Sweet Q&A with Kenny (Variety)

What a loving video, unfortunately Dirty Diana didn't make to the stage.
Michael says " 'I want to work with you' and I didn't ask him why; I just thought , 'Yes!'. That's the way it always was for :23 years when Michael called. I just said yes first and then figured out how to make that happen."

Kenny is a smart man, lol :)

It's quite something that Michael was able to repeat the spontaneous performance. A lot of people wouldn't be able to do that because it's spontaneous. It shows how focused he was. Thanks for posting
Michael was dancing , chatting , eating his chicken and having alot of fun during This Is It ... i do not think he was under any stress or pressure ... every one in that team are kind and sweet. he was more than ready to be in London with his fans.
This is so beautiful! I love it, wonderful memories.. and I love Kenny, such a sweet person.