Strong words from Deepak Chopra

Jan 17, 2004

I met Michael more than 20 years ago; I went to teach him meditation at Neverland. He was very shy, very introverted, but very curious about consciousness and spirituality.
You know, while the world called him weird, he wondered why the world was so weird. He'd ask me, Why do people go to war?
Why is there genocide? What's happening in Sudan? Why have we killed the environment? Why is there racism and bigotry and hatred and prejudice?
We talked about starving children in Mumbai, and he would start to cry. Or we'd start to talk about the trophy-hunting in Canada of the grizzly bear, and he would start to cry.
In his mind, the world was psychotic.

Michael had a skin disease called leukoderma, which created huge patches of white. He had, as a result, a very, very poor image of his body.
He was almost ashamed of it. That's why he would cover it up. Why do you think he wore a glove and all that stuff?
He would not go into his swimming pool in his own house with his clothes off. He would just jump into the pool at the last moment, you know, take his robe off,
but he was ashamed that people would look at all the blotches on his skin. (Read about Jackson's mysterious medical history.)

After his trial, he started getting these medical prescriptions from doctors and they were all for narcotics, and he asked me for a prescription,
and that's when I became suspicious of what was going on. It was the drugs. Totally enabled by these Hollywood mafia drug-dealer doctors who have medical licenses
and should be brought to justice. The same thing happened with Anna Nicole Smith, the same thing has happened over the years with
— and I'm not going to mince my words — Elizabeth Taylor. I know these guys, and they should be in jail.
i wish he would respect the family...wait for the autopsy and stop fuelling the media...

if he knew all that.. where was he on 24Jun when Michael was alive??? where was he all this time of supposedly knowing this....???
MEDIA WHORE. y didn't he do something about it? here's what i don't get. if all his friends as a group went on tv and said this, he'd be forced to acknowledge it. some kidn of way. maybe even feel forced to do something about it.

but everyonelet him do it, said nothing, until he died
He "knew" so much, had so many "suspicions". What was the use of that? He did nothing.
Yes, I knew he had lupus already. And if all these people who've talked about Michael doing drugs knew about it, why didn't they do anything to try to stop it? Why are they only talking about it now? They never said they tried to intervene or get him help...
At least he's honest and tell the truth about how innocent MJ was. :(

and true, why didn't he help?
He and all these ppl didn't bother to make an effort to help him.
I really do think we shouldn't condemn all of these people. Also keep in consideration
that MJ might just have said 'no' when Deepak offered his help (if he did, i dont know that). But keep an open mind.

Also Jermaine said in the past they tried to get MJ of these drugs...but Michael just didn't want to listen.
When MJ wanted something, it just went like that. Then we have Brian Oxman as well...i truly don't believe all of these are telling nonsense.
Oh, I am not saying it's nonsense but come on, the man is just gone and your supposed to be his friend or whatever but the first thing you do when you get in front of the camera is say all these negitive things and just add fuel to the media's fire.
I believe MJ was addicted to drug, he had lots of stress and it's kinda understandable. The thing fans hated is why didn't they all try to help him when he's alive????????? But talk about his drug addiction as soon as he's gone?
Seeing as how rumors have surrounded Mike his whole life, and so much ish got out in the media how is it that the drugs thing didn't?

All these bast*rds coming out now with their "I told him so" garbage p*sses me off. Out of all the things that should have been kept private that didn't and they ALL chose to keep quiet about the one that was the most dangerous to him. What's the problem, were they not offered enough money? Bet they git big offers now.

^ That.

Also not to go off topic much but since when did he have lupus? I mean was it ever said by Michael himself or...?
Why is Deepak going the rounds shooting off his mouth like that? you know what, MJ may have had issues, but now that he is'nt here to defend himself theres no reason why people should be stabbing him in the back like this. You've got him, Oxman, Grace .....Its shameful!

Who truly was MJ's friend?????
I really do think we shouldn't condemn all of these people. Also keep in consideration
that MJ might just have said 'no' when Deepak offered his help (if he did, i dont know that). But keep an open mind.

