The Daily News - July 22, 2009 (Wed)


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Jul 25, 2011
Las Vegas
MJ News of the day - Wednesday, July 22, 2009

MICHAEL JACKSON is undoubtedly one of the most influential musicians ever. He has had profound effect on so many artists and their careers as well as popular culture. Harri Best is a United Kingdom based musician who has performed all over the world, he readily admits owing a lot of his inspiration to James Brown and Michael Jackson.

Harri Best was born in London to Nigerian parents and over the years he grew up with a strong mix of African and western music. Artists like Michael Jackson, James Brown, Fela Kuti, Just, Marvin Gaye, The Beatles, King Sunny Ade, to mention a few were growing up influences.

Harri Best explains the reason behind his Michael Jackson tribute song, “Like every Michael Jackson fan I was very upset the day I heard the news, I had only just got a ticket from a source two days earlier for the latest concert.

So, I Iaid on my carpet with huge earphones just listening to Michael all night, I fell asleep and had a dream. Michael Jackson was right in front of me asking why I was so sad? I told him the obvious...he just started laughing at me, making those high pitched sound he makes on his records..he said “I had a great life Harri, I made history, left a legacy and my please don't be sad...just celebrate my life”...Thats when I knew I had to do something….”

So, it seemed the most natural thing for him to pay his own little tribute in the best way he seemed fit is recording a memorial song for MJ.

Critics have described the song as hunting, melodic and celebratory of the dead singer's life.

The ballad of Michael Jackson will be released through MoneyMaker Rekkods on ITunes on July 27, 2009.

Long live the king of pop!


IAN BROWN'S THRILLER INSPIRATION - Former Stone Roses frontman Ian Brown's upcoming LP was inspired by Michael Jackson's 1982 album 'Thriller'. Ian Brown will release an album inspired by ...


'Criminal aspects' probed in Jackson memorial cost

Associated Press Writer​

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Investigators looking into the chain of events that led City Hall to spend an estimated $1.4 million for police protection and other services at Michael Jackson's memorial have turned up possible criminal wrongdoing, the city attorney said Tuesday.​

The disclosure two weeks after Jackson's lavish farewell came amid a public backlash over the taxpayer bill, which included more than $48,000 for sandwiches brought in for police from 70 miles away.
City Attorney Carmen Trutanich has been reviewing the procedures that led the city to deploy thousands of police and other city workers for the star-studded tribute at the downtown Staples Center, hoping to identify a way for taxpayers to recoup at least some of the money.
"Our investigation has taken an unanticipated turn that raises both civil and criminal aspects," Trutanich told the City Council. The investigation is continuing, but he said he could not reveal any further details about possible criminal activity.​

Trutanich later told the Council his office had exchanged correspondence with AEG, the company that owns the Staples Center. Subsidiary AEG Live was the promoter behind Jackson's planned comeback concerts in London.
"That letter is an investigative-type letter," said Trutanich spokesman John Franklin. "He's asking questions and wanting them to produce certain things.​

"His main goal here is to recoup the taxpayers' money. When you are dealing with the civil aspect, that's basically it," Franklin added.
Staples did not reply to an e-mail sent to its media office. AEG Live spokesman Michael Roth did not return a phone call.
The city attorney's office prosecutes misdemeanors, but the office could also pass on any evidence it uncovers of more serious violations to the county district attorney.​

The city's involvement in the Jackson event, which was broadcast worldwide, has been marked by confusion. An attempt to collect donations from Jackson fans to help cover the costs was later abandoned by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who at first supported the idea.
The Police Department deployed 3,200 officers after projecting that as many as 250,000 people would converge on downtown streets for the service. Beyond ticket holders, only about 1,000 fans showed up.
The City Council is seeking a full accounting of the taxpayer dollars committed to Jackson's tribute. Councilman Dennis Zine has said the cost of the event could far surpass the estimate.​

Today in
Michael Jackson History

1989 - Michael Jackson's "Liberian Girl" hit #13 in the U.K.

