Stop trowing sand in your eyes ! ! !

Dangerous 1991 HIStory

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Lately it seems that everyone on this forum has his own conspiracy theory! Most of them are just absurd and unlogical.

The problem is, that people don't want to accept the fact that Michael Jackson was just a human, like me and you. So many people are obsessed with him and those people view him as a "magical creature". And people don't want to believe that MJ had many "mistakes", that he could have the same problems as we do and of course that he could die young. That is the reason for conspiracy theories. It's easier to think that MJ was killed, it's easier to beleive that his death is not his own fault. Because if it would be, it would mean that MJ is not that "special" and that he is at the end of day quite normal man.

So please, let's not blame the others. Beleive the truth.

Ps: Sorry for my "not too good" english. It's almost 3 AM and i'm drunk lol
i agree to an extnt,i dont believe mjs death was his own fault. he simply wanted to sleep. all he wanted to do was sleep for atleast 8hours,and that dumb as doctor shud have givin him tylenol pm and not no damn propofol
Of course if MJ specifically asked for Propofol then he is partly to 'blame', but it is not Michael Jackson's job to prescribe his own treatment. That was the job of his doctor.
How do you know the truth?

I wouldn't write off all the conspiracy theories so quickly.. Some people just don't take everything the authorities and the media say as being the truth. You can laugh at people's theories but at the end of the day, they laughed at first when someone said the world was round not flat... Anyway I don't want it to be true that people may have murdered Michael but I do want the real truth to come out even if that does end up being it. I do acknowledge he may have had a problem with prescription drugs but the fact he did is the perfect cover up story.I don't want anyone getting away with foul play if you get where I'm coming from.

I will agree to disagree with you :) but you shouldn't just write off other peoples opinions as absurd its disrespectful IMO.
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I think we Michael fans are just used to questioning everything when it comes to Michael - due to the persistent gossip and media slander. Michael's fans do not take anything at face value.
I think asking questions is healthy. It ultimately leads to uncovering the truth.
And when the truth comes out, the ones that were wrong will simply say - oh, okay, fair enough.
I don't like speculating either, so I'm just staying out of the threads. Perhaps you should, too, if it upsets you.
I believe one must go with the evidence and right now the evidence is pointing to dependencie of prescibed medicine of some sort on Michael Jackson's part. I don't care if Propofol or Diprivan isn't a drug, whatever the hell it is, Michael needed it to aid him in sleeping, so he was dependent on it. It is PROBABAL or likly that this dependency is what killed him.

Also people who didn't have THE BALLS to say no.

The last doctor to make a statement through their lawyer was a Dr. Metzger, I think that's how you say his name, Dr. Metzger said that Michael asked him for Propofol to sleep and he said that he told Michael that Propofol was dangerous in the way that he wanted to us it. If Michael didn't heed the warning then he is accountable for not heeding that warning. Personal responsibility can't be denied by some.
I'm not denying he took those drugs. I'm saying it could be the perfect cover story for any murderers as not many would question that outcome.
Of course if MJ specifically asked for Propofol then he is partly to 'blame', but it is not Michael Jackson's job to prescribe his own treatment. That was the job of his doctor.

Exactly! It is the doctor's decision to prescribe what's best for their patient.

And propoful, that's DANGEROUS! Certainly not the best thing to give for sleep.
Exactly! It is the doctor's decision to prescribe what's best for their patient.

And propoful, that's DANGEROUS! Certainly not the best thing to give for sleep.
That's why some are questioning THE DOCTOR'S decision. Not just Dr. Murray, but a long list of Michael's other doctors. Maybe had they made better decision, Michael Jackson would be alive.
Those doctor's didn't care about what they perscribed to Michael or even how much. They didn't care one bit if he was an addict. It was all about the money for them. OBvIOUSLY, that's all that mattered by all the medications that were found.
I'm not ready to lay blame on Mike until I have evidence of such. We've been through this too much for too long and in too many situations before. My benefit of the doubt will always go to him first because I've seen entirely too many instances of where he was made to suffer based on false information.

I remember when there were absolutely positively "love letters to young boys" found at Neverland according to "law enforcement sources". It turned out to be a couple of innocuous 'thank you' letters written TO Mike. That's just one small illustration of why we need to get the facts first when it comes to him.

