Stranger in Moscow


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This song gives me goosebumps, even more so now. I hope he took some solace in that there were so many that truly loved him and saw him for who he really was, a kind hearted man with nothing but love to give. RIP, my friend.


I was wandering in the rain
Mask of life, feelin' insane
Swift and sudden fall from grace
Sunny days seem far away
Kremlin's shadow belittlin' me
Stalin's tomb won't let me be
On and on and on it came
Wish the rain would just let me

How does it feel (How does it feel)
How does it feel
How does it feel
When you're alone
And you're cold inside

Here abandoned in my fame
Armageddon of the brain
KGB was doggin' me
Take my name and just let me be
Then a begger boy called my name
Happy days will drown the pain
On and on and on it came
And again, and again, and again...
Take my name and just let me be

How does it feel (How does it feel)
How does it feel
How does it feel
How does it feel
How does it feel (How does it feel now)
How does it feel
How does it feel
When you're alone
And you're cold inside

How does it feel (How does it feel)
How does it feel
How does it feel
How does it feel
How does it feel (How does it feel now)
How does it feel
How does it feel
When you're alone
And you're cold inside

Like stranger in Moscow
Like stranger in Moscow
We're talkin' danger
We're talkin' danger, baby
Like stranger in Moscow
We're talkin' danger
We're talkin' danger, baby
Like stranger in Moscow
I'm live in lonely
I'm live in lonely, baby
Stranger in Moscow
Stranger in Moscow is my favorite MJ song
so much emotion and passion
its beautiful, so beautiful
I used to listen to that when i was sad, now it's too hard to listen to. There are songs that i refuse to listen to by him now in fear of getting emotional in public
- Morphine
- Whatever Happens
- Gone too Soon
I just don't understand how someone who was so loved could feel so alone - was there really no one around him he could call a true friend? I can understand after the unfortunate turn of events later in his life - but from the interviews I've seen, it seems like he has always felt that way. But what about family? He was close to his mom, I think, at the very least.

And yes, the song Morphine...yikes. Not one person who heard him record that song stopped to ask him what was going on?
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it's my favourite too. I can't listen to Gone To Soon or Man In The Mirror at the moment.
Stranger in Moscow is my all time favourite michael song-ever! it has so much meaning for me and the lyrics aww.

But yeah i know,
michael felt lonely all of the time, even tho he had loads of people around and loads of fans u can still be lonely. honestly, i believe there were very few REAL people around him who actually cared, probably none actually its all about the dollar signs

he may have surrounded himself with yes people and didnt want to listen if people tried to help, which reigns true from my experience, so im more likely to believe this part than any other.
I remember after MJ passed, I found it so hard to listen to some of his songs. I'd play stranger in moscow and when he says "HOW DOES IT FEEL, I'd reply IT HURTS SO MUCH and everyone thought I was going crazy. So I stopped playing them. I really can't choose.

WILL I EVER STOP MISSING HIM!!!!! Someone help me please.
oh my god, thank you for starting this thread. I've been a MJ fan for decades and I hate to admit this but I've never heard this song until today!! I don't know about you but this song makes me love Michael even more. it's AMAZING!

I'm at work and NEEDED to connect with you all because I'm either going to burst into tears or something else. Maybe grab someone and kiss them!!!

HOLY HOLY CRAP the emotions this song unleashed are unbearable! It makes me really want to get my hands on Michael. I dunno. I think I need help. I'm seriously a freak... crap.

Anyway...if anyone understands you guys will. *sniffle*
I remember after MJ passed, I found it so hard to listen to some of his songs. I'd play stranger in moscow and when he says "HOW DOES IT FEEL, I'd reply IT HURTS SO MUCH and everyone thought I was going crazy. So I stopped playing them. I really can't choose.

WILL I EVER STOP MISSING HIM!!!!! Someone help me please.

This is my fav song from HIStory... listening to it again now has a whole new meaning for me. I too can't believe that he felt so lonely. Even in the video he just looks so lost.
My second favorite on HIStory next to the immortal They Don't care About Us.
Oh when he's all wet like that he looks so young, like the 1987 MJ. Cuuuuute!
I just don't understand how someone who was so loved could feel so alone - was there really no one around him he could call a true friend? I can understand after the unfortunate turn of events later in his life - but from the interviews I've seen, it seems like he has always felt that way. But what about family? He was close to his mom, I think, at the very least.

