The cheapest way to get to London is a city break deal

soso deaf..
you can rent a car, ngland they frive on the left side of the road...haha.
that,s more scarrier then going by taxi or bus....haha
im trying to get there from FLORIDA!

any ideas...what should i do?
I feel you, I am trying to get there from Atlanta.. I suggest we sign up for email alerts with Expedia, Hotwire, Cheaptickets, and Priceline..
Man you all in Europe have it made, $90 roundtrip, $140 roundtrip.. I would've been booked a flight.. I know a ticket to London in the summer will cost me an arm,leg, and possibly a kidney...
ok so heathrow is more expensive?

can i rent a car while im there? not like i'llknow where im going but im afraid to take a taxi...

just by myself it'll c ost $800(but only one ticket left at that price) not including hotel. i went to other sites and it's around $1200...if i wanna get there july 7th and stay until july 15th, seven days in a hotel with airfare is $1700

but i dont' wanna leave the baby and i have to take my mother and husband if zac comes....dilemas galore plus i have to go to the consulate to fix my passport either in nyc or los screwed.

maybe he'll mention something for the states praying he does cuz if then, i can do it for sure. no matter where it is...hell, i'll walk
I hope he will mention coming to the states...I have a free suite at Planet Hollywood in Vegas that I am dying to use. :angel::angel::angel::angel::angel: Michael say you will come to America even if it's for one or two show.. I will be right next to you So So
ec if i time it badly, im screwed! lol

shaun must've been around some glue cuz i don't c the prices he does. man if mj is anywhere in the states, my ass is going . i don't care if it's nyc or lv lol my ass is there
I was seeing prices like $1,200 yesterday, but now it looks like it's about $2,500 for two-night accommodations and round-trip airfare.
Im going with a cruise.boat whatever you wanna call it. About 100 euros all together, im going w/ my dad! LOL. The saddest thing is that i have to go back after the concert is finished because of damn school.
I found in the past that tickets cost more when you are booking way far out. The price comes down to a low at around at 2-3 three weeks but then if you wait to the last week or days it can go way up again.
really. ok thank for the tidbit. However that might be pushing it close.
I was seeing prices like $1,200 yesterday, but now it looks like it's about $2,500 for two-night accommodations and round-trip airfare.
I thought it was just me. yesterday and even tuesday the flights were like mid $700 to $800 (one for mid $600) now its like $800 to $1000+ even trying to use major cities like nyc ain't working to get a low price.:bugeyed
what happen?
Yeah, what did happen? Betcha is all the fans all of a sudden booking tickets to London that month. so to get more money the airlines jack up the price. they know the demand. I saw most tickets around $1800+, but at one point today I saw some at around $865. talk about london getting a bunch of tourism this summer!

Goodness, I am really wanting to go, and I already have a passport. But I know 3 of my kids will want to go, too. and that will be more expensive, and they'll need passports. I don't think I can afford for them to come. :( Talk about missing out.
well as for me living in birmingham, im gonna have to leave from atlanta and probably catch another flight to london, do you guys think that is a chraper way to get there?
i also had another idea .what about people going in groups maybe the price will be cheaper.
come on guys you can get here to england!!1 its only 4 months away
does any one know about England visa? is therea way to get a visa from England I heard it's hard Im so desperate
Yeah, what did happen? Betcha is all the fans all of a sudden booking tickets to London that month. so to get more money the airlines jack up the price. they know the demand. I saw most tickets around $1800+, but at one point today I saw some at around $865. talk about london getting a bunch of tourism this summer!

Goodness, I am really wanting to go, and I already have a passport. But I know 3 of my kids will want to go, too. and that will be more expensive, and they'll need passports. I don't think I can afford for them to come. :( Talk about missing out.

yep..MJ is surely about to help the economy in london.
I am having the hardest time finding a room in London...Um I keep finding rooms with twin beds for me and my cousin.. I am 6'2" and she is 6'0", we are way to long for some twin beds. But if I must sleep in a twin so be it, so all you ppl going to the show, if you see 2 tall females walking as if their backs hurt, you will know
I am having the hardest time finding a room in London...Um I keep finding rooms with twin beds for me and my cousin.. I am 6'2" and she is 6'0", we are way to long for some twin beds. But if I must sleep in a twin so be it, so all you ppl going to the show, if you see 2 tall females walking as if their backs hurt, you will know
6'2 girl you are tall. I wish I was taller. :(

Yo' back might hurt but at least you'll be able to see michael at the concert. WHOOP WHOOP. lol! No but seriously i sleep all the time with my legs bent or folded up so i don't even be needing a big or long bed. Try that.:D
you,re in europe then, haha.
many women are tall..including me.
i,m 6,7 feet tall.....haha
get out of here you are 6 feet 7inches. REALLY! wow
yall some tall women. i wouldn't mind being a little taller. Im only 5'6
you,re in europe then, haha.
many women are tall..including me.
i,m 6,7 feet tall.....haha
Jenny if you were African-American, you could be my cousin.... Well I hope to see you in London then we can talk about all the short, just kidding. I am praying I find a hotel with two dbl beds in them and not just two twins. I am use to sleeping in nothing less than a queen size bed. I loved living in France and Italy when I was younger, but I don't miss how everything is compact in Europe.
That,s the number one thing american people are complaining about in europe....everythinh is so little..even the hamburgers at mc donalds are not so big as in america and in europe we don,t know the refill policy as in america, hahaha.

tiny toiletrooms....tiny beds...

Well, i have te say, in holland everything is better for taller people.
I think that holland has the tallest women in the world....
the averahe height is...
Damn this is so expensive... From Montréal to London its like 800$ + hotel (I dont know maybe 400$) + 800$ to comeback... !!!! the $ of the ticket is nothing!!

Dont think ill able to go......................... :(:(........... if you find a 600$ all include (flights + hotel) ill come lol
My airfares alone will cost approx $2200 Australian, which is about 1100 pounds i think, that's IF i get tickets :O
Airfare is killing me. It seems to be going up every day. So now for myself and kids the lowest I can find is just under $5000. What the @#@* am I thinking going on this trip? I'm going to have to work really hard (smart) to pay for this one. I am still hoping there will be a summer seat sale but maybe I can't count on that. Anyone from Canada get flights yet?
American Airlines super economy saver is 400bucks roundtrip. Plus hotel and concert tickets. But im sure ill be splitting the hotel, so, soso and i have 2 find our group lol.

OH WTH!!! ROUNDTRIP?? o_o Even if that's just uhm for one trip from home to destination, it's still cheap.

My airfare would be $1140 CAD for a roundtrip, cheapest in the summer. It would take about 7 hours from here to London. Then I gotta add in the expenses of accomodation, meals and spending money.
Hey fans,
I found a cheap tix from NYC-Dublin for $455, and then i bought a tix on ryanair for about $47(us dollars) roundtrip from dublin to london.. that was the cheapest i found for anyone in the states.. Although I live in Atlanta, I am traveling with a friend from NYC so I just decided to leave from NYC becuase it is cheaper than me trying to get a flight out of Atlanta to london..Best thing to do is try looking at flight to another city/country and go from their..Since I am going to Europe might as well try and see as many places as I can.. Our flight is overnight so we will get to Dublin in the a.m. then leave out to London about 3hrs later..