Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

That Star Wars Holiday Special is so bad. It's not even so bad that it's good. It's just boring. The animated parts are the only things I like about it.

Here is great The Force Awakens review:
I really struggled to finish the holiday special. I watched it for the first time a few years ago. Never again lol. There should be a t-shirt: "I Survived The Star Wars Holiday Special"

I just came from watching it at last! It was entertaing, I liked it but but fights were lacking IMO and Kylo Ren was even weaker to me than Anakin when he was begining to join the dark side.

Did you react kind of like this when Kylo killed his father Han?

When Rey found Han Solo, I thought she was his daughter but now I think now she's Luke's instead.

but fights were lacking IMO and Kylo Ren was even weaker to me than Anakin when he was beginning to join the dark side.
I disagree and that's cus Kylo was bluffing this whole time about being this all powerful person hence why he turned out being an average person. Did you not see the trouble he had with Rey both in the mind and lightsaber fight and the fact that Supreme Leader Snoke said it was time to complete his training?
I just came home from the movies. I liked it a lot.


I am sure Rey is either Han and Leia's daughter - and thus Kylo's sister -, or Luke's daughter. More likely the latter but definitely a Skywalker. Although Luke is not supposed to have children. But then Anakin wasn't supposed to have children either.

I don't think Kylo is supposed to be very strong as of now. He is a wannabe Sith but not yet a Sith.

I liked all of the new characters. Finn, Rey, Kylo (yes, in SW I like the bad guys too). BB8 was cute. To see the old characters (Han, Leia, Chewie) was emotional. I suspected Han would die in this part but it was sad to see.


I think the movie is definitely better than the prequels and it will only turn better as it develops in Part VIII and IX. I am sure Kylo will be an interesting character as he seems to be conflicted, even more so than Vader.

I have seen many people complain that he seems weak, but he isn't supposed to be strong as of now IMO. Let's not forget that Anakin was the most naturally talented Jedi ever so it makes sense that he would be a more powerful figure, especially at the height of his power as a Sith. It actually would not make sense for Kylo to be as strong and powerful as him for now. Kylo is not even a Sith yet, he is just a wannabe.

I am very much interested in him and what made Han and Leia's son and Luke's apprentice turn to the Dark Side (hopefully they will provide a back story to that). He seems to have some daddy issues - see when he told Rey "You wish Han Solo was your father. You would be disappointed in him."
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I think (not 100%) Rey is Luke's daughter because of this video game, Disney Infinity 3.0: The Force Awakens. Kylo seems to scream Rey, "face me cousin" at 20:30 unless Kylo said curses. It's hard to understand him when he wears the mask.

Hear is a great documentary about the original trilogy:

One of my favorite making-of docs.
Interesting article and I agree with it. To me Kylo Ren is an interesting character.

If you don't want to read SPOILERS do NOT read it!

<header><header class="">[h=1]Kylo Ren Is Everything That Anakin Skywalker Should Have Been[/h]</header>
James Whitbrook
<time class="meta__time updated" datetime="2015-12-24T14:02:00-05:00">Thursday 2:02pm</time>

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Kylo Ren had a huge legacy to live up to in the new Star Wars, because Darth Vader is one of cinema&#8217;s all-time great villains. But Vader&#8217;s legacy is also a huge part of what makes Kylo Ren so fascinating&#8212;because he&#8217;s everything that Anakin Skywalker should have been in the prequels.
A warning: there will of course be major spoilers for the plot of Star Wars: The Force Awakens below. If you&#8217;ve not seen the movie, turn back now.

The Star Wars movies have always featured villains who are cold, calculating and in control of their emotions. Vader, the Emperor, Dooku, Maul&#8212;the Sith always acted with a chilling precision. But Kylo Ren is anything but precise. He&#8217;s brash, raw, sullen, and just bursting with emotion. This is something we&#8217;ve seen before in the Expanded Universe of books and comics, but never in the movies.