That's what I am keep wondering about ever since his death too. I know there were a lot of enablers in his life who didn't really love him, just used him and that resulted in many disappointments for him. But there were a number of people who did love him, how could he not see and feel that he is loved? I think it was rather something in his mind than reality that he is not loved. My theory is that it maybe because what he was really longing for was a fatherly love, because his father never loved him (sorry to say this but I think his father never loved him). And he could not find that love in anything else - nor in fans' love, either in women's love. So sad. :( I blame his father for much of his problems, to be honest.
My theory is that it maybe because what he was really longing for was a fatherly love, because his father never loved him (sorry to say this but I think his father never loved him). And he could not find that love in anything else - nor in fans' love, either in women's love. So sad. :( I blame his father for much of his problems, to be honest.

I think that is just one contributing factor...

To be honest, I was more a casual fan before his passing. That is, I always liked the music, but perhaps on a slightly more superficial (it's catchy, can convey range of emotions, etc.) side. Since his passing, I've felt compelled to better understand his character (through paying more attention to the lyrics and reading/watching interviews) in an effort to connect it with the music. Sounds silly, but who knows - maybe the good vibes of those trying to truly understand him and appreciate him for what he was will make their way up to him.

The more I learn, the more I am in awe of what this man had to deal with, both good and bad, and how he was able to cope with, also both good and bad. The world he came from was like no other. How many people can say they've done or experienced even a small fraction of what he has? I know understand better why he may have felt lonely from time to time. I have a pretty average life, and I often feel it's difficult for others to understand me. How much more limited was his opportunity for connection on his scale? Also, the hounding by the media would drive anyone mad, especially with the level of vitriol directed towards him? That makes the line, "Take my name and just let me be" all the more heavy.

But I have also realized it wasn't all bad. It seems, in a sharply contrasting way, that he was as fiercely positive as he was with the more negative emotions. I just hope that at least at some points in his life, he had some good fun and true happiness. He was always all about love in all its forms, and I hope he had his fair share of it all. In terms of family love, I feel his children brought him a lot of peace and grounded him a bit. Some of his love songs are too passionate to be hypothetical, I'm hoping there was enough romantic love to reach that side of him as well. Then there's all of us, I guess. Some may be drawn by the good beats and rhythms, some may be drawn cause we relate on certain issues.

Anyways, sorry for the ramble. I just never realized the depth to the music and the man, and I don't really have anywhere else to share about it.
I think that is just one contributing factor...

To be honest, I was more a casual fan before his passing. That is, I always liked the music, but perhaps on a slightly more superficial (it's catchy, can convey range of emotions, etc.) side. Since his passing, I've felt compelled to better understand his character (through paying more attention to the lyrics and reading/watching interviews) in an effort to connect it with the music. Sounds silly, but who knows - maybe the good vibes of those trying to truly understand him and appreciate him for what he was will make their way up to him.

The more I learn, the more I am in awe of what this man had to deal with, both good and bad, and how he was able to cope with, also both good and bad. The world he came from was like no other. How many people can say they've done or experienced even a small fraction of what he has? I know understand better why he may have felt lonely from time to time. I have a pretty average life, and I often feel it's difficult for others to understand me. How much more limited was his opportunity for connection on his scale? Also, the hounding by the media would drive anyone mad, especially with the level of vitriol directed towards him? That makes the line, "Take my name and just let me be" all the more heavy.

But I have also realized it wasn't all bad. It seems, in a sharply contrasting way, that he was as fiercely positive as he was with the more negative emotions. I just hope that at least at some points in his life, he had some good fun and true happiness. He was always all about love in all its forms, and I hope he had his fair share of it all. In terms of family love, I feel his children brought him a lot of peace and grounded him a bit. Some of his love songs are too passionate to be hypothetical, I'm hoping there was enough romantic love to reach that side of him as well. Then there's all of us, I guess. Some may be drawn by the good beats and rhythms, some may be drawn cause we relate on certain issues.

Anyways, sorry for the ramble. I just never realized the depth to the music and the man, and I don't really have anywhere else to share about it.