Michael Jackson was student of the great thinkers says his former 'mind guru' from Marlow

1:00pm Wednesday 22nd July 2009
By James Nadal »

A MARLOW man who was Michael Jackson's 'mind guru' said he was “totally enthralled with the nature and pursuit of genius”.
Tony Buzan an international author, lecturer and education adviser became close friends with the King of Pop after spending a week with him and his three children at the royal palaces in Bahrain.
The writer said he wanted to set the record straight and put across an alternative view of the entertainment legend following his recent death, which has been shrouded in rumours of drug addiction and claims about his personal life and children.
Mr Buzan, whose office is based at the Harleyford Estate in Marlow, is renowned for developing mind maps, an alternative form of note taking using diagrams and images to connect themes.
Jackson became a fan of the author after reading 'The Ultimate book of mind maps' whilst staying with the Bahraini royal family in 2005.
Mr Buzan, also a friend of the Middle Eastern royals, was flown out to meet Jackson and his children and to teach them more about mindmapping.
“It was like meeting an old friend, he was very natural, very relaxed and very intent on learning he was a very good student – one of the best I've ever had,” Mr Buzan said.
“He had marked nearly every page of my book, it was battered, which was nice to see.
"He was really interested in all forms of thinking and learning.”
Jackson created a mind map combining themes of happiness, himself and what he was working on at the time.
The pop icon was widely read and had a huge library of intellectual works.
He loved reading the Greek classics and works by other great minds such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Mr Buzan said.
“He was totally enthralled with the nature and pursuit of genius.
"He was very modest but thought that genius could be nurtured and he worked very hard on developing his own.”
His relationship with his children – Prince Michael, Paris and Prince Michael II – was “wonderful, loving, respectful and playful” and he was a “devoted father” according to Mr Buzan.
The pair requently spoke on the phone, often having long conversations, and became close friends following their initial meeting.
Jacksons death from cardiac arrest on June 25 had been “unexpected and very saddening” and further compounded by “negatively biased” press coverage, Mr Buzan said.
“I think it could be far more objective and it should now begin to developing into the true nature of his mind and spirit rather than digging up dirt and innuendo.”
He said he will remember his former pupil as “ a very natural, humorous, generous, creative man a brilliant respectful student.”
Mr Buzan has just been appointed as thinker-in-residence at Wellington College in Crowthorne, Berkshire.
Jackson triumphed over media

Tuesday, 21 July 2009 19:37 By Andrew M. Mwenda

Finally, the dust has settled over the death and burial of Michael Jackson. Throughout his career, Jackson fought two battles; one with himself, the other with general societal norms. The battle within himself was an attempt to discover the childhood denied to him by his father’s ruthless ambition combined with his becoming a celebrity at a tender age. It led him to persistent attempts to live his childhood as an adult by having an obsessive love for the company of young children.This battle within inevitably led Jackson to the second one; the battle against general societal norms and expectations! Humans are social beings and society demands that people conform to certain general norms: you are born, you grow, acquire skills, you get a job, find a husband or wife, bear children, raise them up, visit friends and relatives, belong to some religious faith or social club etc. While most people find it easy to meet these societal expectations, a few don’t.
However, those who cannot meet society’s unrealistic demands upon them try to fit at considerable cost. Often, they become social psychopaths. A gay man is forced into a marriage with a woman. This makes him live an unhappy and false sex life. His sexual frustrations may lead him to becoming a savage wife beater. Societal demands for fidelity and faithfulness can lead a woman with an over developed appetite for sexual variety to debilitating psychological disorders.
Jackson shared this deviant personality. Many of his actions tended to deviate from the norm. For example, he did not like his nose. So he kept altering it through plastic surgery. The more he did it, the more he looked comical. Society expected him to remain looking the same. So the media (in many ways a representative of society’s values – sometimes in an irresponsible way) made an issue out of it.
They sliced and diced every conceivable reason he altered his nose and made careers and money off this speculation. So what if he changed his nose? What did that have to do with anything? Did it harm anyone else? I tried to find reason why I should be remotely concerned about a man changing his nose and could not find any. Rather than act as a break on societal passions, the media became the cheerleaders of this injustice.
One could say that Jackson was a celebrity, made a living from the fact that people were interested in his person and personality and therefore he cannot enjoy the same levels of privacy as we ordinary mortals. But this reasoning is flawed; as journalists, our concern with the private actions of public figures should be limited to how such actions impact on their public duties. I believe that even celebrities should enjoy this level of protection; what effect did his changing of his nose have on his music?
Possibly the most devastating aspect of Michael Jackson was his obsession with children. He invited them in large numbers at his Neverland ranch, ate with them, played with them and even on occasion shared his bed with many of them. Society in the western world (it is really not a big issue in Africa) is against an old man sharing a bed with boys. Often, such men are child predators. But this does not make every old man who shares a bed with a boy a molester.
Jackson’s obsession with children was weird, yes. But equally, the evidence of his innocence on charges of child molestation was overwhelming. Hundreds of children stayed at his ranch and tens of them shared his bed. Had he molested a significant number of them, they would have exposed him in large numbers. Instead, over a period of 25 years, only two accused him of molestation and in both cases they were under pressure from their parents to make money off him.
But the media covered only the scandalous part of these allegations. When they were exposed as false, it did not give similar prominence to the truths. Even when people like the actor Macaulay Culkin (of Home Alone fame) who shared a bed with Jackson for years testified in his favour, the media remained with the claim of Jackson as a child molester. So they kicked him, hounded him and finally drove him to his death.
But the world has many ways of testifying to the truths. When Jordie Chandler (13 years in 1992) accused Jackson of molesting him, the police asked how. The boy claimed the two used to indulge in mutual masturbation and oral sex. He was then asked to describe Jackson’s penis – was it circumcised? He had a 50% chance of getting it right; he said yes. When police undressed Jackson, he was not.
In spite of this, Jackson settled with Chandler out of court paying the young man (actually his greedy father) US$ 22m. When asked why, Jackson said he had had enough of the media coverage. But allegations of child molestation were devastating on Jackson and drove him into taking painkillers and sleeping drugs. The more he did so, the worse his addiction became until it drove him to his death.
It is possible that had the media been balanced, fair, truthful and accurate, Jackson would not have died the way he did and at the time he did. Instead, the media turned themselves into his executioners. It is fair to say that Jackson brought this unto himself. He could easily have avoided accusations of child molestation by simply not letting little boys sleep in his bed. Yet following his story, one gets convinced that he had a strong urge to help children; to give without asking for anything in return.
There was overwhelming evidence of his innocence that the media chose to ignore. He may have given the media the rope; that does not justify the media using it to hang an innocent man. The outpouring of emotion across the world over his death shows that the media can pound someone, but the public are better judges. In his death, Jackson proved that great aspect of human kind – the ability to see beyond false claims.
Thankyou so so much for posting. We must write in to these people who did such a fair job. God bless them.
Jordin Sparks talks about upcoming album, touring with Jonas Brothers and King of Pop