As far as I'm concerned Mike has paid for whatever bad decisions he's made. He is now blameless because he's dead. You can't bring him back to life and put him on trial for asking for diprivan. He has paid for that. Now it's time to make anyone who may have contributed to his death -- OR who have tried to cover-up their involvement -- pay for their crime(s).
I'm not ready to lay blame on Mike until I have evidence of such. We've been through this too much for too long and in too many situations before. My benefit of the doubt will always go to him first because I've seen entirely too many instances of where he was made to suffer based on false information.

I remember when there were absolutely positively "love letters to young boys" found at Neverland according to "law enforcement sources". It turned out to be a couple of innocuous 'thank you' letters written TO Mike. That's just one small illustration of why we need to get the facts first when it comes to him.

As far as I'm concerned Mike has paid for whatever bad decisions he's made. He is now blameless because he's dead. You can't bring him back to life and put him on trial for asking for diprivan. He has paid for that. Now it's time to make anyone who may have contributed to his death -- OR who have tried to cover-up their involvement -- pay for their crime(s).

Right on.
the media is having a field day with all this...and I put alot of blame on them
for the pressures in Michael's life...................especiallly in the last 20yrs...


I get it... the man had a severe sleeping disorder and you mean not of those doctors
made an effort to give him another alternative to help him with this???
the media is having a field day with all this...and I put alot of blame on them
for the pressures in Michael's life...................especiallly in the last 20yrs...


I get it... the man had a severe sleeping disorder and you mean not of those doctors
made an effort to give him another alternative to help him with this???

exactly.. there is no way in hell they went through all the possible treatments for insomnia
"Stop trowing sand in your eyes ! ! !"

To that I say... stop drinking.

Sorry, I had to. :p
I do find it amusing that you decide to make a serious post such as this, while drunk. haha
nice post! my belief is that for some they need to believe in conspiracy theories in order to rationale what happened in their mind. throughout history people have clung to various conspiracy theories - marilyn and the kennedy's, twa flight 800, elvis being alive still. for some its more palatable believing some other sinister forces were at work than simply humanizing the man behind the magic. we're all human, we all have faults, we all have our breaking point. with michael jackson there's more speculation than fact at the moment and the story of what happened and didnt happen is still playing out so im trying to keep an open mind on what may have occured.

Lately it seems that everyone on this forum has his own conspiracy theory! Most of them are just absurd and unlogical.

The problem is, that people don't want to accept the fact that Michael Jackson was just a human, like me and you. So many people are obsessed with him and those people view him as a "magical creature". And people don't want to believe that MJ had many "mistakes", that he could have the same problems as we do and of course that he could die young. That is the reason for conspiracy theories. It's easier to think that MJ was killed, it's easier to beleive that his death is not his own fault. Because if it would be, it would mean that MJ is not that "special" and that he is at the end of day quite normal man.

So please, let's not blame the others. Beleive the truth.

Ps: Sorry for my "not too good" english. It's almost 3 AM and i'm drunk lol
I know some conspiracy theories just don't add up or make sense, but some do and some have a lot of truth to them. The thing is as they get classed as all the same anyone actually interested in them gets brushed as being 'mad' and hence not taken seriously. Which is a shame and a perfect way for some things in society to get covered up. Its not healthy to think about conspiracy theories all the time I agree, but to be a sheep and never think outside the box scares me too.

A lot of people don't notice things that go on as they simply don't question things. It just comes to light 40 years later in a tv prog or a history book and they go 'oh my' and you know the people 40 years before that had said that might have been the case would have been written off as crazy. They laughed initially at Churchill for saying Hitler may be a concern, they laughed when someone said the world was round and not flat... I just don't think you can write off all theories is what I'm saying
I'm not ready to lay blame on Mike until I have evidence of such. We've been through this too much for too long and in too many situations before. My benefit of the doubt will always go to him first because I've seen entirely too many instances of where he was made to suffer based on false information.

I remember when there were absolutely positively "love letters to young boys" found at Neverland according to "law enforcement sources". It turned out to be a couple of innocuous 'thank you' letters written TO Mike. That's just one small illustration of why we need to get the facts first when it comes to him.

As far as I'm concerned Mike has paid for whatever bad decisions he's made. He is now blameless because he's dead. You can't bring him back to life and put him on trial for asking for diprivan. He has paid for that. Now it's time to make anyone who may have contributed to his death -- OR who have tried to cover-up their involvement -- pay for their crime(s).

sry dude, but ur not in a place for good judgement...

there are no answers, so u don't know the truth either.
Bottom line is... whatever responsability Michael had in this, he already paid for it with his life, now it's time for others who contributed to his death to pay.

