Thank you Gaz

Thank you so much. This is a place I go to when I'm sad - for whatever reason, not just about Michael - and want to find something to smile about. Hope for many many more years here.
Thanks to all the staff, Gaz, and all the members. i know i haven't been here long, but i can honestly state that along with the BJFS, another community which i'm also a member of, i have never encountered more generous, and giving individuals. most people @ other forums can be snotty and tend to judge you by the number of posts you've made or when you've signed up, regardless of how long you have been a fan. So thank you!!!
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Thanks Gaz and all MJJC Staff!
ahhh... What a gorgeous thread... idd... Thank you Gaz... and all the MJJC staff/ team
"You're the fire that keeps me (us) warm... You're the one that keeps me (us) strong"

Always believe in yourself...
I haven't been here beyond being a guest lately but all the same, this place is what got me through Michael's passing. Thank's Gaz and the people who support MJJC. L.O.V.E.
Tank you Gaz and staff for creating and keeping this place organised and friendly to us.