Taj Jackson's MJ Documentary - Updates and Discussion [MERGED]

It's really not bad or good. This isn't that important?

At least now that it's up, they can do more with it. Hopefully not at the cost of "creating" the documentary.
The website is not the finished project or the fruits of tajs labor. It's just a website and he's already said it's not finished and things will be added. He never said the website would do what you all are complaining it's not doing.

As usual people are attacking a strawman. It's getting old.

And please stop bringing up the $5 you donated like you made some huge contribution.

I myself donated $200 and I doubt any of you donated that much so please stop acting like The Gofundme took your rent money away,
Try being a little nicer in your replies to other posters instead of this constant passive aggressive approach please.

5 years later and the only thing to show is a cheap looking website. Nobody is interested in this project and I'm certain it will never see the light of day sadly.

You donated $200? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ fool.
It's really not bad or good. This isn't that important?

At least now that it's up, they can do more with it. Hopefully not at the cost of "creating" the documentary.
Taj has never had a chance against the media powers that be. It was silly to ever put your trust in, your funds, in him. People were so desperate 5 years ago they gave up hope to this.
The various reasons for delays and lack of updates has been elaborated upon by Taj in the past and have made good sense.
Many people are involved in this project who have been deeply committed to the truth since long before, and have a deep urge for the world (and the fans!) to know about their close friend and family member in ways probably no other project than this could achieve.
Work made out of love should have no deadline imo.

Everyone's free to express their feelings but there's no sense in belittling anyone's efforts or hopes. We don't know who's watching this thread. I'm sure there are also many who are happy to see the community divided by things like this. It can sometimes seem like a coordinated effort. I know the mood in this thread is not representative of all MJ fans.

I don't blame anyone in particular. I blame what society and the internet has made of us since Michael passed. When the tone of posters is jaded it becomes harder to build constructive moods without constant pushback. It's worth it though, in the long run. Always.
don't blame anyone in particular. I blame what society and the internet has made of us since Michael passed
I think basically people are sick and tired of people trying to cash in on Michael's name. With what he went through, people would think that regardless of whether he died or not.

So with that as the starting point, then you add in a family member with a begging website, who talks up a project nobody asked for, and then doesn't deliver, it's easy to see why people think the way they do.
Serious question, other than the hardcore fans who will this documentary actually appeal to?

There is literally zero interest in a rebuttal documentary (and other topics) for a a show that was released in 2019.

It sounds boring as hell and a no mark if it's released independently. Unfortunately it's just another in a long list of failed projects by the family.
The various reasons for delays and lack of updates has been elaborated upon by Taj in the past and have made good sense.
Many people are involved in this project who have been deeply committed to the truth since long before, and have a deep urge for the world (and the fans!) to know about their close friend and family member in ways probably no other project than this could achieve.
Work made out of love should have no deadline imo.

Everyone's free to express their feelings but there's no sense in belittling anyone's efforts or hopes. We don't know who's watching this thread. I'm sure there are also many who are happy to see the community divided by things like this. It can sometimes seem like a coordinated effort. I know the mood in this thread is not representative of all MJ fans.

I don't blame anyone in particular. I blame what society and the internet has made of us since Michael passed. When the tone of posters is jaded it becomes harder to build constructive moods without constant pushback. It's worth it though, in the long run. Always.
Mj has some of the strangest "fans" especially on this site, it's all doom and gloom predictions from some of them. Nothing is ever positive. And their responses when it comes to the allegations are the most disturbing at all. It seems like some of them don't want Michael to be vindicated and they belittle every effort or hope that he will be.
There is literally zero interest in a rebuttal documentary (and other topics) for a a show that was released in 2019.
It's been so long that people have forgotten there was even anything happening in 2019. Even back in 2019 people weren't aware of anything happening. If I wasn't an MJ fan, 100% guaranteed I would not even know what people were talking about.

Not only that, but rebuttal documentaries are just plain juvenile.

Mj has some of the strangest "fans" especially on this site, it's all doom and gloom predictions from some of them. Nothing is ever positive.
And you know what? It doesn't matter. It doesn't need to be. I don't care what other people think.

I know what music I like, so I listen to it. If other people like or don't like an artist, it's up to them. They can listen to what they like. It doesn't affect me.

Just because a stranger on the internet doesn't like MJ that doesn't make him any less of an artist, and it doesn't mean you can't like him. It would be a sad world if we all liked the same stuff, that's why I couldn't care less about others.

Just as I would not accept somebody else trying to force their opinions on me, so I cannot and must not force my opinions on others.
It's been so long that people have forgotten there was even anything happening in 2019. Even back in 2019 people weren't aware of anything happening. If I wasn't an MJ fan, 100% guaranteed I would not even know what people were talking about.