Also Jermaine said in the past they tried to get MJ of these drugs...but Michael just didn't want to listen.
When MJ wanted something, it just went like that. Then we have Brian Oxman as well...i truly don't believe all of these are telling nonsense.

This is so hard to do right now.

BTW, do you have a link or quote to what Jermaine said? I'm not questioning that he did as many family members have described Mike as being stubborn when he wanted to be, I'm just curious.
This is so hard to do right now.

BTW, do you have a link or quote to what Jermaine said? I'm not questioning that he did as many family members have described Mike as being stubborn when he wanted to be, I'm just curious.

I wish i had...but my dad told me about this. and he watchd lots of programs too. But most of time he only wants to watch good and quality programs.
So he definitely doesn't have it from a gossippy tv channel.

But's Grace (is she the nanny?) Deepak and Brian Oxman now? Damn...that IS disrespectful.
I'm not surprised that the LAPD or Coroner's office took drugs out of Michael's home. I'm sure he had prescriptions. The man had vitiligo, lupus, old injury pains and whatever else. In fact I remember one of the girls on Americas Next Top Model had Lupus and she had to take alot of pills each day. That COULD BE what the so-called damning bag of pills may be for--legitimate medicinal purposes. Now I wouldn't be surprised if the possibility of Michael taking more than the prescribed dosage--IF it turns out to be the case. My sister has osteoperosis and is in constant pain she had to end up getting knee replacement surgery. I had to get after her for taking more than what the dosage prescribed. She said she was in alot of pain and the prescribed dosage didn't do anything for her. It MIGHT be possible in Michael's case---I said MIGHT. We don't know yet. I also wouldn't be surprised if it was a natural causes type of death.

But I do not believe for one second, that Michael was a pill-popping druggie looking to get a fix like the media is claiming. No way.
i wish he would respect the family...wait for the autopsy and stop fuelling the media...

if he knew all that.. where was he on 24Jun when Michael was alive??? where was he all this time of supposedly knowing this....???

I agree. This is not helping....
Whatever MJ took or didn't take doesn't matter anymore.
If he thought MJ was in such bad shape, why didn't he do more? Sounds to me like he kinda confronted MJ about it but MJ got mad so he left it alone after that. Also his story story match. I saw him saying over the weekend MJ wouldn't return his calls after he confronted him, but Grace is like a daughter to him right? So if Grace is like a daughter to him he knew where MJ was and could easily get in contact with him through Grace...

using MJ's death as a forum for his cause is sad.
I'm not surprised that the LAPD or Coroner's office took drugs out of Michael's home. I'm sure he had prescriptions. The man had vitiligo, lupus, old injury pains and whatever else. In fact I remember one of the girls on Americas Next Top Model had Lupus and she had to take alot of pills each day. That COULD BE what the so-called damning bag of pills may be for--legitimate medicinal purposes. Now I wouldn't be surprised if the possibility of Michael taking more than the prescribed dosage--IF it turns out to be the case. My sister has osteoperosis and is in constant pain she had to end up getting knee replacement surgery. I had to get after her for taking more than what the dosage prescribed. She said she was in alot of pain and the prescribed dosage didn't do anything for her. It MIGHT be possible in Michael's case---I said MIGHT. We don't know yet. I also wouldn't be surprised if it was a natural causes type of death.

But I do not believe for one second, that Michael was a pill-popping druggie looking to get a fix like the media is claiming. No way.

It could mean that he has been using them for a long long time...and who knows, indeed maybe even more than he should;ve and that eventually his heart just said 'stop..i can't take no more' . NOT for a second do i believe it's a OD ...not for a second. You'd only have to take a peek at the 4 releashed photos of the rehearsals and the articles about way!
i have to admit, none of this makes any sense to me. Someone taking so much drugs and operating on the level Michael was operating at? Being so pro-active in every aspect of the show, working out with Lou Ferigno, who says the man was fit. Mark Lester saying he saw no signs of someone who was taking massive amount of drugs. The people working for him and who saw him days before he passed saying he was fit and showing no signs of anything.