I don't care if Michael was begging every doctor in America for Diprivan, they shouldn't have given it to him, it was THEIR responsability to make the right choice for their pacient and they failed at that. Not a single one of these people gave a rats ass about Michael, not really, it was all about taking advantage of the money he was willing to pay.

So... as far fetched as some of the conspiracy theories may be, it's still valid to ask questions, to look for the truth, Michael is dead and I can't writte him off as a junkie just because CNN tells me, I've been there before and know better than to trust them.
Lately it seems that everyone on this forum has his own conspiracy theory! Most of them are just absurd and unlogical.

The problem is, that people don't want to accept the fact that Michael Jackson was just a human, like me and you. So many people are obsessed with him and those people view him as a "magical creature". And people don't want to believe that MJ had many "mistakes", that he could have the same problems as we do and of course that he could die young. That is the reason for conspiracy theories. It's easier to think that MJ was killed, it's easier to beleive that his death is not his own fault. Because if it would be, it would mean that MJ is not that "special" and that he is at the end of day quite normal man.

So please, let's not blame the others. Beleive the truth.

Ps: Sorry for my "not too good" english. It's almost 3 AM and i'm drunk lol

The thing is....conspiracies fly around when no one knows the truth. And we don't know the truth......yet

It is not 'easier' to think Michael was fact, quite the opposite. :(

Until we have concrete info on what happened, all we can do is wonder
Lately it seems that everyone on this forum has his own conspiracy theory! Most of them are just absurd and unlogical.

The problem is, that people don't want to accept the fact that Michael Jackson was just a human, like me and you. So many people are obsessed with him and those people view him as a "magical creature". And people don't want to believe that MJ had many "mistakes", that he could have the same problems as we do and of course that he could die young. That is the reason for conspiracy theories. It's easier to think that MJ was killed, it's easier to beleive that his death is not his own fault. Because if it would be, it would mean that MJ is not that "special" and that he is at the end of day quite normal man.

So please, let's not blame the others. Beleive the truth.

Ps: Sorry for my "not too good" english. It's almost 3 AM and i'm drunk lol

I want to ask all of you something. Many people say "Michael is human, like us, he made mistakes". Can some of you show me what mistakes he made according to you? In general, in life, personal and professional? Honestly, i can`t see it. Honestly! As of his alleged addiction - well, we all know he suffered a lot of physical pain in his life. I cannot imagine what enormous pressure on his body the tours were, add to that his illnesses, add also the stress from press, family issues...I know i will be dead long ago before my 50s. I think in pills he soght only relief from pain. I cannot define this as a mistake. He did not smoke, drink (wine cooler is not drinking), insisted on healthy eating, always went with umbrellas, protecting himself. Went into rehab, admitting he had a problem, taking care of himself. He was not a man that will ruin his health and life because of an addiction. He was smart enough not to allow such a thing. Maybe for his conditions there were nothing left but those pills. Maybe the pain was just that big. I just can`t see any mistakes in his approach towards his health or drug use. And in general - i can`t see mistakes in his life choices.
Bottom line is... whatever responsability Michael had in this, he already paid for it with his life, now it's time for others who contributed to his death to pay.

I don't care if Michael was begging every doctor in America for Diprivan, they shouldn't have given it to him, it was THEIR responsability to make the right choice for their pacient and they failed at that. Not a single one of these people gave a rats ass about Michael, not really, it was all about taking advantage of the money he was willing to pay.

So... as far fetched as some of the conspiracy theories may be, it's still valid to ask questions, to look for the truth, Michael is dead and I can't writte him off as a junkie just because CNN tells me, I've been there before and know better than to trust them.