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Kylo Ren howls and loses his mind, whenever anything goes wrong. When he discovers that the First Order failed to capture BB-8 on Jakku, he ignites his lightsaber and eviscerates a nearby computer console. When Rey escapes her confines on Starkiller base, he destroys an entire room in a fit of rage (almost comically so, as two nearby Stormtroopers decide to patrol in the other direction when they see smoke coming out of the cell&#8212;and yes, you&#8217;ve probably seen that Twitter account everyone&#8217;s chuckling at, too). <small>Image via Beck-Solo</small>
Kylo Ren harbors a bitter resentment for the expectations thrust upon him in his former life as Ben Solo, Jedi-in-training and a son of legends. Even his lightsaber itself is unstable and angry, flickering with sparks and heat&#8212;just like its owner.

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When you think about the angriest another Star Wars villain has been in the other films, the closest I can think of is Vader choking Admiral Ozzel for bringing the Empire&#8217;s fleet out of hyperspace too early in Empire Strikes Back. Even then, Vader&#8217;s rage is contained and suppressed&#8212;he calmly strangles the life out of Ozzel while telling Piett that he&#8217;s just gotten a promotion. This isnothing like Kylo&#8217;s roiling internal turmoil, which makes him unpredictable and scary every time he&#8217;s on screen. Kylo&#8217;s internal conflict is easy to see on the surface, and this makes him one of Star Wars&#8217; most emotional, and hence most resonant, villains.
But that&#8217;s what the dark side is meant to be, right? Anger. Hate. Suffering&#8212;and above all those, passion. That&#8217;s not passion in terms of romance (although it can be), but the strength, the amplification, of your emotions. In George Lucas&#8217; original conception, the Jedi were meant to be the warrior monks, skilled and precise and in control of their feelings. They harness power from that control. The Sith are the ones who give into their passion and seek power from jumping into that swirling sea of emotion. They&#8217;re angry and sullen and screaming at the world, at the legacies handed to them, because that&#8217;s what empowers them.
It almost sounds like a certain Skywalker, doesn&#8217;t it?
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Because really, when you think about it, on paper the young Anakin of Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith has a lot in common with the angst of his future grandson. Young Anakin is torn between the dark and light, compromised by his feelings for other people&#8212;feelings that send him on a path to the Dark Side. A man who&#8217;s angry at his lot in life, at the people around him, with a sense of betrayal and abandonment that eventually solidifies into a decision that he can never take back.
But &#8220;on paper&#8221; and &#8220;on film&#8221; are two different things, and the Anakin we see in the prequels is infamously whiny and pathetic, rather than the tumultuous sea of emotions that he was meant to be. Due to the fatal mix of a less than stellar performance from Hayden Christensen, and George Lucas&#8217; sterile approach as a writer and director, mean the moments of raw emotion that are meant to punctuate Anakin&#8217;s fall, and resonate with the audience, never quite hit right. Anakin&#8217;s emotional journey in the prequels simply doesn&#8217;t work, because there&#8217;s so little real, believable emotion there.
When you think about those big moments&#8212;Shmi Skywalker&#8217;s death, Anakin&#8217;s confession to Padmé about slaughtering Tusken Raiders, the death of Mace Windu, confronting Obi-Wan on Mustafar&#8212;none of them really hit home. A flat performance here, a clunky line there, it all makes Anakin&#8217;s arc fall completely flat. He&#8217;s clearly supposed to be a passionate, tempestuous young man whose emotions are too intense for his Jedi discipline to control.
In Revenge of the Sith, we ought to be seeing the darkest moments in his life, but Anakin is moaning that he wasn&#8217;t made a Jedi master, or sent to hunt down Grievous. The closest we ever get to seeing him feel any emotional conflict is the moment when he breaks down in the Jedi Temple, alone and separated from Padmé&#8212;arguably the most effective scene in the movie, but one that can do nothing to compensate for the dearth of real emotion elsewhere.
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We never feel Anakin&#8217;s conflict, or his resentment towards the Jedi&#8217;s static ways. We barely even see it. His fall to the Dark Side becomes a bullet point, something that we know has to happen because he becomes Darth Vader in the original trilogy. It&#8217;s left to ancillary material like the Clone Wars animated series to fill int he gaps. And the Clone Wars cartoon does a remarkable job with Anakin, to the point that it makes his slow descent into rage and sadism actually stomach-turning at times.
Compare the two young men&#8217;s crucial &#8220;no going back&#8221; moments: Kylo&#8217;s murder of his father Han, and Anakin&#8217;s march on the Jedi Temple. For Kylo Ren, it&#8217;s a painful, almost pitiful moment, as he delivers a grand and heartbreaking speech to his dad about being torn apart by indecision and the pull between light and dark&#8212;only to twist things around at the last moment and use his father&#8217;s devotion as a lure to bring him in for the kill, to seal Kylo&#8217;s path to darkness.

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The march on the temple is... well, it&#8217;s a march. We don&#8217;t get to see Anakin&#8217;s reaction, feel something about it, or even understand why he&#8217;s doing it (other than the fact that it&#8217;s simply what Palaptine tells him to do). He just silently ignites his lightsaber in front of some Padawans. There&#8217;s no personal connection there for the audience to understand, or even be shocked by, like you are with Kylo&#8217;s sudden twist. No anguish. For a man meant to be driven by his emotions&#8212;his love of his wife, and his need to do anything to keep her safe&#8212;it&#8217;s such a sterile moment that it feels perfunctory. The raw edge that is meant to catapult Anakin from promising young Jedi to powerful Sith is simply never there, and when you see rawness in almost every moment Kylo Ren is on screen in The Force Awakens, its absence from the prequels becomes even more apparent.
There&#8217;s something a bit ironic in the fact that Kylo Ren&#8217;s ultimate desire is to become the man he thought his grandfather was&#8212;because as an outsider looking in on The Force Awakens, to me he&#8217;s already a far more interesting, and therefore more tragic, version of the man that would become Darth Vader than the Anakin Skywalker we saw in the prequels ever was.

I'm about 100% on Rey being Luke's daughter. They drew umpteen parallels between the two characters, plus there's those two synergistic scenes of someone handing someone else a lightsaber. In one, the son is (purportedly) handing his father the lightsaber, but hands him his death instead. In the second, Rey offers Luke the lightsaber, essentially giving him his life back. Frankly, it would be totally in character if Luke were crap at avoiding attachments the way a proper Jedi should.

Some commenters on the Internet apparently believe Rey to be Kylo's sister, expecting a repeat of the twin theme that linked Luke and Leia. It's much easier to envision a storyline in which Luke had to hide his daughter on a remote planet than it is to understand why Force-sensitive Leia would not recognize a lost daughter immediately. And, by the end of the film, multiple characters seem to recognize some kind of important relationship between Luke and Rey, because they send her, rather than a well-known Resistance pilot, to retrieve him. And all the others, even old friends like Chewie, wait politely at the bottom of the steps while she goes to meet him.

It sets up a rather heartbreaking situation, with Leia's kid pitted against Luke's kid, with both Luke and Leia aware that one day one of their children may not be coming back.

I am very much interested in [Kylo] and what made Han and Leia's son and Luke's apprentice turn to the Dark Side (hopefully they will provide a back story to that). He seems to have some daddy issues - see when he told Rey "You wish Han Solo was your father. You would be disappointed in him."

My guess is, not necessarily in this order,

1. Han hasn't always been the most grounded of people, and he may well have had issues as a father.
2. Kylo's tendency to bash the snot out of things might mean he's always been unstable, and it might not be that Han's done anything wrong at all.
3. Emo Kylo Ren is dead on, and Han laughed at him. :)
I agree with the article respect posted, the prequels didn't make Anakin any justice while The Clone Wars series had better writers who portrayed what Anakin should have been all along. It may be the reason why I can't stand watching the prequels anymore. Skywalker was WAY TOO whiny and immature.

