Stephanie Mills

How do you know this though? From interviews i've heard, she has never really said anything scandalous about Michael. In the past, Stephanie has only spoke about the fact that they hung out during the time when Michael was filming The Wiz. She said they kissed and she did his laundry once lol. Big deal. I don't see why she'd have to lie about that. She never said they had some great romance. Either way, I think Stephanie is a classy woman and i'm sure the interview will be fine.

I heard an interview she did for a radio station and she did not cast michael in a positive light....I will post the link....
Plus, he had some serious Diana fever at that time.

(Poor guy had Diana fever till the day he died. Why Diana, why didn't you just marry him? You would have saved him and yourself a lot of unnecessary heartache being involved with people who weren't on your level...sigh...I have to remember sometimes that if Diana gave Michael what he wanted, the kids they had would have never been born...sigh...God knows what He's doing.)

Of course I'm saying all this in hindsight. As determined as she is and he was, they probably would have lasted 70 years.

I agree!! He and Diana had a deep connection. And age meant nothing! You could see it in their eyes.

I know the look as I had a May/December affair once at 39 with a beautiful young man of 21. We were friends and associates for many months and I had no idea that he had a something passionate for me. And although we both knew it wasn't to last - it was a very beautiful, very special relationship while it did last. And I know that both of us will treasure the experience for the rest of our lives. I believe that's what Diana & MJ had together.
Michael was prettier than every woman he dated...and married.

I'll have to say, he and Stephanie Mills marrying would have been a shock to my system. Nothing against her. I love Stephanie! But it was the same kind of puppy love he had with Tatum.

They were so young and their careers took two completely different directions. It would have been like playing house. I don't think Michael was cut out to marry really young the way his brothers did. Too much of a workaholic and too much of a Mama's Boy. And I mean that in the sweetest possible way. (Come to think of it, that never really changed did it?) One of them would have had to give up something and it would have been a loss on both ends.

Plus, he had some serious Diana fever at that time.

(Poor guy had Diana fever till the day he died. Why Diana, why didn't you just marry him? You would have saved him and yourself a lot of unnecessary heartache being involved with people who weren't on your level...sigh...I have to remember sometimes that if Diana gave Michael what he wanted, the kids they had would have never been born...sigh...God knows what He's doing.)

Of course I'm saying all this in hindsight. As determined as she is and he was, they probably would have lasted 70 years.

Yeah, If he did marry Steph, It wouldn't last too long due to all the fame and uber superstardom that Mike was gonna get by the time it hit the 80's. And I think he liked Diana, but I think that Diana liked Mike more as a friend than a lover.

How do you know this though? From interviews i've heard, she has never really said anything scandalous about Michael. In the past, Stephanie has only spoke about the fact that they hung out during the time when Michael was filming The Wiz. She said they kissed and she did his laundry once lol. Big deal. I don't see why she'd have to lie about that. She never said they had some great romance. Either way, I think Stephanie is a classy woman and i'm sure the interview will be fine.

I think he means that stupid interview where the DJ's were acting classless and asking stupid crap. Although at least she does admit that the romance wasn't great.
I heard an interview she did for a radio station and she did not cast michael in a positive light....I will post the link....

Me and you heard the same interview, it was not positive one.

Some people who have said bad things about michael is the past speak positive things about him now because his gone.
she did dispel the rumors that he was gay, she said he was very much a man but she inferred that he may have gave her oral . not exact but she didnt deny it. you have to listen and she said she saw him in his undies too. not too cool to say.
age never meant alot to mj , Liz Taylor is an example of that beside Diana Ross. reading the NoRabbi transcripts made me realize that MJ and & Liz may be more intimate than we thought before

Here is the interview where stephanie Mills talks about Michael...I hated when she said she was to black for Michael.

That's what I mean about her lies and exaggeration in regard to Michael having no romantic interest in her. She wishes Michael was romantically interested in her, like she was in him. She has to use the "too black" for Michael, because she created a fantasy in her head she had a connection with Michael. He viewed her as a good friend and nothing more, and never claimed her to be one of his girlfriends, and she's well known enough for Michael not to have kept her a secret. I don't think she's Michael's type, she's no Diana Ross or even Whitney Houston (I think Michael may have had the hots for Whitney), and was just too loud a person for Michael.

There was actually a young black women (a very pretty woman, unlike Stephanie Mills) around Michael's age (whom his mother Katherine introduced Michael to in 1974) who was also spending a lot of time with Michael during the same period in as Stephanie Mills in 1977. This young women also say's she came close to romatically kissing Michael. I think Michael may have been seeing quite a few women or playing the field whilst filming the Wiz in New York in 1977.
That's what I mean about her lies and exaggeration in regard to Michael having no romantic interest in her. She wishes Michael was romantically interested in her, like she was in him. She has to use the "too black" for Michael, because she created a fantasy in her head she had a connection with Michael. He viewed her as a good friend and nothing more, and never claimed her to be one of his girlfriends, and she's well known enough for Michael not to have kept her a secret. I don't think she's Michael's type, she's no Diana Ross or even Whitney Houston (I think Michael may have had the hots for Whitney), and was just too loud a person for Michael.

There was actually a young black women (a very pretty woman, unlike Stephanie Mills) around Michael's age (whom his mother Katherine introduced Michael to in 1974) who was also spending a lot of time with Michael during the same period in as Stephanie Mills in 1977. This young women also say's she came close to romatically kissing Michael. I think Michael may have been seeing quite a few women or playing the field whilst filming the Wiz in New York in 1977.

^ That woman you're talking about, I think, is Theresa G....I forgot her last name but she said some pretty crappy things about MJ in the "Secret Childhood" doc that aired on VH1 during the trial. Utter crap. She suggest Michael was a crazy religious nut,LOL and asexual or something. Well, interestingly enough, now she wrote a book and said they slept together. Twice. So her story has changed.
That's what I mean about her lies and exaggeration in regard to Michael having no romantic interest in her. She wishes Michael was romantically interested in her, like she was in him. She has to use the "too black" for Michael, because she created a fantasy in her head she had a connection with Michael. He viewed her as a good friend and nothing more, and never claimed her to be one of his girlfriends, and she's well known enough for Michael not to have kept her a secret. I don't think she's Michael's type, she's no Diana Ross or even Whitney Houston (I think Michael may have had the hots for Whitney), and was just too loud a person for Michael.

There was actually a young black women (a very pretty woman, unlike Stephanie Mills) around Michael's age (whom his mother Katherine introduced Michael to in 1974) who was also spending a lot of time with Michael during the same period in as Stephanie Mills in 1977. This young women also say's she came close to romatically kissing Michael. I think Michael may have been seeing quite a few women or playing the field whilst filming the Wiz in New York in 1977.
How do you know Theresa Gonsalves was "a very pretty woman"? ;)
I agree!! He and Diana had a deep connection. And age meant nothing! You could see it in their eyes.

I know the look as I had a May/December affair once at 39 with a beautiful young man of 21. We were friends and associates for many months and I had no idea that he had a something passionate for me. And although we both knew it wasn't to last - it was a very beautiful, very special relationship while it did last. And I know that both of us will treasure the experience for the rest of our lives. I believe that's what Diana & MJ had together.


Here is the interview where stephanie Mills talks about Michael...I hated when she said she was to black for Michael.

I didn't quite understand her saying that. I mean, was Diana too black for him too? Does she mean the color thing, or does she mean the attitude or whatever?

^ That woman you're talking about, I think, is Theresa G....I forgot her last name but she said some pretty crappy things about MJ in the "Secret Childhood" doc that aired on VH1 during the trial. Utter crap. She suggest Michael was a crazy religious nut,LOL and asexual or something. Well, interestingly enough, now she wrote a book and said they slept together. Twice. So her story has changed.

You know, I'm not one to talk shnit about females I don't know that well. I can usually get a very good reading on people but I'm not 100% accurate all the time. Is it just me, or was just about every woman Michael got remotely imtimate with or married totally and certifiably unstable? I mean, did they start out this way, or did they just go crazy when they couldn't keep him?

I used to wonder why he couldn't let the Diana dream go even after he realized it probably wasn't going to happen. Or why he clung to Elizabeth Taylor when she was content to keep him as a dear friend given some of the superheroes she had been involved with. But it makes so much sense...look what his alternative was!

The more these women talk, the deeper I understand why he never married again.

You know what, I'm being unfair. I apologize. Clearly all of Michael's romantic interests (big and small) required a LOT of attention and didn't know when to give some breathing room and he didn't require a lot of attention and therefore didn't know how to give it so yeah they were all doomed from the start.
she did dispel the rumors that he was gay, she said he was very much a man but she inferred that he may have gave her oral . not exact but she didnt deny it. you have to listen and she said she saw him in his undies too. not too cool to say.

Really? What did she say? :mello:
she did dispel the rumors that he was gay, she said he was very much a man but she inferred that he may have gave her oral . not exact but she didnt deny it. you have to listen and she said she saw him in his undies too. not too cool to say.

She didn't say he give her oral, it was probably a kiss on the lips.
^ That woman you're talking about, I think, is Theresa G....I forgot her last name but she said some pretty crappy things about MJ in the "Secret Childhood" doc that aired on VH1 during the trial. Utter crap. She suggest Michael was a crazy religious nut,LOL and asexual or something. Well, interestingly enough, now she wrote a book and said they slept together. Twice. So her story has changed.

Yes that's her, and she did say Michael was a religious nut. Michael may have used his religon to get her to back off. I'm not say Michael was romancing her, just pointing out Stephanie Mills wasn't the only women Michael was seeing at the time he was friends with Stephanie Mills.

How do you know Theresa Gonsalves was "a very pretty woman"? ;)

Because I've seen a photo of her and Michael from 1977 on VH1's Michael Jackson's Secret Childhood. She's not the type of woman I'd go for, but I thought she was pretty, and very pretty compared to Stephanie Mills.
Sorry for that late thank you's to the board. Thank you Gav and Stephanie for allowing me to post my show on the board.

I also want to thank the fans for supporting the show Sunday. I didn't allow the oral sex question to fly because anyone who truly knew Michael-knows that he was a VERY PRIVATE MAN.

I will be having two Jackson siblings on my show soon-please know it WON'T be LaToya nor Jermaine! I will inform you as the details are finalized. I also have been blogging my own personal feelings pertaining Michael's death. As you heard on the show, neither Stephanie nor myself could really hold in the pain of such a great loss without tears as so many of you all are feeling.

I also want to let anyone who may be feeling totally hurt and loss, I am here for you to just listen if you need it. You can also email me All letters I receive I do keep confidential. PLEASE, and I beg PLEASE reach out to SOMEONE if you begin to feel overwhelmed in your grief.

I have been in this business for over twenty five years-only three deaths have racked me like Michaels. Gregory Hines, Ray Charles and Michael Jackson. It's a personal pain. Yes, others have troubled my spirit-but real grief is what I have been feeling these past months. It is still very surreal to me.

Like I said on the show Sunday, I had passes to the premier. What I couldn't share at that time was that I had gotten dressed, and I sat on my bed and just cried. I knew I couldn't attend This Is It. No matter how wonderful folks say it is, I just can't. So when I hear someone elses grief, I don't ridicule them. I embrace them.

In closing, I thank you all again. I don't post much on here-but I always feel the love when I am here.:wub:

How do you know Theresa Gonsalves was "a very pretty woman"? ;)

Here are the pics - you decide??/
Theresa Gonsalves



"I will be having two Jackson siblings on my show soon-please know it WON'T be LaToya nor Jermaine"

Ravie, I hope you will get Janet and Randy for the next interview
Sorry for that late thank you's to the board. Thank you Gav and Stephanie for allowing me to post my show on the board.

I also want to thank the fans for supporting the show Sunday. I didn't allow the oral sex question to fly because anyone who truly knew Michael-knows that he was a VERY PRIVATE MAN.

I will be having two Jackson siblings on my show soon-please know it WON'T be LaToya nor Jermaine! I will inform you as the details are finalized. I also have been blogging my own personal feelings pertaining Michael's death. As you heard on the show, neither Stephanie nor myself could really hold in the pain of such a great loss without tears as so many of you all are feeling.

I also want to let anyone who may be feeling totally hurt and loss, I am here for you to just listen if you need it. You can also email me All letters I receive I do keep confidential. PLEASE, and I beg PLEASE reach out to SOMEONE if you begin to feel overwhelmed in your grief.