I agree with your entire post, and people are forgetting that Michael wouldn't have known what the hell Diprivan/Propofol was IF some quack doctor wouldn't have told him about it AND then proceeded to tell him that it was ok to take it that often. Who the hell really knew what Diprivan was until this came out that was not in the medical field, I sure as hell didn't so YES this entire thing is some doctor's fault. There are sleeping meds out there that will knock you on your ass for 10 hrs straight that are "legit" and prescribed for SLEEPING, Diprivan is NOT one of them, so whatever crazy ass quack gave it to Michael and told him it was ok deserves to be punished. Michael has already PAID for his "part" (which was only asking for it IMO, no one HAD to give it to him) in this, he's no longer here with his children, his family, or with us, that's a huge cost to pay. Yet, people wanna keep saying "oh it's his fault because he asked for it" I ask for a billion dollars daily, don't mean I get what the funk I want. If more or all of the doctor's reiterated to Michael that this stuff can KILL you then I doubt he would have kept looking for it but I can guarantee that more than a few told him that it was "ok" and it wouldn't do any harm. yea the fuck right, oh what "little" harm it did. Sorry to go off on a rant I just hate seeing "fan's" saying it's Michael fault, NO the hell it isn't, Michael wasn't no damned doctor, he trusted the "doc's" who said this shit was ok. *woosah* /rant

All of that was not directed at you daphnieas, I just quoted you because I agree with your post.
i agree to an extnt,i dont believe mjs death was his own fault. he simply wanted to sleep. all he wanted to do was sleep for atleast 8hours,and that dumb as doctor shud have givin him tylenol pm and not no damn propofol

lolz...True dat...tru dat...but i heard somewhere that Michael said that the sleeping pills doesnt work for him. He said he heard beat in his head that never stopped. But even if the doc gave him diprevan, he should've taken extreme measures.
I agree with your entire post, and people are forgetting that Michael wouldn't have known what the hell Diprivan/Propofol was IF some quack doctor wouldn't have told him about it AND then proceeded to tell him that it was ok to take it that often. Who the hell really knew what Diprivan was until this came out that was not in the medical field, I sure as hell didn't so YES this entire thing is some doctor's fault. There are sleeping meds out there that will knock you on your ass for 10 hrs straight that are "legit" and prescribed for SLEEPING, Diprivan is NOT one of them, so whatever crazy ass quack gave it to Michael and told him it was ok deserves to be punished. Michael has already PAID for his "part" (which was only asking for it IMO, no one HAD to give it to him) in this, he's no longer here with his children, his family, or with us, that's a huge cost to pay. Yet, people wanna keep saying "oh it's his fault because he asked for it" I ask for a billion dollars daily, don't mean I get what the funk I want. If more or all of the doctor's reiterated to Michael that this stuff can KILL you then I doubt he would have kept looking for it but I can guarantee that more than a few told him that it was "ok" and it wouldn't do any harm. yea the fuck right, oh what "little" harm it did. Sorry to go off on a rant I just hate seeing "fan's" saying it's Michael fault, NO the hell it isn't, Michael wasn't no damned doctor, he trusted the "doc's" who said this shit was ok. *woosah* /rant

All of that was not directed at you daphnieas, I just quoted you because I agree with your post.

You rant on baby because that is my exact same rant! I'm so sick of Doctors and Pharmacists walking away from the shnit they do! If the man was a drug addict, who the f*ck made him one? Doctors! This is a case of a patient being abused--that's right I said it--ABUSED by medical authorities.
I agree with your entire post, and people are forgetting that Michael wouldn't have known what the hell Diprivan/Propofol was IF some quack doctor wouldn't have told him about it AND then proceeded to tell him that it was ok to take it that often. Who the hell really knew what Diprivan was until this came out that was not in the medical field, I sure as hell didn't so YES this entire thing is some doctor's fault. There are sleeping meds out there that will knock you on your ass for 10 hrs straight that are "legit" and prescribed for SLEEPING, Diprivan is NOT one of them, so whatever crazy ass quack gave it to Michael and told him it was ok deserves to be punished. Michael has already PAID for his "part" (which was only asking for it IMO, no one HAD to give it to him) in this, he's no longer here with his children, his family, or with us, that's a huge cost to pay. Yet, people wanna keep saying "oh it's his fault because he asked for it" I ask for a billion dollars daily, don't mean I get what the funk I want. If more or all of the doctor's reiterated to Michael that this stuff can KILL you then I doubt he would have kept looking for it but I can guarantee that more than a few told him that it was "ok" and it wouldn't do any harm. yea the fuck right, oh what "little" harm it did. Sorry to go off on a rant I just hate seeing "fan's" saying it's Michael fault, NO the hell it isn't, Michael wasn't no damned doctor, he trusted the "doc's" who said this shit was ok. *woosah* /rant

All of that was not directed at you daphnieas, I just quoted you because I agree with your post.

I agree