Not only that, but rebuttal documentaries are just plain juvenile.

With Leaving Neverland Part 2 coming out soon and Part 3 in the making even the people who has not been bashing MJ since 2019 could very well be made aware of it. Dont forget there will be a couple of months trial possible with an aprox 50% risk that MJ (his companies) will be found guilty and the 2019 LN movie stars handed a 100$ million each reward for it! If that happens, you better be sure that everyone will be aware of the allegations.

Not to even mention the biopic which will be dissected by the media and the allegations brought back up again 1000s of times.

Tajs project has never been a response to Leaving Neverland only, its against all accusations which the public certainly have been aware of for the last 30 years.

A rebuttal project against the accusations should have been made 25 years ago and the again after 2005, and its certainly not juvenile at all.
Serious question, other than the hardcore fans who will this documentary actually appeal to?

There is literally zero interest in a rebuttal documentary (and other topics) for a a show that was released in 2019.

It sounds boring as hell and a no mark if it's released independently. Unfortunately it's just another in a long list of failed projects by the family.
I also think that even if the project ended up getting released, it seems so low budget, Ill organised and badly promoted that I'm afraid it will barely have any reach outside of the fan community.
I really don't think a platform such as Netflix, Max or Prime would stream it, and that's really what this documentary would need if it's aim is to change the public opinion about Michael's allegations but without the backing of the estate and/or a legit production team behind it I don't really see it going so well.
With Leaving Neverland Part 2 coming out soon and Part 3 in the making
Again, nobody was really aware of Leaving Neverland "part 1". It's a nothing. It went straight to TV and was quickly buried the next day.

The fact there's a second part just proves it's just fodder to give kids something to talk about in the playground. It's not a serious thing.

Dont forget there will be a couple of months trial
You... um... I don't know how to tell you this, but... er... Michael Jackson is dead. There literally can't be a trial. By definition.

possible with an aprox 50% risk that MJ (his companies) will be found guilty
His companies?! Why would I care about those? It doesn't matter if some billionaires have to give some money to whoever this is.

It's nothing to do with Michael Jackson.

the 2019 LN movie stars handed a 100$ million each reward for it!
It's just stupid Americans making a mockery of their broken legal system. It doesn't affect anybody else.

You can't change how things are. If you're embarrassed by it, just leave the country.

A rebuttal project against the accusations should have been made 25 years ago and the again after 2005, and its certainly not juvenile at all.
Mature adults don't concern themselves with this nonsense. I mentioned the schoolyard just then...
Well good for them.

I'm blessed to have a JOB so I'll be just fine if the $200 I donated 5 years ago gets wasted.

Life goes on.

And If Taj does deliver something spectacular I'll be able to proudly say I helped bring it about instead of just sitting on my ass, whining and complaining on the internet.

So I don't have a single regret. I did it for Michael, not myself.

And If Taj does deliver, those of you who have been whining non stop better not try to switch up and pretend like you've been supportive all along when you were not.
IĀ“m sorry, but your post does sound very arrogant. :oops::oops::oops:
You... um... I don't know how to tell you this, but... er... Michael Jackson is dead. There literally can't be a trial. By definition.
The civil lawsuit brought by WR and JS is indeed a trial. The burden of proof is lower than that needed in a criminal trial and it's Michael's companies that are on trial, not him. But it is a trial and the media absolutely will treat it as if it's Michael on trial.
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The civil lawsuit brought by WR and JS is indeed a trial. The burden of proof is lower than that needed in a criminal trial and it's Michael's companies that are on trial, not him. But it is a trial and the media absolutely will treat it as if it's Michael on trial.
Of course they will, goes without saying
Where are you all finding the time and energy to be concerned with this bullshit? It really has zero impact on any of us.

MJ is legally innocent, and that can never change. And it's not like the lawyers are gonna come to your house and take away all your CDs.

The civil lawsuit brought by WR and JS is indeed a trial.
Like, I could take Julius Caesar to court if I wanted to. But don't you see that this would be incredibly frivolous, and would make me absolutely crazy?!

But it is a trial and the media absolutely will treat it as if it's Michael on trial.
Aren't we always telling each other the media is a waste of time and that it doesn't matter?

But now it does?! We didn't mean what we've been saying for all these years??
It's great that Brett Barnes joins in though.. However I believe one of the few things that could properly counter LN and the rest of the bs, is a documentary featuring all the kids who were in the same situation (or even closer to MJ) as Robson and Safechuck defending MJ. That would have a big impact imo