Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Anti-Gay Church

Well, it's not believing, in my case. There's scientific evidence to back up my claims, and evidence in the animal world which supports homosexuality being genetic and thus not a choice. In your case, it is believing, because you're supporting your views with religious text and not secular evidence. As for homsexuality's harms, it's not any more or less harmful than heterosexual relationships. How is it harmful, in your opinion?

The Westboro Baptist Church were technically following the law. They were protesting in a public place, about a thousand feet away from where the funeral took place--which is why they can't be prosecuted. They're despicable, but they know their law, and they are technically in the right here. Had they been at the funeral, it would have been an entirely different issue.

Actually what I think is not just based on religious books. I VERY much think that secular sources should be used as well. (But this is because I am from the debate team and think you should have multiple sourcesd from multiple sources to prove a point for it to be sound.) And in the scientific world there is tons of evidence to suggest that it is not common or genetically natural. But Mikage that starts to go so far off topic, I don't even want to start with that. Especially since I don't want to want to seem to pushy with what I belive. We can agree to disagree.

That church was technically following the law, but that still does not mean it is morally correct. I am just saying I think it was wrong. But tehre are so many laws that I think are wrong, but I don't matter in the grand scheme of things.

Edit: Linda, I did not think you were an atheist. I apologize if my post came off that way. Religion is very varied. There are many opinions about God and the Bible. A lot of skepticism has been bred by hypocritical religious leaders who were supposed to uphold and live in harmony with Biblical teachings. But, who only used it as a means to oppress and advance financially. So many have been exposed to this, it is no wonder that many question religion now. So when someone says something contrary to what I think or question the Bible, I don't necessarily assume they are athiest.

And, I agree. It may be best to agree to disagree here. No love lost.
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Lol is these people came to england they would get hammered, No offence america you lot are cool and all but i think english people are more violent, So i'd love them to come over here i'd be first to kick their head in
Edit: Linda, I did not think you were an atheist. I apologize if my post came off that way. Religion is very varied. There are many opinions about God and the Bible. A lot of skepticism has been bred by hypocritical religious leaders who were supposed to uphold and live in harmony with Biblical teachings. But, who only used it as a means to oppress and advance financially. So many have been exposed to this, it is no wander that many question religion now. So when someone says something contrary to what I think or question the Bible, I don't necessarily assume they are athiest.

And, I agree. It may be best to agree to disagree here. No love lost.

Thanks :) I understand what you mean about people questioning religion. I am agnostic myself so I consider the existence of a deity to be possible (or not) even if we as humans can't comprehend it, but my parents and siblings are all convinced atheists so I constantly have to defend my position. I can imagine it's even harder for religious people lol.
Lol is these people came to england they would get hammered, No offence america you lot are cool and all but i think english people are more violent, So i'd love them to come over here i'd be first to kick their head in

lol agree!!^^ iv got english blood in me so i would be right there with ya! they discust me and just full of hate and evil. what they do is wrong. my personaly think that a way to stop them from going to funerals would be to just not make the death of a soilder public. basicaly the media shouldnt annouce it at all and just inform the family of the fallen soilder and that way those a**holes cant go to the funeral and dementstrate their hate and speech. a city in my state banned them from getting anywhere near milatary funerals. they have to be like 100 feet away or something like that. ive got 3 causins in the milatary as stated in my last post in this thread and if god forbid one of them dies while fighting i would be furouis to see these assholes anywhere near my family and their grieve while burying a loved one. its not right and it shouldnt makes me sick. Im on the side of the LGTB community (lesbian, gay, transgender, and bisexual) they dont hurt anyone and their lifestyle is not a choice nor is it easy for them. so my heart goes out to them when they have to deal with crap like this.
Why does a person have to be homophobic just because they do not accept homosexuality?
i would say being homophobic is when u carry out discriminatroy actions based on your belief. thats different to not agreeing with homosexuality. interms of having a belief but not putting it into actions. someone may not agree with homosexuality but they might say they would never directly discriminate agaisnt someone because of it.

anyway back to the crazies.

ohn Galliano is British, that's the difference. Hate speech is illegal in most European countries, fortunately. I'm all for freedom of speech, but there are limits. When you abuse your right to free speech to spread hatred, racism or other ideas that violate fundamental rights, you have crossed the line and the state/judiciary should give a strong signal that these ideas are NOT okay. Americans seem to be brainwashed with the idea that "freedom of speech" is the highest good and superceeds other fundamental rights (such as the right not to be discriminated based on religion, gender, sexuality or race). By allowing people to spread their repulsive ideas, you give them legitimacy. If people really believe their own disgusting theories, fine. But keep them to yourself or discuss them in a closed environment with like-minded people. Like a church.
thats the problem when u have country thats laws dont evolve. u cant use laws that were created hundreds of years ago and relate them to modern times. things change and evolve.but the country doesnt seem to have the capacity to grasp that notion and change.

Lol is these people came to england they would get hammered, No offence america you lot are cool and all but i think english people are more violent, So i'd love them to come over here i'd be first to kick their head in
they wouldnt even be allowed in the country. like with farakan etc.
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lol agree!!^^ iv got english blood in me so i would be right there with ya! they discust me and just full of hate and evil. what they do is wrong. my personaly think that a way to stop them from going to funerals would be to just not make the death of a soilder public. basicaly the media shouldnt annouce it at all and just inform the family of the fallen soilder and that way those a**holes cant go to the funeral and dementstrate their hate and speech. a city in my state banned them from getting anywhere near milatary funerals. they have to be like 100 feet away or something like that. ive got 3 causins in the milatary as stated in my last post in this thread and if god forbid one of them dies while fighting i would be furouis to see these assholes anywhere near my family and their grieve while burying a loved one. its not right and it shouldnt makes me sick. Im on the side of the LGTB community (lesbian, gay, transgender, and bisexual) they dont hurt anyone and their lifestyle is not a choice nor is it easy for them. so my heart goes out to them when they have to deal with crap like this.

