The Daily News Dec 9 - All about the Opus book + Meowwalker? Cool cat!

Re: Tiger Woods tops Michael Jackson death for web traffic

LMAO! Whos Tiger Woods? Everyone knows Tiger Woods, hes Tiger Woods :p


but, the tiger thing is like any celeb scandal of the now. it can't be compared to a legends death.
Re: Tiger Woods tops Michael Jackson death for web traffic

Not that it is a big deal but there is no way I would believe that that stupid Woods scandal had people interest more than Michael's death.
Re: Tiger Woods tops Michael Jackson death for web traffic

i believe this..think about it...the tiger thing has been an ongoing scandal for a couple people search for updates. Mj's death was just one big BOOM.
Re: Tiger Woods tops Michael Jackson death for web traffic

MJ' death crashed twitter and facebook, cmon guys! this is a ridiculous statements.

I dont know why you posted that here ..
Re: Tiger Woods tops Michael Jackson death for web traffic

just cause its got mikes name in it doesnt mean its worth posting.

:lol: NEVER has a single post had soo much truth and wisdom in it. :lol:

You are very correct indeed.
Re: Tiger Woods tops Michael Jackson death for web traffic

I find that very hard to believe :\
Re: Tiger Woods tops Michael Jackson death for web traffic

She said it would generated more money for the company than Jackson's death.

'It’s kind of hard to put an ad up next to a funeral,' she said.

They never said the Tiger Wood story received more hits than the story of MJ's death. They said it generated more money. More ads could be attached to a story like Tiger's versus a death story. More ads = more money.
look who cares. some of you are trying to compete with other celebs by using mjs death. think about it. nothing matters. if this is all u have got to get upset about then lucky you
The thing is, The media is too interestend in destroying one's reputation...
Privet things need to be privet...They didnt learn that from they're On Tiger like there's No tomorrow.

Not to be rude to the media,:smilerolleyes: :smilerolleyes:
:smilerolleyes: , but They've got an eye on black ppl. (OJ., Michael, Tiger)! Am I in NO WAY comparing Mike, to any of them but you see it your self dont you? when the David Letterman thing was on the news, the public gave him a slap on the wrist, and nothing more...but now its Tiger woods, its like they've NEVER heard of a person cheating before!

Its I guess you can say, the Ignorant ppl's Human nature...

I dont really see the point of Tiger having more searches than Mike...We lost a wonderful, amazing, Loving, caring.....Man, and to worry about who topped who is kinda silly. I'm not trying to be rude **, I dont know, I just at this point dont really care.

Y'all may not agree with me but I just dont care anymore, you know? As long as it is not "TII DVD", or Michael Music or about the *homicide investigation* i'm really not at all interested in these *tore down the celebrities media*...

Thankyou for posting :D


What happened with Tiger Woods? He cheated? Is that it? (Not to trivialize cheating, but....c'mon....) Well, whatever happened, Apparently no one I know cares, because nobody has mentioned it to or around me. I haven't heard about it from anywhere except the media reports on this board and the newspapers of two different people sitting by me on the train ride home tonight.

My only comments on this are...
1) Why does the media try to tell us what is/isn't, should be/shouldn't be a big deal in our lives?
2) Why do people let the media decided for them what is/isn't, should be/shouldn't be a big deal in their lives? :no:
Re: Tiger Woods tops Michael Jackson death for web traffic

LMAO! Whos Tiger Woods? Everyone knows Tiger Woods, hes Tiger Woods :p

LOL !! No they don't. I think they were trying to find Who tiger Woods is. Gold is NOT universal!!!! Its a sport that mainly middle class and Rich people play.
golfs pretty much universal when u see the ppl who play maybe a game for the middle class rich in america but thats not the case in europe. more ppl know him than michael jordan and he was pretty big. woods is on par with the likes beckham interms of been the most famous sportsman in the world
like Beckham , I really doubt it . nevertheless , internationally there is no way tiger is even close to MJ .
like Beckham , I really doubt it . nevertheless , internationally there is no way tiger is even close to MJ .

Even just nationally there's no way...

Personally, I can honestly only tell you three things about Tiger Woods...he plays/played? golf, he's light skinned black, he's very successful.

I just mentioned in another thread that my mom recently asked me if I'd ever heard of Miley Cyrus. :doh: (She's filming a movie in my mom's city) She hadn't ever heard of 'Hannah Montana', and I can bet you she doesn't know who Beckham is, but I guarantee if you ask her to name Michael Jackson's group with his brothers, his most successful album, his famous dance move, the subject of his trials, and three distinguishing physical features she certainly could. =P

Edit:, I couldn't even get all of the "Three things about Tiger Woods" that I know right. For some reason I remembered him as being light skinned like Obama. Oh well, lol, Just proves my point. =P
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Not to be rude to the media,:smilerolleyes: :smilerolleyes: [/B]
:smilerolleyes: , but They've got an eye on black ppl. (OJ., Michael, Tiger)! Am I in NO WAY comparing Mike, to any of them but you see it your self dont you? when the David Letterman thing was on the news, the public gave him a slap on the wrist, and nothing more...but now its Tiger woods, its like they've NEVER heard of a person cheating before!

Well, the thing with Tiger is that before all these allegations of affairs started coming out (and coming out, and coming out, heh) that man's public reputation was pristine. He had a such a wholesome image. Then he crashes his car and out spills a bunch of bimbos, lol. Here this man has a beautiful wife and he's still not happy. Just goes to show you that being beautiful never guarantees that a man won't cheat on you. Oh, it gets my blood boiling just thinking about it. But I digress. Tiger refused to speak to the police three times. He didn't release a statement for much too long and just took too long to address the situation. Which only added to the speculation, curiosity and mystery. In contrast, Letterman addressed the situation immediately on his TV show and he and his lawyers dealt with the situation legally right from the start.

Still, both men are cads. Michael was a good man and deserves more attention for all the good he did.
Woods scandal a boon to Internet publications
Yahoo CEO jokes tawdry affair will help Web site make its numbers

updated 9:12 p.m. ET, Wed., Dec . 9, 2009
SAN JOSE, California - The Tiger Woods sex scandal has been a boon for online publications, even though it hasn't generated the same amount of Internet traffic as Michael Jackson's death and President Barack Obama's inauguration.

Provocative remarks by Yahoo Inc. CEO Carol Bartz at an investor conference Tuesday illustrate how major Internet channels and niche publications are benefiting from the Woods controversy.

Known for her off-color commentary, Bartz said the Woods story is "better than Michael Jackson dying" for helping Yahoo make money, because it is easier to sell ads against salacious content than morbid stories.
As this thread is titled all about the Opus i thought i'd let you know i have recieved an email from Kraken Opus saying deliveries before xmas are guaranteed for those that purchased before dec 1st.i ordered in Aug... :jump::drums:
there will be another email from FED X with a tracking number sent shortly.
I´ve got the same email yesterday!!!! It´s so hard to wait until christmas. I think that I´ll find my opus under the christmas tree.
I love reading this kind of things:

LAST FAVORITE MOMENT WITH MY DAUGHTERS, GRACIE, MAGGIE AND AUDREY: Watching them discover the genius of Michael Jackson. They’ve been absolutely obsessed with him; they dress up like Michael and then film themselves — it’s quite incredible!

From The Last Word with Faith Hill

Her husband Tim McGraw said the something similar very recently.