Sueing Wade/James or HBO


Proud Member
Feb 21, 2023
Hi guys,

I was wondering the following:

The fact that a (one sided) documentary was produced where Michael was accused in very detailed monologues, in which the accusers are proven to have lied multiple times, and this film was later distributed on a large scale and offered to the general public on television in different countries.

Also the fact that Wade and James sat down and literally wrote and made up these fake stores, filming them for a doc and even managing to spread it across the world.

The idea that this actually happend is absolutely insane to me.

How has no one, not Dan Reed in the first place, not the distributor, not the tv channels who broadcasted, checked the story before showing it to the public.

This clearly seems like defamation/libel/slander since the accusers are proven liars. Isnt it possible for the estate to sue, either Wade&James or HBO and the other networks, for defamation based on the proven lies doc?

No way these people can/should get away with this.

Are there any fans who are familair with laws for example who know if this could be possible?
The law does not protect a dead person from slander. You can't sue them for that. I really think this right needs to be changed. The Estate found a way to take action against HBO as Michael had a contract related to the Bucharest broadcast that HBO was not allowed to badmouth him and Estate argues the contract is still valid. It`s ongoing since years and Estate has managed to get it going to arbitratator, they want a a public arbitration. There was a hearing on February 6th. We don't know anything about what was said there. It may also go on private aribritatation, which is usal for this poecess. Then we will not know what is decided there.
