Subtle Difference the Media and MJ


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Am I the only one who has noticed that the media when describing MJ have, almost entirely, stopped adding Michael Jackson accused of.....

Now, it is Michael Jackson who has yet to release a new album.....:smilerolleyes:
Maybe we shouldn't jinx it by talking about it. lol :fear: There will always be some who will never let him or us forget it, so it may have decreased but it might still pop up from time to time, depending on what crazy rumor/story they're going with at the time. Like a bad penny, it'll keep turning up when you least expect or want it to.
I will hate the media forever for their twisted slant on the false allegation of 1993 and the 2005 trial. Michael Jackson was proven innocent in a court of law with no black people on the jury, so one one can accuse the jury of being biased. The media only want Michael to appear gulity because negative stories make more money, and the media lost lot's of money in potential negative stories when Michael was rightfully vindicated in a court of law.
The media only want Michael to appear gulity because negative stories make more money, and the media lost lot's of money in potential negative stories when Michael was rightfully vindicated in a court of law

i dont believe thats the only reason. i believe there is a clear agenda against mj as admitted by the likes of the daily mail in the UK .why do the papers support some celebs when they get in trouble or if they are accused of something they take their side? if it was only about sales and negative news selling that wouldnt be the case. they hate mj cause he wont play their game refuses to comform to what they want him to be. let alone owning everyones music from the beatles to dylan to presley to hendrix. the list goes on. they will never get over that
I believe that God "always" knew Mr.Jackson was innocent from the get go....

Mr.Jackson may have been found innocent in a court of law but I find intriguing that many in society still have their doubt(s)...

Although the "evil ones" tried to create "Blood On The Dance Floor"...there IS one VERY IMPORTANT thing "they" forgot about....

Psalm 37

1 .A psalm of David. Don't worry about the wicked. Don't envy those who do wrong.

2. For like grass, they soon fade away. Like springtime flowers, they soon wither.

3 .Trust in the LORD and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.

4 .Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart's desires.

5. Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you.

6. He will make your innocence as clear as the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.

7. Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act. Don't worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.

8 .Stop your anger! Turn from your rage! Do not envy others-- it only leads to harm.

9. For the wicked will be destroyed, but those who trust in the LORD will possess the land.

10 In a little while, the wicked will disappear. Though you look for them, they will be gone.

11. Those who are gentle and lowly will possess the land; they will live in prosperous security.

12. The wicked plot against the godly; they snarl at them in defiance.

13. But the Lord just laughs, for he sees their day of judgment coming.

14. The wicked draw their swords and string their bows to kill the poor and the oppressed, to slaughter those who do right.

15. But they will be stabbed through the heart with their own swords, and their bows will be broken.

16. It is better to be godly and have little than to be evil and possess much.

17. For the strength of the wicked will be shattered, but the LORD takes care of the godly.

18. Day by day the LORD takes care of the innocent, and they will receive a reward that lasts forever.

19. They will survive through hard times; even in famine they will have more than enough.

20. But the wicked will perish. The LORD's enemies are like flowers in a field-- they will disappear like smoke.

21. The wicked borrow and never repay, but the godly are generous givers.

22. Those blessed by the LORD will inherit the land, but those cursed by him will die.

23. The steps of the godly are directed by the LORD. He delights in every detail of their lives.

24. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand.

25. Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly forsaken, nor seen their children begging for bread.

26. The godly always give generous loans to others, and their children are a blessing.

27. Turn from evil and do good, and you will live in the land forever.

28. For the LORD loves justice, and he will never abandon the godly. He will keep them safe forever, but the children of the wicked will perish.

29. The godly will inherit the land and will live there forever.

30.The godly offer good counsel; they know what is right from wrong.

31. They fill their hearts with God's law, so they will never slip from his path.

32. Those who are evil spy on the godly, waiting for an excuse to kill them.

33. But the LORD will not let the wicked succeed or let the godly be condemned when they are brought before the judge.

34. Don't be impatient for the LORD to act! Travel steadily along his path. He will honor you, giving you the land. You will see the wicked destroyed.

