Sweet Q&A with Kenny (Variety)

Thanks for posting this! Kenny's so sweet! It brings tears to my eyes again... :cry:

Yeah,...everything that you said. I'm becoming a big Kenny fan because of his relationship with MJ.
That was brilliant.

God I wish I could have been the other person to see the dance...
Cool! Thank you! As I remember I had some doubts about K.O. when some speculations surfaced, now I have zero doubts, he is a great guy!
that was beautiful
Kenny always has the most amazing stories
you can see he loved and was in awe of Michael's talent
''He was singing, warming up and having a piece of Chicken'' PMSL
"One day there was a telephone call at my house back in the '80s and my goddaughter, who was like 13, answered the telephone and she screamed across the house and said, 'Uncle Kenny, some jerk says it's Michael Jackson on the phone'.

And, at that point people had called me at my phone, professionals had called me at my home so I jumped and got the phone and said, 'Hello'. And, it was this voice on the other end said, 'Kenny'; and, I said 'Michael I am so sorry, you know, it was my goddaughter and she's innocent.' And, he said, 'Don't worry about it. No one ever thinks it's me. It happens to me all the time.' He said,. 'I want to work with you' and I didn't ask him why; I just thought , 'Yes!'. That's the way it always was for 23 years when Michael called. I just said yes first and then figured out how to make that happen.

(Interviewer) Do you have a personal memory of him that you want to share?

(Kenny) There were so many things, so many times I wish there were cameras rolling. Mike enjoyed his privacy. Our one on one time was sacred. He woulsd say, 'This is my favorite time of the day.' We'd be in the dressing room at the Staples or Forum and we'd just hang out. There'd be a big bowl of fruit in front of us and we'd eat and talk and laugh and sing and tell stories together. Those were the moments I'll treasure for the rest of my life.

Michael would improvise. One day we were in a ballet studio with the door closed and it was just the two of us. And, we were stretching and he was doing ballet and singing and warming up. he was having a piece of chicken and suddenly he just started to sing a song from Porgy and Bess and he started to do an improvisational choreography. And, I froze and could not move. And, remember tears streaming down my face and thinking I'm the only one in the world that's watching this and it's the most incredible thing I've ever seen. This guy is extraordinary.

And, after it was over I said Michael I'm gonna run out and get one more person and your gonna do that again because I cannot live the rest of my life holding on to this moment by myself. So, I got Travis the choreographer. I ran out and grabbed him and I was like, 'Get back in here and he came in and Michael did it again for us. And, you know, it's something you would never see on stage and, you know, it just remiinded me of his pure genious. he was just so plugged in.

Cont. Below....
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The day Michael died, that particular day, we were getting ready to rehearse Dirty Diana which involved an enormous illusion that the Copperfields worked with us on. Michael loved magic, loved illusion, and he always had it in his live shows. And, he was super, super excited that that ele4ment had arrived at the Staples center and that we were going to begin rehearsals. That morning we were all getting ready. W were having the technical rehearsals. We had, you know, Michael was there. The illusion builders were there, the dancers were there, our assistant was standing in for Michael. We were getting it all ready when phones started going off all over the arena. It was like being cold cocked; you know that expression. Just like, I just felt like I got run over. And, when I looked around I saw people falling to their knees and collapsing and it was like the biggest surprise.

This was his adventure. We were part of his team. He was the principle architect and we were the builders. The end of every journey with Michael I always ended up some place I'd never been before. It was always awesome. I always felt better about myself as an artist and as a person.
I had goose bumps the entire video. Michael is such a genius, he's such a remarkable individual. I just can't explain how I feel to see his rehearsals on the stage.

I haven't watched This Is It yet because I haven't really had the courage to go so this is all new to me. Kenny and Michael would of made an remarkable team. This Is It would of blown people's socks off.

God bless you, Michael and Kenny.

oh god. when he recalls the 25th june. it just makes me cry EVERY TIME. I mean it was the biggest shock in the entire world. I still can't believe it happened. we all had so much ahead of us and Michael seemed to be really excited. God why did he have to GO?! will the pain ever go? :cry: WHY michael! OMG.
oh god. when he recalls the 25th june. it just makes me cry EVERY TIME. I mean it was the biggest shock in the entire world. I still can't believe it happened. we all had so much ahead of us and Michael seemed to be really excited. God why did he have to GO?! will the pain ever go? :cry: WHY michael! OMG.

I know, it's so incredibly painful. Feels like I'm stuck in a nightmare ever since it happened. Somehow, we have to move on and stay strong. But it's really really difficult...
Thanks for posting! I've never seen this before. It's very bittersweet.. the more footage I see of Michael, the more I wish he was still here. :weeping:
Unfortunately, I feel the same exact way as you do. That's why I didn't watch This Is It, I don't think I'm capable of taking that much in at once. It's hard, Billie Jean. I completely understand how you feel.

:cry: OMG, Michael, you were such an amazing person, and Kenny, thank you for sharing your incredible memories with us...
Crying.. thanks for writing out the words I can't watch the video just yet. I'm so so glad Michael was blessed by having a good man beside him in Kenny. It's just amazing what that man must have witnessed and he knew it too...
I really like when Kenny, Travis etc have these stories to tell. It makes me miss Michael more. What is Porgy and Bess?
It was a black musical. I think Dorothy Dandridge was in it. It was really popular.