Teddy Riley Speaks on Mike and Unreleased tracks

Thanks for posting A.Sizzle! I hope we can get to hear as many tracks as possible. I don't care if it's finished or not. We got gems from unfinished tracks like In the Back, Fall Again, etc. If an unfinished song is great, then it doesn't matter if it's completed or not. I just want whatever they worked on together.
^ There are several completed tracks the two worked on but never made the final cut. One from the Dangerous sessions, two or three from HIStory, and two or three from Invincible. There is also another finished track from recent years. All other material is unfinished from what I'm told. If you include unfinished material, there are over 15 songs that are still out there just from Riley and Jackson. There is a very high chance that one of the Riley songs will make the new album, as well as a Rodney Jerkins song as I said before.
Sounds like you're an insider. Thanx for the info. Since there ain't as many finished tracks as expected, that makes me pray harder that all the unfinished ones see the light of day as well.
I also too wondered why people were worried about whether songs were complete or not as Michael chose the unreleased tracks on TUC which were unfinished.

I hope we get as many songs as possible.

I also hope Sony/Estate doesnt make the mistake of only picking finished songs first because eventually the unfinished songs will be released (because there is $$$ in it) and Id hate later compilation albums of unreleased material to only be unfinished tracks as the album will sounds weak.

This first album to come out I hope is mainly the tracks Michael was already working on for his next album. Then release earlier unreleased material later.

It will be sad that the tracklist of songs on any future albums will be the first time that Michael hasnt selected the tracklist.
There are bound to be quite a few levels of songs ranging from finished, almost finished, not quite finished etc. When I have played friends MJ's demos they don't even realise that these are unfinished songs. But that's Michael for you, ever the perfectionist! It'll be interesting to see what songs to appear. Obviously we have Another Day confirmed but who knows about the others. Just wish Michael was here in the studio finalising and selecting these songs.
I said it many times and I say it again, WE NEED THE WILL I AM TRACKS!!!!
because these are modern songs...