35. I myself have seen it happen-- proud and evil people thriving like mighty trees.

36. But when I looked again, they were gone! Though I searched for them, I could not find them!

37. Look at those who are honest and good, for a wonderful future lies before those who love peace.

38. But the wicked will be destroyed; they have no future.

39. The LORD saves the godly; he is their fortress in times of trouble.

40. The LORD helps them, rescuing them from the wicked. He saves them, and they find shelter in him.

"The Truth of Justice Shall "Always" Set Us Free..!"
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The media got major egg on their faces after the trial. So they tried to cover themselves to the public by complaining about the verdict. But in actuality so many of them should have been hanging their heads in shame at jumping to conclusions and blatantly ignoring facts that might have cleared alot of garbage out of the minds of the hater camp. The haters act like they know Michael inside and out purely because of the media. And they let the media talk them into what to think instead of actually listening to Michael in his interviews and thinking for themselves based on that. Michael has tried to open up several times. And each time, to varying degrees, it has blown up in his face. So by now it's not about the press and some of the public being unable to understand anymore IMO. They just don't WANT to understand. The media have made themselves into some kind of warped authority know-it-all on Michael's state of mind for every time he makes a move, either personally or publicly. That's why so many folks can be made to hate a man they haven't even met. I'm not saying Michael is perfect. But seriously. If the media, with its solemn democratic oath of being fair and balanced on all things great and small, had told both sides on alot of things about Michael instead of being so bent on making him look bad from top to bottom, he wouldn't always have his head on the public chopping block now.
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The negativity seems to have died down a bit. Actually I don't hear too much about MJ in the media these days period though, which I guess some will view as a bad thing, but I think it's good. In Michael's case, the saying "All publicity is good publicity" does not apply, not at all lol.
i dont believe thats the only reason. i believe there is a clear agenda against mj as admitted by the likes of the daily mail in the UK .why do the papers support some celebs when they get in trouble or if they are accused of something they take their side? if it was only about sales and negative news selling that wouldnt be the case. they hate mj cause he wont play their game refuses to comform to what they want him to be. let alone owning everyones music from the beatles to dylan to presley to hendrix. the list goes on. they will never get over that
I agree.

I can't help but think that it goes beyond just the media, although they are a huge part of it. The media is tightly connected to the music business through $$....

I think a lot of fear/envy had been created by MJ's unprecedented rise to such a powerful position in the music industry. I'm guessing that some felt threatened by that. People in power are bound to have others that want to usurp them of their power. This power links directly to money. The music biz is very competitive; the more powerful MJ gets, the more money he makes, and less of it goes to others. A good reason for some people wanting MJ out of the way, or at least knocked down a peg or two. MJ is a very ambitious man. And there existed a sizable faction (imo) in the media, and in the music business, that wanted to stop him, before he got any more powerful. Of course other elements come in to play as well here, such as the media thriving off of people who like to read/hear/view how a mighty figure has fallen, and racism, and other things too. But I think money and power are the main factors.

At the moment, MJ isn't doing all that much (visibly), so there isn't much that can be used against him.
The media has done their damage already. Thanks to their coverage of the 1993 allegations and the trial many people already have a terrible, untrue perception of Michael. The only reason they're not saying anything bad about him now is because they're not saying anything about him, period. I wish it could be different, but I have a bad feeling that once Michael releases a new album, they'll start talking about the same stuff again... :(
Exactly, WritergirlAD, and I don't think that stigma will ever leave. He'll always be looked on by some (or many, considering...) as some plastic surgery-addicted, self-hating, child-molesting freak because of everything that has happened. Only thing we can do is support him and know that he is a man who makes mistakes and is not an evil person, that's just about it.

It's not a negative or positive thing for me when they criticize MJ, it's indifferent. They'll always have those beliefs.
I don't agree with you. there are a whole lot of people in history that has been hated and have later became massive icons. Infact, it is the hate that make them the icon that they became. A more recent one is Mohammed Ali. he was the most hated man in America, and he wasn't even allowed to work in his own country because nobody would give him a licence. he was hated as a traitor, the worse form of hate possible. people used to be hanged for being a traitor.
Black people hated him for being a moslem and for dearing to change his name. he betrayed them all.
Now he is an hero.
The most famous and reviled man was Jesus, now they worship him.
Time is a great healer and MJ will be loved, indeed he is still loved. Unfortunately, most of the negativity I hear comes from fans, not the general public. Once you tell them what goes on, most of them will say they know it's the media,
if the genral public truly believed MJ was a child molester, they would NEVER buy or play his music.
As long as he is alive he will be considered by many as a freak child molester.
But after his death he will be remembered as a genial musician-performer. Not before unfortunatley.
Peple like Callas, Charlie Chaplin, etc... have been considered crazy, child murdered or pedo, exactly as MJ... right now what do people think about them? after they have been dead for a long time?
Same old story....
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As long as he is alive he will be considered by many as a freak child molester.
But after his death he will be remembered as a genial musician-performer. Not before unfortunatley.
Peple like Callas, Charlie Chaplin, etc... have been considered crazy, child murdered or pedo, exactly as MJ... right now what do people think about them? after they have been dead for a long time?
Same old story....
i really do not agree with that. i genuinely believe that if people thought e was a child molester they would not be buying his record. i believe the only people who say he is that are actual racist or stirrers. not even the media believe that. When mj comes out in public the moid will be very positive. people are like sheeps they follow where they are led.
I'd rather them focus on the upcoming music than those awful alligations.
As long as he is alive he will be considered by many as a freak child molester.
But after his death he will be remembered as a genial musician-performer. Not before unfortunatley.
Peple like Callas, Charlie Chaplin, etc... have been considered crazy, child murdered or pedo, exactly as MJ... right now what do people think about them? after they have been dead for a long time?
Same old story....

