The Bad Appreciation Thread

Tell us guys what BAD means/meant to you your favourite singles and videos did you go to the tour if so what was your favourite part.

Lets appreciate BAD here.

Bad for me is the time from which I remember it very well to be a Michael fan. It represents my first radio that played tapes. I would sit on the ground with it, playing my Bad tape over and over again.
It also represents my first Michael poster. It was a huge poster of the front cover of the Bad album. Got it from the guy in my local recordshop. My brother put it up on my wall for me. It stayed there for years.
My favorite song from Bad is Smooth Criminal and the video I love. Michael looked so handsome in his suit and the dancing was amazing. I became a fan from Thriller and with Bad I was 11 years old so I appreciated and understood Michael's work better. Michael did his first solo tour from this time and i think was a special time for him. He should have won Grammys for this album.
My all time favorite Smooth Criminal, to me, is the coolest thing ever. His outfit, his dance, the short film, his classic anti gravity move, everything screamed perfection and epic in smooth criminal. By the way, My ringtone is always smooth criminal.
I was only 5/6 years old when BAD was released. It is my absolute favourite MJ album and era, though. It was truly Michaelmania...As I said, I was pretty young, but his magic aura was SO powerful, I could feel it even at that age. He was EVERYWHERE. He was a force to be reckoned with. My parents loved him so they made sure MJ was a part of our childhood. I was so enamoured with the Smooth Criminal video, I thought it was the coolest thing EVER. I still think that ;)

I remember going to my aunt's house and going straight to her CD collection and pulled out the BAD CD. My mom only ever had it on cassette at the time, so I wanted to just stare at his face. I used to think, 'Oh he's SO CUTE!' :lol:

Everything about that era oozed magic and wonderment. He proved an artist can really do ANYTHING and reach unattainable heights. He was unstoppable. I love each and every single song on that album. His costumes, the buckles, the choreography. And MOONWALKER! OMG, I could never stop watching that!

It was just a fantastic time to be a fan, and I only wish I were a bit older so I could have experienced it a bit more vividly. :D
My all time favorite Smooth Criminal, to me, is the coolest thing ever. His outfit, his dance, the short film, his classic anti gravity move, everything screamed perfection and epic in smooth criminal. By the way, My ringtone is always smooth criminal.

Smooth Criminal is my favourite too for all the reasons your wrote there :clapping:
what Bad mean to me? oh boy, BAD is "'The Michael Jackson record". The best album. its the album that made me a Michael Jackson fan. i remember the late 80's, the cloths, the hairstyle we all had. i remember that my brothers was also mj fans, and that a friend of my brother often come to us watching michael jackson videos. especially when a new single and video of the album was released.
and i often watched with them. that was such an amazing time, i will never forget. that was one of the best times for a michael jackson fan. these few year til 1993 was so cool and noone talked about all this weird crazy stories we have to talk about now.
it was a very normal, but sometimes hysterical time (i'm not a crazy hysterical fan, i never was). it was a time i will always remember, and always miss.
and i remember the bad cassette was my first record i've collected. i still have this one. it was a gift from the girlfriend of my brother.
it remembers me everytime when i watch my collectors. how cool it was to listen to cassettes. impossible today.
i remember my favourite videos was another part of me, smooth criminal and bad. especiallly, when i saw another part of me on tv, i always waited for the spins michael did. i always wondered how he did that? :blink: :D
or on bad when the part with the wind appears. and on smooth criminal the "lean". it was, no it is always so cool.

Bad is for me the best time for a Michael Jackson hardcore fan. For me the biggest Michael Jackson ever did. with an album that is 100% perfect. there is not one second on this album that i think it should be deleted.
and i dearly hope that sony and the estate dont destroy with Bad 25 this gigantic big album, tour, merchandising and HIStory. its so massive and big, so LEGEND, totally LEGEND & ICONIC.
It was only years after the actually BAD era that I learned to know the songs on the album, because first I didn't know but the song BAD and the short film.
No room in my life, that period ;).
So it was many years later before I really discovered BAD :(... But what a discovery :D! No song, no singer, no dancer in my life mooved me so deeply as Michael in Man In The Mirror!! That's my BAD number 1!
Then, no choreography, no dancer in the world could make me moove like Michael made me moove with his song and dance Bad! My number 2!
Number 3 for me is Smooth Criminal, its amazing creativeness gives me such a very pleasant feeling of joy, despite the less joyful lyrics (not unusual for Michael, joyful music combined with sad story...)
A very joyful feeling I get also from Speed Demon. :D now I think of a little kid in my fam that adores it, always asks me to put that shortfilm on (or else his mom asks me LOL)
Then I love also very much Another Part Of Me. Beauty, energy, love...
Love Michael's performances so much, saw them only on Youtube, and some on DVD, and that's it. It can be enough ;). In fact it can never be enough !
Michael, seeing him perform (also on a screen) is drinking good wine to me.
Especially BAD Michael! BAD Michael is champagne :D
(note : I absolutely drink no alcohol!)
The BAD era perfectly fits in the Michael timeline, what is not perfect in that artistic timeline... oh lord, Off The Wall, Thriller, Bad, Dangerous, History, Invincible... This Is It.
No era is lesser than an other in my opinion...
But BAD is champagne!
B.l.A.o.D.v.e. you!
WILL YOU BE THERE is my all time fave song and although it's on the Dangerous album, I still hold BAD as #1 album. Every song on the BAD album is a masterpiece imo. I remember growing up watching the BAD short film and remember my schoolmates dressing up as Michael :D