I totally agree with you. Especially since just like you I happen to have English blood in me as well as Irish and Scottish blood.

This so called church just totally sickens and angers me by what they do. I was brought up as a Brethren or a German Baptist. And in my German Baptist religion I was taught that God and Jesus was all about L.O.V.E. not hate. And what they are doing I think is wrong and just plain horrible. And they are definitely not good Christian people to be doing this. Especially to protest at someone's funeral is just beyond wrong and horrible. I just feel so bad and my heart definitely goes out to these families that had to deal with them. To me that is the last thing in the world they should have to deal with. Especially when they are trying to say their fianal goodbyes to a family member.
yeah. insiting racial hatred i believe it came under. think he wanted to give some speech.
I totally agree with you. Especially since just like you I happen to have English blood in me as well as Irish and Scottish blood.

This so called church just totally sickens and angers me by what they do. I was brought up as a Brethren or a German Baptist. And in my German Baptist religion I was taught that God and Jesus was all about L.O.V.E. not hate. And what they are doing I think is wrong and just plain horrible. And they are definitely not good Christian people to be doing this. Especially to protest at someone's funeral is just beyond wrong and horrible. I just feel so bad and my heart definitely goes out to these families that had to deal with them. To me that is the last thing in the world they should have to deal with. Especially when they are trying to say their fianal goodbyes to a family member.

thanks and thats great! my english blood comes from my mom's side. both her parents are English and she has family in England that i have never met.ive got a little irish in me also. and german i believe. at least thats what i was told. and i couldnt agree more that these poor families should not have to deal with these a**holes while trying to say good bye to a loved one. its not right.
thanks and thats great! my english blood comes from my mom's side. both her parents are English and she has family in England that i have never met.ive got a little irish in me also. and german i believe. at least thats what i was told. and i couldnt agree more that these poor families should not have to deal with these a**holes while trying to say good bye to a loved one. its not right.

That's awesome my mother's mother is of English, Irish, and Scottish heritage. My mother's father is of mostly or is all German descent. And my father is half Russian and half Polish. That's what I was told by him a very long time ago. So I am a mixture of all of those countries. Though I always did consider myself mostly Russian and Polish. I am only like 6% Irish, English, and Scottish. And I am at least 25% German. And I am glad that you agree with me. It really is not right for them to be doing something like that. It really makes you wonder what God must think of these horrible people.
That's enough. This is a subject with very different view points and all need to be respected, whether you believe in homosexuality or not. I know a variety of people with differing opinions on this, we all believe different things but we need to respect each other here.
That's awesome my mother's mother is of English, Irish, and Scottish heritage. My mother's father is of mostly or is all German descent. And my father is half Russian and half Polish. That's what I was told by him a very long time ago. So I am a mixture of all of those countries. Though I always did consider myself mostly Russian and Polish. I am only like 6% Irish, English, and Scottish. And I am at least 25% German. And I am glad that you agree with me. It really is not right for them to be doing something like that. It really makes you wonder what God must think of these horrible people.

awesome :)
yeah i wonder what God does think of them. i think he must not very happy about them using his name to spread such hate. theres a way to spread a message and theres a way not to spread a message and if they are so anti-gay then they can do it a manner that doesnt have to envolve funerals and their discusting ways of thinking. i cant stand what these ppl stand for and for them to pick such places to spread their message is just offensive and disrepectful towards the families, the LGBT community and American in general. its bc of our fighting men and women over seas that these sick ppl have their freedoms so to disrespect them like this is wrong. i just get the feeling that these ppl are gonna make the wrong ppl mad and their days will finally numbered. i hope that day comes.
There's a rule in the Bible that the very people who hide behind it's "laws" and use them to condemn others always seem to forget about... What is that golden rule?... Let's see if I can remember... What was it again?... Oh yeah! DO NOT JUDGE. It isn't our place. Only God can judge and condemn - not his sinful followers. Seems like a pretty big rule to constantly forget about or brush aside in favor of your own sinful validation. As far as I'm concerned that's the end of this discussion about whether this or that is right or wrong. Guess what? It's not our place to say so! So to everyone out there who believe whole heartedly in the Bible and it's teachings - clean the goop out of those eyes, the wax from your ears, and start reading and listening to God's word more closely! Take heed - you are NOT God and have no standing to judge and condemn others. The end. ;)
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There's a rule in the Bible that very people who hide behind it's "laws" and use them to condemn others always seem to forget about. What is that golden rule?... Let's see if I can remember. What was it again?... Oh yeah, DO NOT JUDGE. It isn't our place. Only God can judge and condemn - not his sinful followers. Seems like a pretty big rule to constantly forget about or brush aside in favor of your own sinful validation. As far as I'm concerned that's the end of this discussion about whether this or that is right or wrong. Guess what? It's not our place to say so! So to everyone out there who believe whole heartedly in the Bible and it's teachings - clean the goop out of those eyes, the wax from your ears, and start reading and listening to God's word more closely! Take heed - you are NOT God and have no standing to judge and condemn others. The end. ;)

Bottom line... I'd frame this if I could. ..
Bottom line... I'd frame this if I could. ..

Thanks! It really would end the worlds trials and tribulations if people would actually adhere to God's word. But what do we know, right? HAHA! :lol: