Subtle Difference the Media and MJ

i can kind of maybe just about (but not really) accept that Michael's legacy down the road would somehow rid itself of the massively publicised allegations and trial.

but to say the stigma has somehow already gone or even dampened down today? i think many will agree with me that whenever we try to enlighten friends, family and strangers about Michael, more often than not you'd get a shitty joke or a weird look.

also, to the OP, unfortunately most of the articles i have been reading these days still reference the case in some way and sometimes in a an unfavourable tone. i don't think there's much change, and i still look forward to the day when such public things do change for the better.
^ Yep, exactly.

No matter what, those issues will be brought up ONE way or another. It's funny that some that say (not anybody here) that Michael will be looked on in a good light get mad and bent out of shape when someone mentions the trial or money troubles.

Well what you expect, this is the MEDIA, mayne, they gonna always act a little sadiddy with someone like Michael Jackson because he's a controversial figure.
Well if the fans will nto move on from it, why ask the media and the public to do so? Anyway, why do you want to remember that someone was FALSLY accused of a crime? what does it benefit you to dwell on it? As I said, if the PUBLIC believed that MJ was guilty, there is no way in hell that the US Army would have welcomed him in japan. and no way would they have played his music on air, no way would they have an MJ day on the ex factor. The public would have never had that. That is enough for me. Why keep bringing it up?

Dear Dats,
With no disrespect intended...

So its ok for you that these people got away with a crime against Mr.Jackson?

Is it ok that the hospital were my pops passed away lied on his death certificate about what he passed away from?

The Ohio State Attorney General doesn't think...its ok..!

Its ok for you that White Collar crime bilked billions from the tax payer bringing the World markets to its knees?

Its ok that heath care administrators/workers physically/mentally abuse our elderly?

Well in my eyes it's "NOT" ok....It's "NOT" ok to sweep things under the rug and forget about them, hoping these type of crimes/injustices do not-won't happen again...

Many in society are ok with the status quo...

Social injustice are crimes that people truly underestimate...

If it were not for people like Teddy Roosevelt, Winston Churchhill, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Marian Wright Edelman, John F. Kennedy etc. we as a society would not have come as far as we have...
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And also how can anyone expect everybody to get over it? Just because it ain't as talked about now doesn't mean it wouldn't be referenced. Michael will be remembered for many complex things both positive and negative, either accept it, do something about it or be neutral.
I think it is a problem that MJ hasnt done anything "big" since the the trial.

The media are very lazy, whenever there is a reason to write about or just to mention MJ they oftenly expan the piece by adding some "common knowledge". Notices how the trial mention is nearly always at the end of the piece. As if they had a few more seconds/words to spend so, to make the time pass, they mentions things that the public already knows.
If MJ had done something "big" since the trial, like released new music, performed or even gotten married again or become a father again, then that MAY have overshadowed the trial mention.
Well, i see many bad articles about mj, just yesterday this one about parents complaing for his presence in Vegas... it was false and invented, but they still write those things, and those things will hunt him forever.
I still hope he would be let rest in peace once he will be gone, but as some people here and I said, it's up to the media also after he will be dead.

I actually really thing he is goin to be something like Maria Callas or Charlie Chaplin. he deserved to be remembered as what he is: a musical genius.
And also how can anyone expect everybody to get over it? Just because it ain't as talked about now doesn't mean it wouldn't be referenced. Michael will be remembered for many complex things both positive and negative, either accept it, do something about it or be neutral.
Well, if somebody told a lie on you and tried to embarrassed you, which is a possibitiy, i hope you would wish that people don't always bring it up everytime they talk about you. i hope you would wish people would put it at the back of their mind and move on. i think that is what Mj would want too. many things happen to peopoe throughout their lives. people put it behind them and move on. the only reason to keep it in mind is if You think the accuser is guilty.
Well, i see many bad articles about mj, just yesterday this one about parents complaing for his presence in Vegas... it was false and invented, but they still write those things, and those things will hunt him forever.
I still hope he would be let rest in peace once he will be gone, but as some people here and I said, it's up to the media also after he will be dead.

I actually really thing he is goin to be something like Maria Callas or Charlie Chaplin. he deserved to be remembered as what he is: a musical genius.

Yep. I mean WE will remember him for what he is. I agree that it's up to the media to decide how he'll be remembered in general. But you know with Michael Jackson, for the media, it's sometimes hard to be remembered for one particular thing. I mean, he's not like Marvin Gaye or James Brown. Sure those two had serious trouble themselves but in the end mostly they were remembered for breaking down the doors of black music. When Michael goes, he'll likely be remembered for his music but his personal life will still get press coverage. Plus the majority of Michael's mega-success came at the dawn of the tabloid-dominated era of now. So you do the math.

You can forgive but it's hard to forget.
Yep. I mean WE will remember him for what he is. I agree that it's up to the media to decide how he'll be remembered in general. But you know with Michael Jackson, for the media, it's sometimes hard to be remembered for one particular thing. I mean, he's not like Marvin Gaye or James Brown. Sure those two had serious trouble themselves but in the end mostly they were remembered for breaking down the doors of black music. When Michael goes, he'll likely be remembered for his music but his personal life will still get press coverage. Plus the majority of Michael's mega-success came at the dawn of the tabloid-dominated era of now. So you do the math.

My math also includes MJ's ownership of the Beatles catalog. LOL! He also married Elvis' daughter. And I wonder how many Elvis songs he owns now.

Your right, he's not like Marvin or James, when you talk about MJ, you can go into a MILLION different directions. Some good, some bad, and some downright interesting, I mean, he owns the Beatles catalog and that Famous Music catalog ain't nothing to sneeze at either.

Yeah, that Michael Jackson is one interesting character. LOL!
My math also includes MJ's ownership of the Beatles catalog. LOL! He also married Elvis' daughter. And I wonder how many Elvis songs he owns now.

Your right, he's not like Marvin or James, when you talk about MJ, you can go into a MILLION different directions. Some good, some bad, and some downright interesting, I mean, he owns the Beatles catalog and that Famous Music catalog ain't nothing to sneeze at either.

Yeah, that Michael Jackson is one interesting character. LOL!

Yeah that's what I meant. He means a lot of things to a lot of people. You're getting it now. :lol:
I believe that God "always" knew Mr.Jackson was innocent from the get go....

Mr.Jackson may have been found innocent in a court of law but I find intriguing that many in society still have their doubt(s)...

Although the "evil ones" tried to create "Blood On The Dance Floor"...there IS one VERY IMPORTANT thing "they" forgot about....

Psalm 37

1 .A psalm of David. Don't worry about the wicked. Don't envy those who do wrong.

2. For like grass, they soon fade away. Like springtime flowers, they soon wither.

3 .Trust in the LORD and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.

4 .Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart's desires.

5. Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you.

6. He will make your innocence as clear as the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.

7. Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act. Don't worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.

8 .Stop your anger! Turn from your rage! Do not envy others-- it only leads to harm.

9. For the wicked will be destroyed, but those who trust in the LORD will possess the land.

10 In a little while, the wicked will disappear. Though you look for them, they will be gone.

11. Those who are gentle and lowly will possess the land; they will live in prosperous security.

12. The wicked plot against the godly; they snarl at them in defiance.

13. But the Lord just laughs, for he sees their day of judgment coming.

14. The wicked draw their swords and string their bows to kill the poor and the oppressed, to slaughter those who do right.

15. But they will be stabbed through the heart with their own swords, and their bows will be broken.

16. It is better to be godly and have little than to be evil and possess much.

17. For the strength of the wicked will be shattered, but the LORD takes care of the godly.

18. Day by day the LORD takes care of the innocent, and they will receive a reward that lasts forever.

19. They will survive through hard times; even in famine they will have more than enough.

20. But the wicked will perish. The LORD's enemies are like flowers in a field-- they will disappear like smoke.

21. The wicked borrow and never repay, but the godly are generous givers.

22. Those blessed by the LORD will inherit the land, but those cursed by him will die.

23. The steps of the godly are directed by the LORD. He delights in every detail of their lives.

24. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand.

25. Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly forsaken, nor seen their children begging for bread.

26. The godly always give generous loans to others, and their children are a blessing.

27. Turn from evil and do good, and you will live in the land forever.

28. For the LORD loves justice, and he will never abandon the godly. He will keep them safe forever, but the children of the wicked will perish.

29. The godly will inherit the land and will live there forever.

30.The godly offer good counsel; they know what is right from wrong.

31. They fill their hearts with God's law, so they will never slip from his path.

32. Those who are evil spy on the godly, waiting for an excuse to kill them.

33. But the LORD will not let the wicked succeed or let the godly be condemned when they are brought before the judge.

34. Don't be impatient for the LORD to act! Travel steadily along his path. He will honor you, giving you the land. You will see the wicked destroyed.

35. I myself have seen it happen-- proud and evil people thriving like mighty trees.

36. But when I looked again, they were gone! Though I searched for them, I could not find them!

37. Look at those who are honest and good, for a wonderful future lies before those who love peace.

38. But the wicked will be destroyed; they have no future.

39. The LORD saves the godly; he is their fortress in times of trouble.

40. The LORD helps them, rescuing them from the wicked. He saves them, and they find shelter in him.

"The Truth of Justice Shall "Always" Set Us Free..!"

yes yes yes! it all applies