I do think he'll get the double treatment: a musical artist who broke barriers in elements of music but whose career descended into sad tabloid infamy and allegations of child abuse.

That's basically what happens when people get charged with the stuff he gets charged with. For example, like you said, Charlie Chaplin is regarded as one, if not, the greatest comic actor to emerge out of the first half of the 20th century but was an alleged child molester in his private life and whose sexual behavior led to him being exiled in Switzerland.

Michael Jackson will pretty much be looked on as being one of the greats of all time but with a dark life, regardless of how true it is or not. They'll remember the music but they'll remember the b.s. too, can't ignore it.
I do think he'll get the double treatment: a musical artist who broke barriers in elements of music but whose career descended into sad tabloid infamy and allegations of child abuse.

That's basically what happens when people get charged with the stuff he gets charged with. For example, like you said, Charlie Chaplin is regarded as one, if not, the greatest comic actor to emerge out of the first half of the 20th century but was an alleged child molester in his private life and whose sexual behavior led to him being exiled in Switzerland.

Michael Jackson will pretty much be looked on as being one of the greats of all time but with a dark life, regardless of how true it is or not. They'll remember the music but they'll remember the b.s. too, can't ignore it.

Chaplin isn't remebered as a child molester , not from the mass, and that is what I hope will happen to MJ as well.
Chaplin went on a trial also like MJ, and he had to exile, but the fact he was a communist in the USA at the time led to very suspicious thought about the actual truth about those allegations.
Bu what you said is very true, MJ has a stigma that will never go away. Very sad. And the media will play the most of the game also after he will be gone, unfortunatly.
Chaplin isn't remebered as a child molester , not from the mass, and that is what I hope will happen to MJ as well.
Chaplin went on a trial also like MJ, and he had to exile, but the fact he was a communist in the USA at the time led to very suspicious thought about the actual truth about those allegations.
Bu what you said is very true, MJ has a stigma that will never go away. Very sad. And the media will play the most of the game also after he will be gone, unfortunatly.

Yes, that's exactly what I meant. They may not remember the trials verbatim and of course major media publications won't go out and say he was a child molester but they will bring that he was brought up on crimes as one and also other people will say "one of the few people to have their skin color and gender (almost) changed". And that's even sadder. That adds to his stigma as a celebrity. I feel had his career ended around "Off the Wall" and he died like 20, 30 years from now, he'll be looked as one of the greatest R&B singers/young performers ever. But now because he's been this big pop star and tabloid magnet. He'll be just as remembered for his music as he has been for the controversies in his life.
Chaplin isn't remebered as a child molester , not from the mass, and that is what I hope will happen to MJ as well.
Chaplin went on a trial also like MJ, and he had to exile, but the fact he was a communist in the USA at the time led to very suspicious thought about the actual truth about those allegations.
Bu what you said is very true, MJ has a stigma that will never go away. Very sad. And the media will play the most of the game also after he will be gone, unfortunatly.

Please. the only people who carryon with this stigma is MJ fans and MJ haters.
the bulk of the ppopulation has moved on. if I wasn't on the board I would not be hearing about it. the most negative news about MJ I only hear them on MJ boards. most people do not even remeber the trial, most weren't even following it.
The reason why Chaplin isn't labelled is because time passes and people forget. just like they forgot about all the other famous people that were accused. honestly. sometimes i feel that fans do not want to put the ghost to rest.
Please. the only people who carryon with this stigma is MJ fans and MJ haters.
the bulk of the ppopulation has moved on. if I wasn't on the board I would not be hearing about it. the most negative news about MJ I only hear them on MJ boards. most people do not even remeber the trial, most weren't even following it.
The reason why Chaplin isn't labelled is because time passes and people forget. just like they forgot about all the other famous people that were accused. honestly. sometimes i feel that fans do not want to put the ghost to rest.
Dats, I can't believe you said that, you HIT THE NAIL RIGHT ON THE HEAD! Especially when it comes to the negative news. If I weren't a member of the MJ fan community, I wouldn't know half of the stuff I know now and I'm talking about the negative stuff.

