Strong words from Deepak Chopra

The problem is we will never know what went down in totality coupled with the very brief statements these people are making... Its not hard to fathom why people are drawing such conclusions
That's why he should have just kept his mouth shut.
And why are people taking this man's word like its the gospel ??
We don't know the whole story. The toxicology reports aren't back yet.
MJ has now become a drug addict in 4 days time since his death fueled in part by this man.
why not have patience and wait for the facts?

Exactly, that's my point so why are many so quick to jump the gun on him? has this man had a history of lying? was he a user/enabler? please help me understand, so I can shut up about it, prove me wrong.
Well..none of this make any difference now.Anyway the leaked Autopsy result says that Mike only had pills in his body and no food.So it might be possible that he was too dependant on those medical drugs.But the question is if ppl around him knew about it then why they didn't they asked him to go into Rehab or something..It's the problem that Mike always had,he had all the ppl who can say Yes to him no matter what and I think those ppl took some advantage of it.It is not any usual death,it has created lots of questions and speculation.So many ppl now comin out and saying about his addiction,where were they when he was stil alive??It sucks just cuz Mike didn't listen to anybody nobody cared to help him and Im shocked at the way ppl revealing all these things.It sounds like everybody around him knew about his so called addiction to pain killers and they all did nothing and now they are comin out and sayin they were worried..If im worried about something then ill do somethin about it but instead of that those bastards just closed their eyes and walked away:doh:
"The adults let the world down".

Why this sentence reverberating in my head over and over again?...
Well..none of this make any difference now.Anyway the leaked Autopsy result says that Mike only had pills in his body and no food.So it might be possible that he was too dependant on those medical drugs.But the question is if ppl around him knew about it then why they didn't they asked him to go into Rehab or something..It's the problem that Mike always had,he had all the ppl who can say Yes to him no matter what and I think those ppl took some advantage of it.It is not any usual death,it has created lots of questions and speculation.So many ppl now comin out and saying about his addiction,where were they when he was stil alive??It sucks just cuz Mike didn't listen to anybody nobody cared to help him and Im shocked at the way ppl revealing all these things.It sounds like everybody around him knew about his so called addiction to pain killers and they all did nothing and now they are comin out and sayin they were worried..If im worried about something then ill do somethin about it but instead of that those bastards just closed their eyes and walked away:doh:

your quoting from an autopsy report even the LA county said some of it was false??
This is the problem with Deepak Chopra's statements. People are drawing conclusions from them, mixing them with other information that is false and then acting like its the truth.
And BE- I don't know much about Deepak so I can't say if he is a liar or not and that's not the point.
2 people in any situation can have 2 sides and Michael is not here to give his so its unfair to the man he claims was his friend to talk about things MJ obviously held private.
I have a hard time with this by anyone, when something happens to a person, people crawl out the woodwork acting like they are Moses warning the israelites.
Is it really necessary to tell a dead person I told you so!
my other problem with Deepak and family............all the years of knowing Michael ... they benefited from him...................where I don't see is where he has benefited them..........

you get me..
You know, while the world called him weird, he wondered why the world was so weird. He'd ask me, Why do people go to war?
Why is there genocide? What's happening in Sudan? Why have we killed the environment? Why is there racism and bigotry and hatred and prejudice?
We talked about starving children in Mumbai, and he would start to cry. Or we'd start to talk about the trophy-hunting in Canada of the grizzly bear, and he would start to cry.
In his mind, the world was psychotic.

your quoting from an autopsy report even the LA county said some of it was false??
This is the problem with Deepak Chopra's statements. People are drawing conclusions from them, mixing them with other information that is false and then acting like its the truth.
And BE- I don't know much about Deepak so I can't say if he is a liar or not and that's not the point.
2 people in any situation can have 2 sides and Michael is not here to give his so its unfair to the man he claims was his friend to talk about things MJ obviously held private.
I have a hard time with this by anyone, when something happens to a person, people crawl out the woodwork acting like they are Moses warning the israelites.
Is it really necessary to tell a dead person I told you so!

LMAO I'm going to have to use this some time. :hysterical: