The 911 tape

Very strange indeed, especially since he's supposed to be a cardiologist, a heart specialist.
Just went and heard it. :( he was already dead when the 911 call was made, then? They paramedics must've been able somehow to get his heart beating again when they got there...hence reports of him being in a coma at the hospital. Imma take a wild guess and say the last thing that doctor wanted to do was make that 911 call and say MJ was dead...which is why the caller simply said Michael wasn't responding to anything. No heartbeat and no breathing = deceased, but he didnt' want to say it.

I think the idea that paramedics got there possibly got his heart started again could mean Michael was trying to fight his way back...just couldn't hold on, maybe. :cry: I know this is sad, but the more I know I feel more closure. It's the not knowing what the hell happened here that's hardest.
I know everyone reacts differently but for me hearing this is actually of help
I am glad to know that when this call was made his soul was already gone and that he was at home
I would feel a lot worse if there had been a fight and god knows what going on for hours and hours hours..
I think "brutality" of this recording and that photo actually helps to accept what me at least
I'd like voice my opinion and say that when i saw the clip of the ambulance reversing out of the gates.I noticed the slowness it was revesrsing.Now if he was still alive at that point SURELY 1) it woulda reversed much more quickly..but also why reverse at all? Surely to save time it should been facing the other way! It leads me to believe he was dead upon their arrival.But that is just going by the reversing thing.I am more concerned about the seeming calmness and relaxed mood of the doctor making the call.No panic.This may suggest he knew he had passed on, but I Sadly feel there is more to this.

NO WAY IN HELL DID MICHAEL WANA LEAVE THE EARTH AT ANY POINT IN HIS LIFE..LET ALONE AT THAT TIME WITH HIS FAMILY KIDS AND CONCERT..I AM VERY VERY WORRIIED ABOUT ALL THIS.but i guess now is not the time..we must wait and celebrate what he did it 45 years of his life in our privaledged view.From his audition to motown to his performance at the world music award which was anything but a shambles as the media say it was.

Chilling. Simply Chilling.

I just heard this on tv without even trying. Was listening to music and I look over and it said something about a tape so I turned the volume up.

I'm not sure how to react to this its sad. I must say that I have learned a lot of peoples' true colors throughout the past 24hrs. And its sickening.
Just went and heard it. :( he was already dead when the 911 call was made, then? They paramedics must've been able somehow to get his heart beating again when they got there...hence reports of him being in a coma at the hospital. Imma take a wild guess and say the last thing that doctor wanted to do was make that 911 call and say MJ was dead...which is why the caller simply said Michael wasn't responding to anything. No heartbeat and no breathing = deceased, but he didnt' want to say it.

I think the idea that paramedics got there possibly got his heart started again could mean Michael was trying to fight his way back...just couldn't hold on, maybe. :cry: I know this is sad, but the more I know I feel more closure. It's the not knowing what the hell happened here that's hardest.

Sky News just said that he was dead when the ambulance arrived but Michael's doctor insisted he be taken to hospital so they could try other methods of resuscitasion (sp?). They also said that large amounts of prescription drugs had been seized from Michael's house. Very fishy....
Jesus. I don't know what to say. This just chocks me. I'm angry, confused... just another add to the numerous of feelings I'm feeling right now. I seriously don't think this many feelings should be inside one body. WOULD THIS JUST STOP?! I WANT IT TO STOP. I WANT MICHAEL BACK.
CNN just reported the coroner said "no sign of foul play," meaning no outward signs of trauma on his body.