The BOTDF cover is about 9/11?

Jan 17, 2004
A friend of mine gave me this video, i think it's all very far fetched..i have an open mind but this is just...

Someone in the comments says this:

Look at the position of Michaels arms and relate them to a clock face, 8:50, when did the first plane hit the tower? 08:52. We all need to wake up to this?

But that's mere coincedence if you ask me. What's your take on this?

It's true, and the Thriller cover is about the JFK assasination and the Bad cover denotes Tiananmen Square.
Huh, come on this album was released in 1997. The twin towers was 2001.

Michael has a time machine.
Don't believe this. .. His arm and leg position do seem to indicate number 7, though.

Just a question: are the buildings in the background New York replicas? They look like that. Not trying to credit the above scenario as a reliable one, am just asking.
I guess we can all forget about finding bin Laden now that we solved who was behind the attacks.
the background could suggest 11 sept...the buildings from NY, the is an interesting theory...but the cover is done long before so it is just a coincidence...
Well, he was in NY just before it happened. So all evidence now points to MJ! Someone should notify the authorities. :)
Just a quick question, was MJ actually in New York at the time of the attacks or did he leave just before they happened? And does anybody know his exact reaction at the time?
If I remember correct he left the night before, or early that morning. I do think others of the Jackson family were still there however.
This has obviously something to do with the Illuminati. MJ being aware of it and "knew about it, tried to warn people" like Prince "did", etc. Not saying I believe this stuff, just that I know what it's about.
I spoke to the artist who painted this for Michael about 3 or 4 years back when a dispute came up about its "symbology" (nothing to do with 9/11 btw) and the artist told me the only specifics he had were the outfit Michael was wearing, a checker board floor and a cityscape! He just painted the rest as it came to him, there is NO underlined meaning in this picture!
There's alot of videos on youtube about the illuminati and how they were behind his murder. A friend of mine told me about one video that is about a guy that claims he spoke to MJ in 2005, and that Michael said they were trying to kill him, the guy had then said he had to drink something,eat something cause he didn't look good. And Michael had you don't understand, they are trying to kill me.

Apparently he then went to a hospital where he stayed for a few hours, where he ate and drinks, the doctor had said if he had come to the hospital alittle later, he would've died cause he was dehydrated.

I must say, i do remember a article in the paper years ago where it said Michael was dehydrated and was in the hospital, not sure if that was 2005 though.
The checkered floor is one of the notable symbols of freemasonery, that they say symbolizes the battle between the good (the white) and the evil (black). What's interesting, just like it was the case with the "Dangerous" cover, which contained lots of masonic symbols, is that the BOTDF album cover features Michael (dressed in red = blood) on a checkered dancefloor (the crime scene), like he was the victim of the powers that be, secret societies acting in the dark. ... The song, BOTDF also speaks of a man falling prey to an evil woman, a killer, and that blood red he's wearing is a symbol of a wounded person whose blood is shed on the floor. Deeply disturbing this association now that I think of it, and put Murray and AEG and Sony or whatever into discussion, but this isn't the thread for it... ):
The checkered floor is one of the notable symbols of freemasonery, that they say symbolizes the battle between the good (the white) and the evil (black). What's interesting, just like it was the case with the "Dangerous" cover, which contained lots of masonic symbols, is that the BOTDF album cover features Michael (dressed in red = blood) on a checkered dancefloor (the crime scene), like he was the victim of the powers that be, secret societies acting in the dark. ... The song, BOTDF also speaks of a man falling prey to an evil woman, a killer, and that blood red he's wearing is a symbol of a wounded person whose blood is shed on the floor. Deeply disturbing this association now that I think of it, and put Murray and AEG and Sony or whatever into discussion, but this isn't the thread for it... ):

Please read my post above, I Spoke to the Artist himself.
The cover of that album is interesting, anyway.
I do remember a video about " Black or white " video...that scenes at the end...from that moment I am looking at that video with a totaly new perpective.
I guess we can all agree that Michael was always leaving a very strong messages in his music, so....
There's alot of videos on youtube about the illuminati and how they were behind his murder. A friend of mine told me about one video that is about a guy that claims he spoke to MJ in 2005, and that Michael said they were trying to kill him, the guy had then said he had to drink something,eat something cause he didn't look good. And Michael had you don't understand, they are trying to kill me.

Apparently he then went to a hospital where he stayed for a few hours, where he ate and drinks, the doctor had said if he had come to the hospital alittle later, he would've died cause he was dehydrated.

I must say, i do remember a article in the paper years ago where it said Michael was dehydrated and was in the hospital, not sure if that was 2005 though.
Don't forget what Michael said in the 60 Minutes interview.

"Only in America. I don't wanna say to much... It's conspiracy, yeah... I don't wanna say too much - I'm done".
If anything...I strongly believe there was a conspiracy to take Michael way or another. It is clear as a sunny day to me.
There is no way that there can be so many coincidences.
Just a quick question, was MJ actually in New York at the time of the attacks or did he leave just before they happened? And does anybody know his exact reaction at the time?

Yes, I was told that he still was in NY this morning. He was in his hotel as the first plane crashed into the towers and after the first news about that Michael did everyone tell that they should leave the hotel. Then he was driven to New Jersey.
Probably he saw the burning towers because they were visible from almost every point in and around New York.
If anything...I strongly believe there was a conspiracy to take Michael way or another. It is clear as a sunny day to me.
There is no way that there can be so many coincidences.
You're not alone, I've alwyas thought this was the case. I can just see it, feel it. They are still trying.