MELANIE SIMS Associated Press Writer
8:51 AM CDT, July 22, 2009

CHICAGO (AP) — Jordin Sparks is living a high-decibel life.

She's traveling across the country as a special guest on the Jonas Brothers tour, performing at arenas packed with girls who, as Sparks puts it, "scream way up here, and they just hold it for four-hours straight."

And even away from the stage, resting in her downtown hotel room on a weekend afternoon, the 2007 American Idol winner is met with the shrill yelps of yet another fan. This time, it's her dog Maggie.

"Oh, now you want to play," says Sparks as she gives the tiny white dog a hug.

These days, Maggie serves as Sparks' main companion on the road. While her family traveled with her when she put out her platinum-selling, self-titled debut at age 17, these days, they join her when they can.

Now 19, Sparks has grown up a bit, and she says you can tell from listening to her sophomore CD, "Battlefield Earth."

AP: How do you compare "Battlefield" with your 2007 debut?

Sparks: There's a lot more growth so my voice sounds a little bit more mature. I wanted to pick songs that I related to on some sort of level and that I wouldn't mind singing for the rest of my life. ... Then there's four songs that I actually wrote and I'm really, really excited about.

AP: If you could choose one song from the album for someone to listen to, which would it be?

Sparks: One of the songs that is really, really important to me — and it's one that I wrote — it's called "Faith." We wrote that four days before the (presidential) inauguration and it was one of those things. And we were thinking about everything going on in the world and our economy and how there's a sense of hopelessness around for a lot of people. And I was thinking about one of my best friends who passed away two years ago — thinking, (what) if I was the person to tell her, 'It's going to be OK,' and keep her head up, and that she's got people that love her, if she would still be here?

AP: With everything going on around you in the music world, how do you stay connected with what's happening in the real world?

Sparks: It's when you detach from the real world that your head starts to get bigger and you're like, "Hey, the world revolves around me." So I definitely try to keep my inner-circle really tight and I keep my friends really close. I need people who are going to tell me exactly how it is — tell me if my outfit looks bad or if a song sucks, if my performance is horrible.

AP: You're a big fan of Michael Jackson. How did you take the news of his death?

Sparks: The crazy thing is, the day before — literally, the day before — I sang "P.Y.T." in my set. And I've been doing that a lot. I love singing his (songs). So I did "P.Y.T." and "The Way You Make Me Feel" last year on tour and all these different things. Then all of a sudden he passed away, and (I said), "I totally did his song yesterday." And we were doing "A-B-C, as easy as ..." and doing the dance and everything and all of a sudden he was gone. And we were just like, "This is insane."

AP: Michael was always in the public eye. How do you deal with protecting yourself when it comes to the media?