It just doesn't make any sense to me.
Yes, I knew he had lupus already. And if all these people who've talked about Michael doing drugs knew about it, why didn't they do anything to try to stop it? Why are they only talking about it now? They never said they tried to intervene or get him help...

If alot of you would really pay attention to what they are conveying then you would be abit more understanding of the situation. Many of Mike's close/dear friends and family have stated that they have tried to help mike but he pushed them away, it's obvious that Mike had the upper hand because once he push you out of his life? you were out. So I think it's pretty unfair to claim him out to be someone who was'nt there/user because of his statements that he knew these 'issues' and did'nt do anything about them? cause we don't know for a fact what went on behind close doors. I'm aware of the attention seekers who have came into Mike's life and use him for their personal gain and benifits, then have the nerve to try to make their approaches seem so sincere, but given the fact that not only that I've heard this guy state these claims yet also other close friends have stated the same incidents.
He is on CNN talking about Michael now. He said that Michael has lupus. We already knew that.

I think its really disrespectable for him to tell MJ's medical conditions.
This was not known to the world.. MJ never discussed this publicly.
It is not Deepak Chopra's place to put Michael business out for the world's media to feed on.
Its disgraceful.
MEDIA WHORE. y didn't he do something about it? here's what i don't get. if all his friends as a group went on tv and said this, he'd be forced to acknowledge it. some kidn of way. maybe even feel forced to do something about it.

but everyonelet him do it, said nothing, until he died
In the 1990s, Elizabeth Taylor & Elton John got Mike into rehab/detox. But apparently it didn't work. The same for Elvis & Marvin Gaye (although MPG took street drugs). They'd get cleaned up for awhile, then go back to what they were doing, because they didn't get rid of the flunkies around them. If Mike had enablers & yes men around him, friends & family that wanted to help would make no difference.
If alot of you would really pay attention to what they are conveying then you would be abit more understanding of the situation. Many of Mike's close/dear friends and family have stated that they have tried to help mike but he pushed them away, it's obvious that Mike had the upper hand because once he push you out of his life? you were out. So I think it's pretty unfair to claim him out to be someone who was'nt there/user because of his statements that he knew these 'issues' and did'nt do anything about them? cause we don't know for a fact what went on behind close doors. I'm aware of the attention seekers who have came into Mike's life and use him for their personal gain and benifits, then have the nerve to try to make their approaches seem so sincere, but given the fact that not only that I've heard this guy state these claims yet also other close friends have stated the same incidents.

The problem is we will never know what went down in totality coupled with the very brief statements these people are making... Its not hard to fathom why people are drawing such conclusions
That's why he should have just kept his mouth shut.
And why are people taking this man's word like its the gospel ??
We don't know the whole story. The toxicology reports aren't back yet.
MJ has now become a drug addict in 4 days time since his death fueled in part by this man.
why not have patience and wait for the facts?
I have to say I agree with BE.86

It sounds to me like Deepak Chopra (and others) tried to talk to Mike, but Mike didn't (or couldn't) listen, and so he turned them away, because he didn't knwo what else to do.

When i first heard Deepak Chopra speak, I was very very angry at him for disclosing this knowledge (because, it should be private). But I do think that Deepak Chopra is really MAD with whoever's been enabling MJ (if that is the case). I think Deepak Chopra is really trying to say we have to find the enablers and stop them - what better way of making people recognize that there are still issues to be dealt with...we are all angry at wht has happened over the last few days. Maybe one of us will be the one to expose who these enablers are? I think that's what Deepak Chopra is trying to do.
What's this about Michael was emaciated when he died as per the coroner? Anyone heard this?
sometimes i wonder at people thinking that they can teach Michael spirituality. :) i don't understand this stuff about drugs. i dont think his words will change the situation