Start Pairing Up, Single Ladies & Gentlemen. lol


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
From my observation on this forum, I have noticed that there has been constant discussion on relationship and love. Some of these guys have constantly been talking about the kind of woman or man that they want. It seems that some are looking too far and sometime what you want can be close to you without you even noticing.

Lately one girl wrote this “I prefer deeper, thinkers” and another guy responded with this “Yes, I'm one of those”. You people are beating around the bush /going round in circle.

Recently, a good example is the fact that two members on this board have found comfort in each other. Just go ahead and start pairing up guys. Don’t look too far, what you want might be right next to you; just open your eyes.

N.B: I think from the comments, some people might be good for one another on this forum. lol
Those that I have quoted, I hope are not offended. This is just a suggestion and what do you guys all think ?
I've noticed this too, but most live too far away, age gap is too big, etc.
What distance will you consider to be roo far?
Well it depends on the age of the users...I'm 16 so pretty much anywhere outside London would be a nono...unless the girl was really special.
From my observation on this forum, I have noticed that there has been constant discussion on relationship and love. Some of these guys have constantly been talking about the kind of woman or man that they want. It seems that some are looking too far and sometime what you want can be close to you without you even noticing.

Lately one girl wrote this “I prefer deeper, thinkers” and another guy responded with this “Yes, I'm one of those”. You people are beating around the bush /going round in circle.

Recently, a good example is the fact that two members on this board have found comfort in each other. Just go ahead and start pairing up guys. Don’t look too far, what you want might be right next to you; just open your eyes.

N.B: I think from the comments, some people might be good for one another on this forum. lol
Those that I have quoted, I hope are not offended. This is just a suggestion and what do you guys all think ?

LMAO! You just quoted me! :ninja:
Well Im a 15 year old guy, I don't think I'll be finding love here :lol: Im too young for the ladies on here :lol:
Hard to find a nice girl around here, pretty much all of them are a bit slutty. (no not on MJJC, I mean where I live

I'm going on holiday to the Isle of Wight tomorrow and am fantasizing about finding a wonderful girl in the park resort, then we will exchange numbers, passion, and eventually get married and haz babies... I'm so sad! :lol:

/blog /blog /blog /blog
Hard to find a nice girl around here, pretty much all of them are a bit slutty. (no not on MJJC, I mean where I live

I'm going on holiday to the Isle of Wight tomorrow and am fantasizing about finding a wonderful girl in the park resort, then we will exchange numbers, passion, and eventually get married and haz babies... I'm so sad! :lol:

/blog /blog /blog /blog

Awwwwwww bless you! :lol: Good luck!
I think you just put me off mj girl fans :lol:
mj is the only man who could pull them off :hysterical:

Just keepin' it real, Raz, just keepin' it real. :D

It takes a strong man to be able to handle female MJ fans, hehe. I know what I'm talking about, I'm married to one. Thank the Lord he has black, long curly hair. :D When I'm particulary daring, I'll braid it for him in the "Blood on the Dancefloor" look, he will usually look at me funny and grin.
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Most members on this forum are much, much, much much (ok, not that much) younger than me (46). I'm not about to become a cougar, ha.

Besides, the whole relationship thing is so much work. You gotta be able to play "the game" and I just don't have the strength. You guys have fun though. :)
Just keepin' it real, Raz, just keepin' it real. :D

It takes a strong man to be able to handle female MJ fans, hehe. I know what I'm talking about, I'm married to one. Thank the Lord he has black, long curly hair. :D When I'm particulary daring, I'll braid it for him in the "Blood on the Dancefloor" look, he will usually look at me funny and grin.

Awww, I still think dating an MJ fan would be cool :) we could compare collections and things it would be great, but the gold pants aint happenin' :lol:
Wow, love is in the air here. :wub:

And I just want to wish good luck to all those who are in search of true love. :yes: Nothing is impossible and there are still wonderful people in the world and I'm sure all who are searching for that special person will find unexpectedly :wub:, why things always happen by chance in life when least expected. lol! :wild: :wild: :wild:

GOLD PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(That's what I'm talking about):baby: