Stephanie Mills

Damn, I hope she keeps it classy.... :unsure:

Mike didn't talk about their I hope she respects that.
I don't believe word she say's about Michael, she's a liar. She's a waste of space and greatly exaggerates her friendship with Michael.
She shouldn't really talk about their relationship. Just because the man isn't here anymore don't make it right.
I don't believe word she say's about Michael, she's a liar. She's a waste of space and greatly exaggerates her friendship with Michael.

How do you know this though? From interviews i've heard, she has never really said anything scandalous about Michael. In the past, Stephanie has only spoke about the fact that they hung out during the time when Michael was filming The Wiz. She said they kissed and she did his laundry once lol. Big deal. I don't see why she'd have to lie about that. She never said they had some great romance. Either way, I think Stephanie is a classy woman and i'm sure the interview will be fine.
uurh here' comes another one...
did anyone read that interview where she kept on interrupting Michael? she was so annoying! she never stops talking I think Michael simply tolerated having her around
uurh here' comes another one...
did anyone read that interview where she kept on interrupting Michael? she was so annoying! she never stops talking I think Michael simply tolerated having her around

Girl, when was this?

They were actually INTERVIEWED together????

Oh yea, I'm gonna get some heat from this but I've always thought Michael was prettier than her.. :lol:
I don't believe word she say's about Michael, she's a liar. She's a waste of space and greatly exaggerates her friendship with Michael.

Ok can you explain why b/c I've only heard the one that Cinammon234 talked about. How is she a liar?

uurh here' comes another one...
did anyone read that interview where she kept on interrupting Michael? she was so annoying! she never stops talking I think Michael simply tolerated having her around

Link plz :D I didn't know about this.

Girl, when was this?

They were actually INTERVIEWED together????

Oh yea, I'm gonna get some heat from this but I've always thought Michael was prettier than her.. :lol:

:rofl: Heat? Naw...more like agreement.
TODAY, Legendary Stephanie Mills will be on my radio show 4-pm Est. Call in #914-338-0203 or listen LIVE

She will be discussing her relationship with Michael and is open to any and all questions.

This is not the first time she talked about her and michael dating, back in 2005 she talked about it in the same way on the radio station, during the interview she said michael got lost and started dating white women.

In my opinion michael had a very private life and he dated more then one race. I don't care to hear her interview because the first one she did when he was still alive was very disprectful in my opinion.
She was married to Jeffrey Daniels of Shalamar in the early 1980s. It didn't last long because he beat her.
This is not the first time she talked about her and michael dating, back in 2005 she talked about it in the same way on the radio station, during the interview she said michael got lost and started dating white women.

In my opinion michael had a very private life and he dated more then one race. I don't care to hear her interview because the first one she did when he was still alive was very disprectful in my opinion.

I need to listen to this interview again. :mello: I do remember that the people doing the interview were rude and she called herself his chocolate drop, but the bold is disrepctful.
I think she will be respectful but she's probably gonna make it out to be more than it was for the sake of publicity and just so she can be linked to him, I remember in 2005 she said she thought they were gonna get married(?)
about that old article I just realized that was not her talking throughout the interview it was his manager her part was only at the end...but she's still annoying lol
she is speaking about him now. She said she would never he believe he molested kids it would be so out of character for him. She said he loved kids. He said kids don't judge they are honest. She always speak highly of Michael. She said he was so nice and sweet.
Hi all listening with me! Hope she will talk more about MJ. Wanted to know how it felt being replaced with Diana Ross on the film The Wiz. Also wondered how she hooked up with MJ at that time.

Been listening for about an hour - Stephanie is very humble and genuine. And she is very talented- lovely voice! At 9 years old she won the Apollo Amateur night a record 6 times.

My earlier thoughts-

They aren't talking much about her relationship with Michael- its mostly her fans. Although someone called in about clarifying her comments in the earlier radio interview when she talked about his kisses. Ravie is not having any of that and Stephanie gracious bowed out about not answering intimate questions about MJ.

Stephanie did say MJ was so sweet and she said quite adamantly that she did not ever believe he was capable of the accusations.

She also said that she is still broken up about his death and cannot see This Is It yet.

She is also performing at the Paradise in NY on Nov. 28 along with Randy Jackson.

I liked what she said. Then I logged off because they started talking about other things. I don't know if they started back talking about MJ or not. Don't trash Stephanie, she always says she will never believe MJ was the monster the media and the D.A. wanted to make him out to be. Those other women he paraded around with didn't stand up for him except Madonna.
Apparently MJ fans were unhappy about cutting off the conversation....

She said had a very loving, pure and sincere relationship. No one could make it something dirty. She thought for sure she was going to be MJ's wife. And she had total access to him?!:scratch:

Now she's talking about how beautiful Prince (the performer) - says both he and MJ are misunderstood. both listened to a different beat - Prince was more grounded.
MJ needs more friends like that and they had not spoken in many years and she still remained loyal to their friendship.

Yes, that's for sure. She is incredibly real! He seemed to disconnect from those that were most like him - pure, genuine and humble.

She is a beautiful person.:yes:
Further comments...

They both were disgusted with the disrespect in general of the BET awards. It was not in honor of the talent of MJ. They are not happy at what is going on in the industry now - the blatant sexuality, flavor of the month, etc.

They did not want to play Michael on MTV - and she said dark skin women were considered ugly - they didn't want to play Stephanie's videos.

(I'm home with the flu, so thought this would be fun to listen to...)
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Girl, when was this?

They were actually INTERVIEWED together????

Oh yea, I'm gonna get some heat from this but I've always thought Michael was prettier than her.. :lol:

Michael was prettier than every woman he dated...and married.

I'll have to say, he and Stephanie Mills marrying would have been a shock to my system. Nothing against her. I love Stephanie! But it was the same kind of puppy love he had with Tatum.

They were so young and their careers took two completely different directions. It would have been like playing house. I don't think Michael was cut out to marry really young the way his brothers did. Too much of a workaholic and too much of a Mama's Boy. And I mean that in the sweetest possible way. (Come to think of it, that never really changed did it?) One of them would have had to give up something and it would have been a loss on both ends.

Plus, he had some serious Diana fever at that time.

(Poor guy had Diana fever till the day he died. Why Diana, why didn't you just marry him? You would have saved him and yourself a lot of unnecessary heartache being involved with people who weren't on your level...sigh...I have to remember sometimes that if Diana gave Michael what he wanted, the kids they had would have never been born...sigh...God knows what He's doing.)

Of course I'm saying all this in hindsight. As determined as she is and he was, they probably would have lasted 70 years.
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