Stop trowing sand in your eyes ! ! !

I want to ask all of you something. Many people say "Michael is human, like us, he made mistakes". Can some of you show me what mistakes he made according to you? In general, in life, personal and professional? Honestly, i can`t see it. Honestly! As of his alleged addiction - well, we all know he suffered a lot of physical pain in his life. I cannot imagine what enormous pressure on his body the tours were, add to that his illnesses, add also the stress from press, family issues...I know i will be dead long ago before my 50s. I think in pills he soght only relief from pain. I cannot define this as a mistake. He did not smoke, drink (wine cooler is not drinking), insisted on healthy eating, always went with umbrellas, protecting himself. Went into rehab, admitting he had a problem, taking care of himself. He was not a man that will ruin his health and life because of an addiction. He was smart enough not to allow such a thing. Maybe for his conditions there were nothing left but those pills. Maybe the pain was just that big. I just can`t see any mistakes in his approach towards his health or drug use. And in general - i can`t see mistakes in his life choices.

You got to be kidding me, lol!! You can't see mistakes? What about the "balcon baby incindent" few years ago? And those things that starts on O and we can't talk about here? It almost destroyed his life...

And about drugs and rehab... well i wish that he would only stop using them after rehab... Anyway, i don't think we can talk about that either...

He also made some "proffesional" mistakes, like remixes on BOTDF etc...

Show me a man who does not make mistakes, and i'll give you a new MJ concert... :)
Okay, no need to be so convincing.
I don`t know...can`t really define these things as mistakes. I think most of them were result of the fact that he was deprived of a normal life as a normal human. As it was said he never knew normality, as we do. In Every choice/decision he made he had to consider first what the world would think of that, which can be pretty hard. Compared to other famous, talented and rich (not less important) people i think he lead a dignified life, leaving more positive than negative examples to follow.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your opinion.
ANOTHER I'm-Right-You're-Wrong-And-Everyone-Who-Doesn't-Agree-is-blind thread. Wonderful.

YES we get it. We get it :rolleyes: We should all think MJ's is a raged addict, and ignore the suspicious actions of the doctor.

I'll say it once and I'll say it again, no one knows exactly what's going on. NO ONE.
You got to be kidding me, lol!! You can't see mistakes? What about the "balcon baby incindent" few years ago? And those things that starts on O and we can't talk about here? It almost destroyed his life...

And about drugs and rehab... well i wish that he would only stop using them after rehab... Anyway, i don't think we can talk about that either...

He also made some "proffesional" mistakes, like remixes on BOTDF etc...

Show me a man who does not make mistakes, and i'll give you a new MJ concert... :)

It is one thing to admit someone made mistakes in his life (which BTW are none of our business) and another to go on and slam them... just so you know.
ANOTHER I'm-Right-You're-Wrong-And-Everyone-Who-Doesn't-Agree-is-blind thread. Wonderful.

YES we get it. We get it :rolleyes: We should all think MJ's is a raged addict, and ignore the suspicious actions of the doctor.

I'll say it once and I'll say it again, no one knows exactly what's going on. NO ONE.

I am sorry, didn`t mean to sound like that. It is just that when i say "mistakes, that people make in life" maybe i imply more or less their relations with other people. If you do something bad/wrong and the only one to be hurt is you - okay, i do not mind, i will feel sad, but the choice/decision was yours. If somebody else is hurt/insulted, well that is a real mistake according to my views, because another human being is involved.

One thing is true, though - it is none of our business.
Like someone said, we're used to questioning things when it comes to MJ. And for most part that is a must and a good thing becuase if we didn't question it then most of in here would have the medias image of MJ and not the true image. Now I'm not saying we know everything but I don't think I'm lying if I say true MJ fans have a way better picture of who the real man was than people who aren't.
ANOTHER I'm-Right-You're-Wrong-And-Everyone-Who-Doesn't-Agree-is-blind thread. Wonderful.

YES we get it. We get it :rolleyes: We should all think MJ's is a raged addict, and ignore the suspicious actions of the doctor.

I'll say it once and I'll say it again, no one knows exactly what's going on. NO ONE.

I never said we should ignore the doctor. But one thing is the suspicious doctor and the other thing are theories involving AEG and millions other reasons. I didn't say that doc didn't do it. I'm just saying that we should wait before we make up paranoid stuff and before we bash the doctor. And some of the fans who bash the doctor are calling everyone who thinks that MJ is guilty MJ hater. A little ironic...

Okay, no need to be so convincing.
I don`t know...can`t really define these things as mistakes. I think most of them were result of the fact that he was deprived of a normal life as a normal human. As it was said he never knew normality, as we do. In Every choice/decision he made he had to consider first what the world would think of that, which can be pretty hard. Compared to other famous, talented and rich (not less important) people i think he lead a dignified life, leaving more positive than negative examples to follow.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your opinion.

I never said that MJ should be judged for what he did. I see many "mistakes" in his life, but judging him is the last thing i would do. After all, I am a person that made a tons of mistake in my life so far, and my life was never as hard as Michael's was.
I am just saying that even if there are logical reason for something (and in MJ's case there was always explanation for thigns he did), it doesn't mean that it isn't his mistake.
And if you think that my post was rude, well, sorry. I respect your opinion, even if i disagree with it. :)

It is one thing to admit someone made mistakes in his life (which BTW are none of our business) and another to go on and slam them... just so you know.

I actually don't see anything wrong with my post... i was not being disrespectful.