I have been in this business for over twenty five years-only three deaths have racked me like Michaels. Gregory Hines, Ray Charles and Michael Jackson. It's a personal pain. Yes, others have troubled my spirit-but real grief is what I have been feeling these past months. It is still very surreal to me.

Like I said on the show Sunday, I had passes to the premier. What I couldn't share at that time was that I had gotten dressed, and I sat on my bed and just cried. I knew I couldn't attend This Is It. No matter how wonderful folks say it is, I just can't. So when I hear someone elses grief, I don't ridicule them. I embrace them.

In closing, I thank you all again. I don't post much on here-but I always feel the love when I am here.:wub:


Thank you Ravie! It was great fun to hang out with the girlfriends on Sunday! And I appreciated that you and Stephanie were so respectful of MJ's privacy. Stephanie was so gracious and genuine.

I wanted to ask her what it felt like being replaced by Diana for the movie while going out with MJ during the filming - thought it might have been awkward. Also wanted to ask how the evening went with Andy Warhol and MJ - strange interview.

Anyway - I, too, was hit hard by Gregory Hines, he performed a fundraiser ust a year or so before he passed. What an incredible dancer and human being!

Keep us posted on your interviews - I'll be sure to tune in! You've got a good thing going there!:clapping:
Here are the pics - you decide??/
Theresa Gonsalves

Not a very pretty women (quite nerdy), and different to what I thought. But better looking than Stephanie Mills. Theresa Gonsalves may have been the type of women Michael's mother Katherine wanted him to be with, because she's the one who introduced Theresa Gonsalves to Michael. I think there may be another photo of her and Michael, from the same day in 1977 that has a closer shot of them. I don't have a recording of the VH1 documentary Michael Jackson's Secrect Childhood because I thought it was stupid and negative but that's where I saw this above photo.
Not a very pretty women (quite nerdy), and different to what I thought. But better looking than Stephanie Mills. Theresa Gonsalves may have been the type of women Michael's mother Katherine wanted him to be with, because she's the one who introduced Theresa Gonsalves to Michael. I think there may be another photo of her and Michael, from the same day in 1977 that has a closer shot of them. I don't have a recording of the VH1 documentary Michael Jackson's Secrect Childhood because I thought it was stupid and negative but that's where I saw this above photo.
What does how pretty someone is have to do with anything? That has nothing to do with how well people get along with each other. Halle Berry & Eric Benet are both attractive, but that didn't work out. Going by that criteria, Stephanie & Theresa both more attractive than Debbie Rowe, but Mike didn't care about that apparently.
What does how pretty someone is have to do with anything? That has nothing to do with how well people get along with each other. Halle Berry & Eric Benet are both attractive, but that didn't work out. Going by that criteria, Stephanie & Theresa both more attractive than Debbie Rowe, but Mike didn't care about that apparently.

:no: I know. I hate to say it but some people don't like to see MJ being interested in a type of woman. If it was either brooke or tatum being discussed, you'd have seen all the positive comments.
:no: I know. I hate to say it but some people don't like to see MJ being interested in a type of woman. If it was either brooke or tatum being discussed, you'd have seen all the positive comments.
Maybe. But at any rate, unless the people in here have telepathy or ESP, how would they know what is Michael's or anyone else's type. I always found it odd that fans or media folks who don't know or have met Mike supposedly know more about him than the people who were actually in his life.
Maybe. But at any rate, unless the people in here have telepathy or ESP, how would they know what is Michael's or anyone else's type. I always found it odd that fans or media folks who don't know or have met Mike supposedly know more about him than the people who were actually in his life.

i a point...i'll go even further.. than


in fact..i don't agree, because i don't think anyone in here would want someone to say that any person knows another person, better than that person knows him or herself.

i'm sure, the same courtesy should be extended to Michael.

no one knows Michael...except Michael.
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to me personally Michael was color blind( what i mean by color blind he didn't care about race as long as the woman caught his eye). and didn't care about looks he was more concern about a woman's mind and heart cause it seems to me pretty woman dragged him down and the uglies was inlove vill as for stephanie Mills she no cup of tea any man wants to spill over... she was a mess back than saying she was to black bitch sit down please