guy speaks

Id like to kiss Lisa Marie for what she did. I always knew she has heart still although they had their problems. I just felt the love and care. I think Lisa was actually his only real love. There wasnt any similar connection with anyone else. I mean as a lover. He only tried to love Debbie but never really did.. It was very hard for Michael to leave Lisa as a wife. Dozens and dozens of times after that he said how much he loved Lisa..
MJ lightman from This Is It -

credit for spotting it goes to ArabianGirl~AllTheTime

^ from TII?

I vaguely remember Lightman & the sunflowers. Awwwww

We love you more MJ!

great find!
Yup from TII, he had sunflowers projected onto the Lightman.

ArabianGirl~AllTheTime spotted it in the TII dvd extras.