If I have to choose just one song then it's DIRTY DIANA for me. I absolutely love this song. I love the beat and the guitar and his sexy voice!! The song is sexy and yet maintains that mysterious thing that so many people associates with Billie Jean. Can listen to this over and over again. The song has nowadays also a sad meaning for me. I were at a friend's house when the news broke that MJ was in a hospital. As soon as I heard it, I rushed home in my car and immediately put this song on repeat and on volume and crying and praying the news were false...

Two other songs I adore are Liberian Girl and Smooth Criminal.
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Bad is my second favourite album after Dangerous. Dangerous is my number one partly because my favourite song, Who Is It, is on that album. But I LOVE Bad very much. My favourite song from the Bad album is Dirty Diana which is my third favourite song (second being Billie Jean). Smooth Criminal is my fourth best song and my favourite short film. The Way You Make Me Feel is in my Top 10 songs.

Bad was second album that I owned. After I got HIStory album on double cassette from my aunt for my birthday in '95 I became a fan and few months later my dad bought me Bad CD (although we didn't have CD player than). So my uncle who had CD player recorded (transfered from CD on a tape) Bad so I can listen to it at home. Bad was then my favourite album, I loved Smooth Criminal so much. Man In The Mirror too. That was before I heard Dangerous album and Who Is It (that came much later for me because there was no Dangerous album in my CD shop and there was no internet then).

Then I saw Moonwalker on TV. It was new years eve and Monnwalker was one of the big movies on TV. I taped it of course and watched it over and over again. I still have that tape. That was the first time that I saw Smooth Criminal video, I was fascinated with the lean!

Many years later when the internet era came, I watched many clips from the Bad World Tour (the best tour in my opinion) on youtube and also Yokohama on DVD. I was blown away with clips from the second leg of the tour and since then I'm waiting for that tour to be released in perfect quality. The time has finally come. The waiting will be over this year..
I wasn’t a fan in ‘87, I was 5. However I remember the Pepsi commercials, The Chase and the others. Every time those commercial were on TV I run to watch them. But I just didn’t know who he was at that time. I actually was a Beatles fan back then, because of my parents :p

That’s why I always say that I didn’t really “saw” Michael until 1991 when I watched the movie Moonwalker, which it’s from the Bad era. So my siggy shows the first image I saw from MJ, the image that captured me :)

And that was it for me; I was hypnotized from the first second of that movie and the first songs. I never came back from that state of fascination :wub: I have to say that I loved other musical acts while growing up and still today but MJ is forever number 1 for me.

Bad was my second MJ cassette, after Dangerous. My first MJ CD was Thriller though. Needless to say, that cassette was ruined from overuse. Wherever I went, in the car with my parents, at school, at my friend’s house my cassettes were with me.

It’s impossible for me to choose just one favorite song or a video from the Bad album, maybe I would choose DD or LG or Bad but I can’t leave behind SD, TWYMMF or LMA. And let’s not even mention SC, JGF, MITM, APOM and IJCSLY! lol
Nope, I can’t :D
Wow, this is a hard one. Ok here it goes. I was always a fan of Michael; however, I did divert musically for quite awhile during that time. I remember dancing to Michael's music in the early 80's at the night clubs, but then I moved into more harder edge music; you know big hair bands...LOL. But when BAD was released and I saw the video I was like Whooooa Michael! I absolutely love the entire album. All of the songs have their own special place in my heart. Liberian Girl connects with me deep in my soul. Everytime I hear the song, I feel it deeply. I love when Michael dances in Bad, especially when he does some Gene Kelly moves when they are dancing. I can't explain it, but anyone who knows Gene Kelly knows what I'm talking about. Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire are two of my favorite people. I grew up watching muscials, so when Michael created his short films, I was immediately hooked. Man in the Mirror is another one that resonates with me. Another Part of Me is another one. I love Michael also in Smooth Criminal, which is a wonderful short film. I can watch Michael dance in any one of his videos and I am constantly amazed. He is just so talented. The energy and he exudes when he is dancing is other-wordly. He makes the moves look so easy but they are not; unless of course you are dancer. I can dance, but it's been awhile. I tried to learn Thriller (very fast I might add) and I felt like I was not coordinated at all. Anyway, Michael made it look so easy. That is what practice does. I love them ALL. Although I was into Rock and Heavy Metal, I still loved Michael's music although I wasn't in tune with him as much as I am now. I wish that we can see a BAD tour release with Another Part of Me. Like someone else said, I've never seen it other then on YouTube. Although now it's on Visions DVD, which I am watching right NOW :) If I had to absolutely pick a favorite album (and it's hard), I'd say BAD and Dangerous are two of my favorites.
Bad represents my childhood memories of when I became a MJ fan for the first time. His music was my childhood soundtrack staring with this album and my earliest memories of seeing and hearing MJ for the first time. The Bad era means alot to me and that's why I can sound so passionate about it to others dismay lol and with this anniversary coming up especially. It seems like every family party we had for holiday's and such MJs music was always there growing up. Me and my siblings would watch Moonwalker over and over again when we got our hands on it.

They ended up "growing out" of being big MJ fans SMH as they told me I would...but, I never did. :) He is part of my childhood that I refuse to let go or "grow out of!" -_- I never did saw him in person and had the honor of seeing him perform in a concert but, that had no barring in my continued love for him and his music.

The BAD album is a big milestone for MJ personally and in his career aswell that make it even more special too because it was the first time he had more creative control and finally broke away from his brothers to be a real solo artist with his own solo tour and so on.
Bad represents my childhood memories of when I became a MJ fan for the first time. His music was my childhood soundtrack staring with this album and my earliest memories of seeing and hearing MJ for the first time. The Bad era means alot to me and that's why I can sound so passionate about it to others dismay lol and with this anniversary coming up especially. It seems like every family party we had for holiday's and such MJs music was always there growing up. Me and my siblings would watch Moonwalker over and over again when we got our hands on it.

They ended up "growing out" of being big MJ fans SMH as they told me I would...but, I never did. :) He is part of my childhood that I refuse to let go or "grow out of!" -_- I never did saw him in person and had the honor of seeing him perform in a concert but, that had no barring in my continued love for him and his music.

The BAD album is a big milestone for MJ personally and in his career aswell that make it even more special too because it was the first time he had more creative control and finally broke away from his brothers to be a real solo artist with his own solo tour and so on.

You and I are on the same page. It looks like you're telling my story. :) Nice to know how much our childhood soundtrack is alike.
I think the Bad era was Michael Mania at it's best, I was 14 years old and remember it well.
Almost every teen pop magazine would have Michael on the front cover most weeks, everyone at school was talking about him ( Or Bros :lol: ) but yeah avery special time for me as a fan...

and.. YES! I went to the bad concert. Wembley stadium!! First time seeing the magic that is Mr Michael Joseph Jackson on stage! :wild: :wub: :heat: hehe!!

Favourite song, Man in the mirror. Favourite video, Smooth Criminal without a doubt.. best music video ever made!


Bad was the first album I picked for myself!

I was about 10-11 years old when I first heard it. The son of a friend of my dad left the the Bad tape in my dad's car. My dad put it in the player and I was blown away right away. I liked it so much. I could listen to the whole album again and again without getting bored because the songs were of various styles and all exciting. So my dad copied it for me and that was the beginning of my journey. I discovered his videos and got blown away even more. And of course, I fell in love too. :blush:

I think Smooth Criminal is the best video ever made.

As for songs, it's hard to pick as I love the whole album from start to finish. It's such a fun album.
I think the Bad era was Michael Mania at it's best, I was 14 years old and remember it well.
Almost every teen pop magazine would have Michael on the front cover most weeks, everyone at school was talking about him ( Or Bros :lol: ) but yeah avery special time for me as a fan...

Haha! So true! My class was divided between us MJ fans and Bros fans and there were always arguments between the two groups.
Needles to say who had the better taste.

