thanks you note from MJ when he stayed in sorrento in 2006

I love how he signed all his notes with "Michael Jackson and family" Such a proud father he was... I love it. It's so great that he had his family. It makes me so happy to think about it.... I am glad he had that in his life.
That's so cute- thanks for sharing
This really made me smile. It always amazes me how humble he actually was. We could all learn a lot from this wonderful human being.
Thank you for posting Elusive :)
How lovely, thank you for posting Elusive. I'm going to save this to my computer.

Seriously, he is the biggest star on the PLANET and yet he still wrote little thank you notes and was so thoughtful and pleasant. I'd like to see even a quarter of these celebs do something like that now.

Such a great find, thanks for posting. The one thing that I can't work out is the "Julie love love love".. Does it actually say Julie or is it something else?? Lol.