Sparks: I'm open to an extent. I give them just enough to where they're satisfied, but I don't go too in-depth. ... Because of "American Idol," you get to know people a lot. There's a lot of people who think I'm like their best friend. And they'll come up and want to hug me ... I don't think I'll ever get used to it. But it's still really cool I have that kind of relationship with my fans.


On the Net:
The article about the media is so true (well, most of it--particularly with regard to the media contributing to Michael's death.)
Too little (repentance) too late, I'm afraid!
Murray's office raided by feds

yeah theres a thread in the investigative section but this could be important/intresting. infos from tmz.
Re: murrays office raided by feds

r. Conrad Murray's Office Raided

Posted Jul 22nd 2009 12:03PM by TMZ Staff

We've learned the Houston office of Dr. Conrad Murray is currently being raided by federal authorities.

Will update

as of 12:12pm --Authorities are carrying out a search warrant of Dr. Conrad Murray's office in Houston, officials tell BNO News. Details to come.

as of 12:15pm----We're told 8 Drug Enforcement Agency vehicles arrived at his offices about 30 minutes ago. LAPD detectives also arrived on scene along with uniformed members of the Houston Police Department.

The law enforcement agents, armed with a search warrant, entered the property and began going through the property.

We're told the LAPD asked the DEA for help in serving the warrant on the Armstrong Medical Clinic in Houston. The warrant is sealed.

Dr. Murray was Michael Jackson's personal physician -- he was the man who performed CPR on Jackson before he died.

fox news reporting aswell
Re: murrays office raided by feds

I bet they find tons of crap that will get him in even more trouble.
Re: murrays office raided by feds

It's almost a month since he passed away. I hope we hear something official soon.

This is taking an awful long time...
Re: murrays office raided by feds

Take him down! Please find something.

That's a joke as well. " the doctor who performed Michael CPR."

more like "the doctor who doesnt know how to do CPR properly. "

I'm angry with tears:(:cry:
Re: murrays office raided by feds

Still hard to belive he is dead. And it dont get easier to know that he could be alive and doing concerts now.
Re: murrays office raided by feds

If he did do something wrong and he did do something criminal I sure hope they get him for it.
BUT if he didn't and this is just something they are trying to put on him I really hope they would just stop.
IF (and I do say IF) he did do everything in his power and no wrong doing, then he's going through something SIMILAR to what Michael went through during the last trial.
Re: murrays office raided by feds

It's almost a month since he passed away. I hope we hear something official soon.

This is taking an awful long time...

Gosh almost a month.........seems like yesterday. :S
Re: murrays office raided by feds

Given the amt of time that has elapsed, surely documents/records could have been "moved" by now. There is some legal method of recording documents so that they can be tracked, but who knows if that was followed. And I surely cannot fathom that Murray would keep records of administering Propofol to Michael unless they were given in a medical facility of some sort.
Re: murrays office raided by feds

Are you watching the live feeds? Well, I feel strange watching it, but there's a lot of people there.
Re: murrays office raided by feds

Given the amt of time that has elapsed, surely documents/records could have been "moved" by now. There is some legal method of recording documents so that they can be tracked, but who knows if that was followed. And I surely cannot fathom that Murray would keep records of administering Propofol to Michael unless they were given in a medical facility of some sort.

Maybe it's to find any differences between autopsy results and what was recorded? Dunno, just guessing. :unsure:
Re: murrays office raided by feds

It's breaking news here in Houston. I'm thinking about going down there to be apart of history as they take this man down. I live about 15 minutes away from where they are.
Re: murrays office raided by feds

I think this Dr Murray is a person being used by someone with an agenda.

Let's give Michael a doctor we can control, see my point? There have been to many people in Michaels life who have had an agenda, for it not to be the case now.

Yes everything is speculation, but if we apply logic the most reasonable explanation is that MJ should not have died. I have in recent years questioned MJ himself as being a poor judge of character, and after the trial everybody said MJ was getting rid of the people who fu**ed up his shit. I somehow have doubt MJ actually succeeded in doing that.

He attracts fucktards like shit attracts flies. Sorry for the bad French but I tend to lean more and more on the assumption that MJ's death was not an overdose and not an accident.
Re: murrays office raided by feds

This is scary, we could have Michael Jackson murdered! And its happen now! scary

Im sure they have found dangerous drugs in MJ in the autopsy, thats why they doing this. Collecting evidence......... . . . . .
Re: murrays office raided by feds

I hope they will take him down...if it was foul play!

But a raid doesnt come without any evidence!!!