(Sorry for this. :rollin: )

Bad was my favourite album ever. I love all the songs on there. I love Bad era and Bad Tour.
BAD has indeed a special place in my heart... I was 15 when it came out... It's embedded in my teen hood I would say... I got the album from my mum and I drove her crazy with it... Whenever, I was HOME BAD 'screamed' through the house... I think I even broke my record player with it as all I ever listened to was BAD :tease:

I know, I always :cry: when I heard "I just can't stop loving you" I had a major crush on Michael and silly me, couldn't understand WHY I couldn't live with him :doh:

I was so over the moon though when the BAD tour started and I assured mum I wanted to go see if Michael came to Belgium as I grew up so 'over protected' that even a friend and her dad had to 'escort' and 'care' for us or else it was 'girl, you're staying home'...
I remember seeing the BAD tour concert on top of the red cooler box... I was 16 okay but still a 'little' girl in height so...

We saw a look a like on the seats further away from the stage and I refused to go with my friend, in case Michael came and I would miss him... I kept my glance 'fixed' on the stage...

I loved the part where Michael 'scared' the camera man during Beat it... He went from the HUGE face on the jumbotrons... to a tiny figure... My eyes were really glowing...

This was a HEAVENLY and BLESSED time for me... I had a BEST friend, also a fan, and we had so much fun the 'Michael' way with pillow fights and water battles... Sadly, our friendship 'ended' as I had to move school and she lives in Scotland now :( I still MISS her but will always remember the 'fun' times we had...

BAD was exactly the 'pinnacle' in my 'Fandom'... It was a time that I thought would LAST forever... In July, there was a 'star contest' and my BEST friend and I 'enrolled' as Michael Jackson and Dirty Diana... That was so much fun... I was all dressed up like Michael... My mum made me costume and I had my hair curled and cut like Michael :D and my friend was dressed in a way too short skirt and a red wig... We did win 4th place...

People ask WHY I'm NOT married... YET, then... I chose for Michael as I ditched a 'boyfriend' crazy for me because Michael met him and said "He's not her type" :doh:

Later, I found out that he was exactly part of a 'street gang' in the Bronx, NY...
So, I guess... Michael was 'protecting' me...

My fave songs are of course BAD, SMOOTH CRIMINAL and of course, DIRTY DIANA...

Ah, The good ole' days hey...
I love Man In The Mirror! It's my favorite song :D The Grammy performance is just outstanding! :punk: :D

Everywhere I went I would here a song playing from the BAD album.
I thought, and still do think, that it's one of MJ's best works. I love EVERY song on it.
Insane! :D
Bad truly is a masterpiece of an album. IMO, superior to Off The Wall and Thriller, Michael takes the reigns and delivers a brilliant album that feels very much Michael. Writing 9 out of the 11 songs on the LP, to me, their is simply no "filler" on this album. Even while songs such as Speed Demon and Just Good Friends seem to not be so popular amongst the fans, I feel their underrated gems. Bad is my third favorite Michael Jackson album, behind Dangerous and HIStory respectively. One of the greatest albums of all time, that deserves to be appreciated with an album rerelease, and even more importantly, a much needed Bad Tour Release, specifically the second leg!
I love Man In The Mirror! It's my favorite song :D The Grammy performance is just outstanding! :punk: :D

Maybe we should ask the Grammy's to reply this performance at their next telecast. It will be the 25th anniversary & MJ's last performance at the award show.
I am 35 years old and I remember having really lived the incredible Jackson fever at the top during the bad era, I was young and careless, I got up in the morning with MJ and went to my bed the evening under my bad tour posters, I saw MJ several times in concert for dangerous and history tours in France and others countrys ,but has my biggest regret never for bad tour because my parents thought that I was too young!!
I think that in the day I'm going to look at the bad tour DVD I'm going to have tears of joy.
BAD is the era that made me a truly huge MJ fan. My brother was the one that got me into him when he was so excited about IJCSLY on the radio. I heard that song, and I just fell in LOVE! Then I bought the album, and I remember just closing my eyes and being transported into total HEAVEN!! Wow, song after song was more amazing than the last one. I was hooked and mesmerized at the same time. His magic was all over. Then, I gave the BAD album to my little nephew and he fell in LOVE with it too! We were crazy MJ fans, lol. It was the greatest three years from 87 to 89. I am so lucky and blessed to have experienced every bit of it! I remember the MITM Grammy performance, it gave me goosebumps, OMG I knew this was a performance of a lifetime and totally believed without any doubts that that is one of the reasons HE IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE GREATEST ENTERTAINER OF ALL TIME!!

I also remember, the California Raisins which came out around tht era, even Garfield had a greeting card dressed like BAD, buckles and all, lol. The performance he did for Sammy Davis, Jr, the Pepsi commercials, all his videos, me calling radio stations and requesting all the songs. I could go on and on. What great, great memories. I thank Michael for such wonderful, magical memories. The greatest Michael era ever!