michael Jackson, being huge, was definitely harassed through stalking and annoyance from individuals of the paparazzi systematically. What I am not so sure about is whether he was annoyed by the paparazzi under deliberate provoked conduct. This is probably a reason why Michael Jackson had a loss of personal freedom and feared for his very own life, safety, and well-being.

– ABUSE: Abuse is the deliberate mistreatment of an individual that causes physical or emotional injury and causes the individual to fear for his or her life, personal safety, or emotional well-being.

Michael Jackson was deliberately mistreated and abused by his father. Also, the drugs given to him by the wrong doctors were also a deliberate act of mistreating the singer with abuse. This is also evidence the Michael feared for his life, safety, and well-being. Even though he made amends with his father, this does not change the fact of what he encountered from his father.

– LIFE ENDANGERMENT: Life endangerment is the exposure of an individual to injury or danger that threatens the individual’s life.

Michael Jackson's life very well could have been endangered from Sony, AEG, and from the people who accused him of child molestation. This probably threatened his life enough.

The best evidence of abuse comes from third parties, such as police, medical facilities, or doctors, and describes the nature and extent of harassment, abuse, or life endangerment. Other evidence may include court restraining orders, letters from shelters, family members, friends, counselors, or others who have knowledge of the domestic violence or abuse. If contacting any of these sources could put you in danger, we will work with you to obtain evidence from safe sources.

As far as evidence goes, it is very likely that Michael Jackson had written statements from medical facilities, doctors, and maybe police stating that he was a victim of the circumstances listed above. Also, Michael might have filed court restraining orders against his father for the mistreatment and abuse from him. Other friends and people who have known him could have also provided written statements to Social Security Administration stating he was a victim of the circumstances above so that Michael Jackson could receive a new Social Security Number while keeping his original one unvoided and undeleted.

Third parties generally get your number when you give it out. Be careful about sharing your number with those who ask for it, even when they provide you with a benefit or service. This is especially important if you obtain a new number to break the link to an abusive past.

Applying for a new number is a big decision. It may impact your ability to interact with federal and state agencies, employers and others. This is because your financial, medical, employment, and other records will be under your former Social Security number and name (if you change your name). If you expect to change your name, we recommend you do so before applying for a new number.

Now, what might be hard to understand is how he got his second Social Security Number under Michael JOSEPH Jackson without legally changing his real, legal name which is Michael JOE Jackson. Here is what I think might have happened: Michael JOE Jackson wanted to protect his real name and his real Social Security Number from identity theft. So, somebody or Michael Jackson filed for him to get a new, different Social Security number given the circumstances he was in under the name Michael JOSEPH Jackson by using the paperwork that granted him his permanent entertainer's name as evidence to say Michael changed his name even though Michael did not legally change his original, real name which is Michael JOE Jackson. So, after mentioning all of this, is that Social Security number on the death certificate the correct one? If Michael Jackson had at least 2 Social Security numbers that have been cross-referred to him electronically in Social Security Records, Michael's kids are definitely going to have quite a bit of a struggle in obtaining Social Security benefits. You can read this information and post your thought if you like.

Note: There are official court documents that list his true name as Michael JOE Jackson. Even Michael JOE Jackson is listed in the BMI songwriters database. Katherine's autobiography mentions her son's name as Michael JOE Jackson. Michael JOSEPH Jackson is probably his permanent entertainer name.

*I hope this informations about the name of Michael help a little.

It is neither unusual, nor very difficult in the US to walk through life with 2 or even 3 different names on SSNs, driver's licenses and even passports. Nor is it very difficult to obtain different a different SSN with a different name. Ask any woman in a domestic violence shelter.

Other people get married and never change their SSN and the only time that matters is once a year filing taxes...that's when they start complaining about their returns....:D

This has to do with the multitude of different states and their different requirement for say, a driver's license. A SSN is something federal yet driver's licenses are regulated differently in every single state.

Their's a real problem in the US with driver's licenses. People go to their local SSN office that requires proof of ID- and this is where it gets tricky. Driver's licenses are accepted- how many states are there in the US?

Ever read the rules on getting a driver's license in different states in the US? :cheers:
Have fun! I lived in a place that allowed US citizens to bring a FISHING LICENCE and A LETTER ADRESSED TO THEIR HOME ADRESS as ID.
That alone should tell you why Identity Theft is such a popular hobby in the US.

You could easily walk through life with different names on all of your IDs because the system here is a mess and people are typically afraid of unifying anything, it's the eternal fear of big brother..:cheeky:
(while at the same time most Americans are slaves to their credit history which is a heck of a lot worse than any "national ID" in other countries...)

Wanna get married three times to different people without obtaining a divorce? No problem, just go to the next state- in some you don't even have to supply a divorce decree to remarry when applying for a marriage license.

I'm not kidding when I say that in most states it's easier to buy a gun than to buy a pair of contact lenses.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Michael Jackson had changed his SSN numerous times throughout his life, death threats- terrorist threads according to the FBI files- changing your SSN in the US is not hard, no matter what your local SSN office will tell you.

The only time and place where differing names become evident is when you apply for a loan in the US- because only banks really, really hate it when somebody uses different middle names throughout his life.

I am not kidding when I say that collection agency employees make the best private detectives because the only people that are hardcore data collectors in the US are credit bureaus- people that "monitor" someone's "credit history" (determining someone credit eligibility by some ungodly rules that the public is forbidden to know and is akin to pulling random numbers out of your a**). People that really want to dig start with credit bureaus like



A good place to get the real info on someone is hitting up their bank- pretty sad, isn't it?
Oh, and I forgot Credit Card Companies- the Social Security Administration can only DREAM about having so much info about the average US citizen as the credit card companies have.

Forget SSN, ask any organized crime member about getting a SSN, they'll have a good laugh.
Voter registration (yeah, public, it's great to be spammed because you vote!), people leave their SSN at every corner (it's still amazing that every Dick and Joe has access to it, it's about the least safe thing about your identity in the US)- SSNs are really a joke here, so are most IDs like driver's licenses.
If you really wanna laugh- check most townhall requirements to get a "resident card" just in case you don't drive. It's friggin' hilarious how backwards some things can be.

Of course hoaxers will say "see that would be proof he's alive" but unfortunately it just means that this country is pretty big and has may states operating very independently which on occasion becomes pretty funky- like trying to prove ID for a federal ID with a state run ID- that alone is pretty weird.
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