You're also correct when you say that most folks don't even remember the trial, but some of us find a way to bring it up, no matter what the topic of conversation may be. The stigma "may" be there now, but some of us want to ensure that it stays there, in my opinion.
Well what do you want us to do? Forget about it? LOL

That's like saying forget what happened when Janet was at the Super Bowl or forget that Elvis got addicted to pills and got fat and is still alive in Timbuktu. :lol:

No one would remember JUST the music, you have to be biased to think that, honestly. Not saying it to anyone in PARTICULAR, it's a general look at it.
The only reason theres no negativity is because he hasn't showed his face lately for something to be said about him. It'll pick up again, its just the way it is.

Right now everyone just wants to know when this album (thats been rumored for awhile now) is going to drop. Thats the only conversation of him at the moment. But sadly, when he does drop that album, you know its all going to start again just like it does with every album.
I appreciate you sharing this video with me.
I had not seen it before. The information in this video is true.
I thank you, again.

There are things that have went - go on behind the scenes that many don't realize or even think that it is possible..!

Anything I can do to help..."Knowledge Is Growth"

Your Very Welcome!

Well what do you want us to do? Forget about it? LOL

That's like saying forget what happened when Janet was at the Super Bowl or forget that Elvis got addicted to pills and got fat and is still alive in Timbuktu. :lol:

No one would remember JUST the music, you have to be biased to think that, honestly. Not saying it to anyone in PARTICULAR, it's a general look at it.

I think forgetting about it ain't the issue, but bring it up every two seconds is something completely different. LOL!

We won't FORGET about Janet and the Superbowl, but when was the last time you spoke about it? Samething goes for Elvis, ain't nobody bringing up his use of pills in every dang conversation. LOL! Especially his fans.
Well if the fans will nto move on from it, why ask the media and the public to do so? Anyway, why do you want to remember that someone was FALSLY accused of a crime? what does it benefit you to dwell on it? As I said, if the PUBLIC believed that MJ was guilty, there is no way in hell that the US Army would have welcomed him in japan. and no way would they have played his music on air, no way would they have an MJ day on the ex factor. The public would have never had that. That is enough for me. Why keep bringing it up?
The only reason theres no negativity is because he hasn't showed his face lately for something to be said about him. It'll pick up again, its just the way it is.

Right now everyone just wants to know when this album (thats been rumored for awhile now) is going to drop. Thats the only conversation of him at the moment. But sadly, when he does drop that album, you know its all going to start again just like it does with every album.

Michael was never without negativity since he was 11 years old. Partly because he came at a time when the world was still enthrouded in racism. Also he broke all music records. that was the main reason why he was opposed. they created the OSmonds to compete against Mj and his brothers and they used the media to criticise the family. There is nothing new.
I think forgetting about it ain't the issue, but bring it up every two seconds is something completely different. LOL!

We won't FORGET about Janet and the Superbowl, but when was the last time you spoke about it? Samething goes for Elvis, ain't nobody bringing up his use of pills in every dang conversation. LOL! Especially his fans.

:lol: I know that! I'm just saying, I mean, it'll be talked in some degree. Yeah it MAY be ignored as part of the public conversation because then people would wanna know about the music. We don't know how Michael will be looked on at in general. I'm hoping the same like y'all that MJ would be remembered for simply his music and entertainment but again easier said than done but we'll see.

I'm just glad James Brown is looked on for what he was: a music pioneer that didn't cut no slack. Luckily MJ will NOT get the same treatment some think Ike Turner deservedly got despite his own musical accomplishments.

Sometimes fame's a funny thing.
The only reason theres no negativity is because he hasn't showed his face lately for something to be said about him. It'll pick up again, its just the way it is.

Right now everyone just wants to know when this album (thats been rumored for awhile now) is going to drop. Thats the only conversation of him at the moment. But sadly, when he does drop that album, you know its all going to start again just like it does with every album.

I'm already seeing it, lol:


I'm already seeing it. :lol:
I'm already seeing it, lol:


I'm already seeing it. :lol:

Yo, the first three "might" pass muster, but ain't nobody gonna listen to the BROKE STORIES anymore. The media gonna have to change their "broke" theme.

It's like "the boy who cried wolf," the media has used the broke story too many times and NOTHING happened. Folks ain't trying to hear that anymore. LOL!