Stranger in Moscow

This is a favourite of mine as well,I think Michael knew there was love for him,but also I am kind of glad that he took the time to make these types of songs you know,because we all feel lonely and emotion of the kind of music we need at those times. certain artists i am not naming a name but i always wanted to have a 'sad' song' and their whole catalog lacked that. anyway i believe Michael was going thro alot when he wrote this god bless him,but he produced something real. beauty in the saddness.
I agree that he shouldn't be judged by people as he is usually judged by the media as very, very few have ever walked in his shoes. I'm not sure anybody would have survived everything he went through with a healthy mind. I mean many of the things he went through would alone be enough shock for a man for a lifetime: abusive father, early fame, success, isolation, child abuse alligations, cruel attacks and lies by the media, adoration bordering idoltary by the fans, vitiligo, lupus, obvious psychological problems with accepting and loving himself, extreme insecurity and shyness etc. etc. Only one of those would be enough for anybody to make one bitter or confused and Michael had ALL of these! So how can we judge him? I don't think I would have done any better in his shoes and I think few people would.

In fact, despite of all the turmoil and confusion on his mind Michael had a gentle, noble, caring heart. And I admire him for that.

very well said, i totally agree with you!

stranger in moscow is one of my favorite songs too, the video is also very cool!
Ah, yes, SIM! Another one of my favorites! It's a masterpiece! And it really does sum it up, doesn't it?

I just don't understand how someone who was so loved could feel so alone - was there really no one around him he could call a true friend? I can understand after the unfortunate turn of events later in his life - but from the interviews I've seen, it seems like he has always felt that way. But what about family? He was close to his mom, I think, at the very least.

Well, I really think his loneliness came from being so unique and being in a unique position in life. Not many people enter show business at such a young age and not many people were forced to live like him. And all of this just has to do with external factors. I think he was also unique on the inside as well. Not many are as gifted and talented and probably don't think and act like him. I'm sure he found it very hard to find someone he could relate to and who could relate to him. He probably felt like an alien sometimes. And some of the "friends" he hung around probably didn't help the situation.
I just don't understand how someone who was so loved could feel so alone - was there really no one around him he could call a true friend?

I can't even imagine how difficult it must have been for him to find someone he could really trust and rely on. I think he sort of built a wall around him at some point and became really skeptical of those around him, and understandably so. Look how hurt he got by so many people he thought were 'friends'. He was sued left and right for every ridiculous thing. The the molestation accusations... A lot of his 'friends' abandoned him when things got rough. I imagine that even though he was surrounded with tons of people all the time, many of them were people who were only interested in getting to know 'Michael Jackson' and not the real person underneath. Over the years, that wall builds higher and higher and it gets harder to let people in. Michael himself said when a friend questioned the lonely issue, that sure, he's surrounded by many people, but he doesn't love those people.

Having said that, I LOVE Stranger In Moscow. I can relate to it on many levels. Its a song that's so simple yet complex at the same time. Beautifully put together. I definitely think it's one of his most underrated songs.
Ugh, this thread notification just hit me like a ton of bricks. I can't listen to the song or watch the video at this time. His face in the video ugh...I just want to hide him or protect him. That face haunts me - so does the song.

Can't wait till all of this settles.

Love to all of you.
Yes I was just listen to Stranger in Moscow for the 1st time last week. The lricys are so powerful his voice was just amazing. I think if you look at the verse in the life of Michael Jackson you will see how he says in his life. On what he's saying.
One of the most beautiful songs in history (pun intended)
I'll never understand why SiM wasn't a big hit. It's really quite beautiful. I think it's much better than YANA, but oh well, the music-buying public can be fickle, especially when it came to Michael in the mid-90s. Their loss.

As for the idea of loneliness/unhappiness, though it's funky and upbeat, the lyrics of Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' are dark, which dates back to '82. . . . And even though he didn't write it, as we all know he always cried during She's out of My Life. Sad.
This last few days I beeing hearing SIM like 5 times a day and I still get moved by it. Is such a beautifull song and I guess not only reflects Michael's emotions, I think a lot of people can related to it ( I know I do). Right now for example it reflects my emotions completelly, feeling alone with my pain for Michael, since people around me dont seem to understand what I am going trough. I feel disconected and lonelly.
Is so heartbreaking knowing he felt like that most of his life.
Love you Michael!