Steve Harvey RIPS Bill O'reilly

Now I'm done with part 2 and I can honestly say I never really cared for B.O'R....Now I just loathe him....
Good on Steve! Never cared for O'Reilly. He's a nasty, racist and hateful person. Can't stand him.
I LOVE me some Steve Harvey!

I couldn't listen to the Bill clip - words can't describe how much I despise Bill and I can't listen to him defaming King Mike like that. He is like a broken record anyway, so I know what racist drivel the creep Bill is going to speak before he utters a word. Bill is not even worthy to speak the name "Michael Jackson", so he needs to keep Mike's name out of his filthy mouth.

Bill is truly a demon. Mike's gone on to glory with the Lord. Bill is still here wasting air and taking up space. God help us!!

One thing about Steve, he showed Michael mad love and respect in life and is still putting it down for Mike now that he has passed away.

Bottomfeeders like Bill can keep trying to attack Michael's legacy to no avail - and the Steve Harveys of the world are gonna keep on pushing back with a fierceness.

Bravo Steve!!
i love Steve's Morning show in general. hes great.

i wont even see what Bill says anymore hes a complete idiot. and i hate that he never lets people finish answering his questions, or that stupid lady he has fill in for him, she as hateful and racist.
Bill O'Reilly was just wrong on soooo many levels

The man is an idiot, plain and simple. He along with Peter King do not know what they are talking about, they don't deal in facts and instead deal in tabloid rumours and speculation.

Steve harvey, ive seen him on tv a couple of times before but well done to him for what he said. If anyone disagrees with harvey and is on o'reilly's side then they are WRONG, that is not the words of a fan, that is based on observation of the facts.

God i really cannot stand some people!!!!

(angry now :()
I hate when he says Michael bleached his skin and then that guy hes arguing with agrees with him, they totaly ignore the vitiligo, ignorant. I want Steve Harvey to go on his show so bad so he can tell him to his face, I love Steve Harvey.
Steve Harvey knows how to deal with trash......get rid of it! and Bill O'Reilly is nothing but trash!
Bill O'Reilly boggles my mind. He makes no sense!!!!!! Saying things like Michael Jackson isn't an African American icon because he has white children is so beyond stupid... Absolutely ridiculous. What more can you expect from a Fox news anchor anyway... Sigh.
wow.....That Bill guy is sick. How DARE he try to tell people...especially blacks who is or isn't an icon for them?

He's an ass with a capital A!!

yeah, in agreeance with you here......

what shit's me...

o'reilly seems to have a real problem when anyone says the word "racism", as if it never existed in the past, present or won't exist in the future.

He get's all defensive and has to try and prove that race is not an issue....ever!! "but you said racism", "here's the thing", "but you can't blame racism for that" blah blah blah he jumps on any issue where race may come into it as though he is the mighty defender of all that is pristinely white.

What is his deal??? does he really think we believe racism is never an issue? Sometimes it gets thrown around too liberally but FFS, have a look at the worlds freakin history bill. And he is the perfect example of someone who thinks his white self is above everyone else.
Bill O'Reilly boggles my mind. He makes no sense!!!!!! Saying things like Michael Jackson isn't an African American icon because he has white children is so beyond stupid... Absolutely ridiculous. What more can you expect from a Fox news anchor anyway... Sigh.

he claims to be educated but that there says to me he is the dumbest man on the planet. So brangelina aren't white cause they have multi-cultural babies.

this man has no shame
So a black guy being a first to do something isn't important, and having children with a white woman disqualifies someone from being a black icon?


Seriously, someone book me on the show. He'll avoid Michael Jackson discussion after that.
Listening to O'reilly makes me want to vomit. Not even just the dispicable disrespectful comments he made against MJ (Lord knows he's possibly said even worse to others--the interview w/ the 911 Victim's son for example) but the fact that his hateful slander goes unreprimanded (for the most part) and people hardly do a thing about it and WORSe I FEEL like I can do nothing about it.

I didnt even bother watching the clip of that racist SOB but thanks Steve! may God bless you always! :flowers:
Now Bill O'reilly has to be THE worst and most dumbest reporter I have ever seen in my life. And he is known for his slander against MJ. And he has made many reports in the last several weeks on MJ. But one stands out that made MANY upset.

I have found at least 6 videos on the net of people ripping Bill for his comments made in this video:

NOW, like I said I have seen many videos bashing Bill for his comments made in that video.

But the one from Steve Harvey tops the cake.

I posted this becuase I enjoy Steve's positiveness towards MJ and I thought I should share this with all of you, becuase I just LOVE to see people like Bill O' Reilly get made fools out of.

So Enjoy.

Thank you sooooooooooo much! This has made my day!!! I sent these videos to the emails of everyone I know!