Steve Harvey RIPS Bill O'reilly


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Now Bill O'reilly has to be THE worst and most dumbest reporter I have ever seen in my life. And he is known for his slander against MJ. And he has made many reports in the last several weeks on MJ. But one stands out that made MANY upset.

I have found at least 6 videos on the net of people ripping Bill for his comments made in this video:

NOW, like I said I have seen many videos bashing Bill for his comments made in that video.

But the one from Steve Harvey tops the cake.

I posted this becuase I enjoy Steve's positiveness towards MJ and I thought I should share this with all of you, becuase I just LOVE to see people like Bill O' Reilly get made fools out of.

So Enjoy.
Bill o'Riley needs to retire seriously.. He says such dumb things it makes me wonder what journalism really is...
Thanks heaps for those links.
I've just finished listening to Steve. He has been incredible and we can always count on him to stand up for Michael.
Bill is a sad figure, he's makes a living out of spreading hate.
That's the only reason they keep him on Fox and the reason that he's in the business, because he attracts attention and viewers... and that is all that matters for the network.
I loathe Bill O'Reilly. He is nothing. He is a hateful a**hole. He is so contradicting of everything he says that anyone taking him seriously is a moron. Go Steve! These fools give me a headache. How come Michael is gone and these people are still allowed to live? He's going to hell... Please this fool will get his coming. Racist f*ck.
Yeah, I hope more people in the world are listening to what Steve Harvey has to say and not Bill O'Reilly. People like O'Reilly should NEVER report the news in this world if they can't report the facts. I'm sick of it.
I don't get how Bill can complain about the media coverage of MJ when he himself has talked about the man on his show more than once since his passing. Isn't that adding to more media coverage of MJ? :smh:
When Bill O'Reilly goes to meet his maker (the devil) he better pray that he gets at least a small article in the newspaper or a 12 second tv coverage about his passing.
i was hoping that rips meant he was dead..oh well steve dugg in that ass
I have never seen someone hate someone they didn't f*ckin know so much. How can you hate someone you've never met? How does that work?
There are people I would not like to meet because of things I've seen on tv, but I don't hate them.
Bill- there will come a day that you will have to answer for everything you've done. Good luck asswipe.
I couldn't watch more than 1:30 of Bill.....that guy has a serious issue. I can't even describe him.

Thank you Steve Harvey, you say it!
Go Steve! we can always count on him to defend Michael even now that he's passed. Bill O'Reily is a racist PIG and should just die already go straight to hell where he belongs!
Bill O'Reilly is a joke. He has totally discredited his self countless times. He needs a good ass whipping.
Dude I can't STAND Bill O'reilly! What's he ever done that makes him superior?

:clapping:Well said Steve Harvey!!!

Bill can kiss my happy @ss.
I just listened to part 1 ....and Steve put it down....he is telling it like it is.....
Steve is a good man I really respect him for his support of Mike over the years. And boy o boy was he getting Bill o Reilly. Steve always keeps it real and I'm glad he used his platform to do good. You go Steve. Tell 'em!!!

is this the only one Steve did? Cuz he said he was going to git anyone who spoke ill of Mike.
Listening to part 2 got to love Tommy...I love his calmness and the way he say's..."lets ride on down there" ...Tommy want to take it to the big ups to Steve, got to give it up to him...he has always been a friend to and of's called.."I GOT YO BACK" type of friend. B.O.R...needs to shut up...and like Steve say's ....GET OFF HIS HIGH HORSE......