Yeah, I agree. One day after his death there were some talking heads on TV in my country talking about him and one old guy noted that it's strange that he never saw the pain in Michael's works, he always though of him as a "winner". Of course, only someone who didn't really follow his career can say he never expressed his pain and inner turmoils in his songs. Initially, in the '80s he didn't, that's true. But later he did very much. And I only realize now how much.... In many of his songs you will find the line "I am lonely" - in Will you be there, in Who is it, in Stranger in Moscow - just from the top of my head. It's like a cry for help.

For me it's impossible to seperate the man from the music. Many of Michael's works are too personal to seperate them from the man.

I agree that he shouldn't be judged by people as he is usually judged by the media as very, very few have ever walked in his shoes. I'm not sure anybody would have survived everything he went through with a healthy mind. I mean many of the things he went through would alone be enough shock for a man for a lifetime: abusive father, early fame, success, isolation, child abuse alligations, cruel attacks and lies by the media, adoration bordering idoltary by the fans, vitiligo, lupus, obvious psychological problems with accepting and loving himself, extreme insecurity and shyness etc. etc. Only one of those would be enough for anybody to make one bitter or confused and Michael had ALL of these! So how can we judge him? I don't think I would have done any better in his shoes and I think few people would.

In fact, despite of all the turmoil and confusion on his mind Michael had a gentle, noble, caring heart. And I admire him for that.
OH YESSSS!!! Stranger in Moscow. I played this song many many times over and saw new DEPTH of meaning in the lyrics even more so since Michael passed. :-(

I put a you tube link onto my main face book page, which was the live stage version when Michael performed it live on stage in Bucharest.
I NEVER TIRE of it, and it's still there on my main page, as it has been for the past 3 wks and 3 days since Michael passed.

Are we allowed to put you tube links in our texts in these replies does anyone know?

I used to think that ''leave me alone'' was the song that showed MJ's feelings about the intrusion and accusations etc, but's this one ''Stranger in Moscow'' which portrays the real feelings he had.
Watch him sing it, again afresh, and see how he moves to it. He is almost bent double when singing it, showing the real gut feelings he has when singing it.

You have started me off now.........

Got to go watch it again.........
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Have you guys seen the making of stranger in moscow?
MJ is all wet, its so hott lol

god he is beautiful :wub:

Yes he is beautiful........totally agree.
Seen my version of this Stranger in Moscow from you tube?
I've added a link to my posting further down.....
oops further up- it's one above this reply/post.........
Will add link again incase you didnt get it......
I really cant listen to Stranger in moscow, Gone too soon and Whatever happens. It just makes me cry:cry:
the lyrics, the melody...everything is sad.
What can I say about this song that I haven't said before except that it is an absolute MASTERPIECE. I adore "Stranger In Moscow". Powerful vocals and equally powerful delivery. One of his best ever.
The video is heartbreaking and yet I can't stop watching and listening. It's a look deep into Michael's soul. When the video first starts with him he's looking down and he does this thing with his head and eyes - he looks up into the camera and I swear he's peering deep into my soul too. He communicates something so visceral and I'm entranced each time I watch. There's also a knot in the pit of my stomach each time I watch.

I hope the media persecutors happen upon this video at some time in their miserable lives and that it reaches their core and that they break down over the crap they did to him.
This is bar far one of my favorite songs by Michael. The very first time I heard it, I was in Vegas at the 2005 'Vindication Celebration' in honor of Michael. I will never ever forget that time, and that song takes me to a whole other place. Every time I hear it, it takes me right back to that time. I'm so affected by it, it overtakes my senses.

I will never forget that event and that song will always symbolize that moment. So much passion. I only wish Mike knew how it affected all of us. We all can realte to feeling like a stranger, even in our own worlds. Bless him for tapping into our feelings and helping us to relate to what he was feeling as well.
This is bar far one of my favorite songs by Michael. The very first time I heard it, I was in Vegas at the 2005 'Vindication Celebration' in honor of Michael. I will never ever forget that time, and that song takes me to a whole other place. Every time I hear it, it takes me right back to that time. I'm so affected by it, it overtakes my senses.

I will never forget that event and that song will always symbolize that moment. So much passion. I only wish Mike knew how it affected all of us. We all can realte to feeling like a stranger, even in our own worlds. Bless him for tapping into our feelings and helping us to relate to what he was feeling as well.

I like what you said. He truly is *magical*. The video moves me. This song transports. I too wish he knew how it affected us.