Some commenters on the Internet apparently believe Rey to be Kylo's sister, expecting a repeat of the twin theme that linked Luke and Leia. It's much easier to envision a storyline in which Luke had to hide his daughter on a remote planet than it is to understand why Force-sensitive Leia would not recognize a lost daughter immediately. And, by the end of the film, multiple characters seem to recognize some kind of important relationship between Luke and Rey, because they send her, rather than a well-known Resistance pilot, to retrieve him. And all the others, even old friends like Chewie, wait politely at the bottom of the steps while she goes to meet him.


Some on the SW forum noted that they realized a sexual tension between Kylo and Rey as he tried to read her mind. Whether that was intentional or not (just something between the actors rather than something intended between the characters) we will see. Of course, for Kylo and Rey to fall for each other it would require them not be related at all and Rey just being a random Force sensitive rather than either Luke or Leia's daughter.

But yes, then all her flashbacks and people's reactions to her would not make much sense, so I think she is probably related.

I even read people speculate Finn is the son of Lando, but that would be a bit too many of "sons/daughters of". Not everyone needs to be the son of or daughter of an old character LOL. For Kylo and/or Rey it would make sense because obviously the Skywalker bloodline has to go on, but Finn does not need to be the son of Lando, so I hope it remains just that: fan speculation.
Interesting theory from the SW forum:

Why I think Snoke is Darth Plagueis:

  • He bares very similar resemblance to Darth Plagueis' Muun species
  • Snoke appears to have an injury to his mandible and around the lower jaw region, similar to Darth Plagueis after his attempted assassination in the EU
  • Rey's staff appears to be almost identical to Darth Plagueis' lightsaber staff, the staff also appears too frequently and I am certain will have significance later on
  • The big one: the background theme music is the same as when Darth Sidious was telling Anakin Skywalker the tale of 'Darth Plagueis the wise'
  • Perhaps Darth Plagueis did learn to defeat death and lived in secrecy. With all his wisdom, he may have foretold the empires downfall and when to finally reveal himself
  • I believe Snoke was confirmed to be 7 foot tall in reality, which is in keeping with the height of the Muun species
  • Another big clue: Plagueis seduced a young Palpatine to the dark side when he manipulated him to kill his father. After Kylo Ren killed his father, Snoke mentioned that it's time to complete his training. This could be reference to Snoke transforming Ren into a Sith, if he is indeed Darth Plagueis.

I don't think The Supreme Leader is Darth Plagueis because he was a new created character for the episode VII and also because of this quote:

Supreme Leader Snoke was one of the last characters finalized for the film, alongside Maz Kanata in October 2015 (10 weeks before the release of the film). Neither J.J. Abrams nor creature creative supervisor Neal Scanlan wanted Snoke to be old and decrepit like the Emperor, and at one point they even explored the idea of the character being female. They even built a full-size maquette of the concept.

Although, it would be interesting if Plagueis were included in any of the subsequent episodes given the fact he is a Lord Sith able to cheat death even though Palpatine murdered him in his sleep.

From the story Palpatine told Anakin in the episode III:
Darth Plagueis was a dark lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise. He could influence the midichlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the Dark Side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.

I was wondering almost the same things than in thiis video. If Luke already had a very realistic hand as a replacement, it was weird to see him with a robot-like one. It doesn't answers either what happened to 3P-O's arm either. We already commented about Ray's parents, the issues may have with his fathehr. And I'd add myself, what happened between Lea and Han, she pushed Han away and tried to save Ben from the dark side alone.

I liked what JJ Abrams said about Kylo. Kylo Ren idolizes Darth Vader, not Anakin Skywalker. He idolizes what Vader represents.

And to illustrate Kylo's daddy issues in a funny way... :lol:


I hope we see Luke's green lightsaber in the upcoming movies. It's my favorite of them all:

Around 1:10. I fear that he will start using the blue one again. Rey should use it not him.

Snow White luvs Peter Pan;4126001 said:
I don't think The Supreme Leader is Darth Plagueis because he was a new created character for the episode VII and also because of this quote:

Although, it would be interesting if Plagueis were included in any of the subsequent episodes given the fact he is a Lord Sith able to cheat death even though Palpatine murdered him in his sleep.
I suppose the temptation to link Plagueis to Snoke is to make a confrontation with Snoke represent coming full circle. Anakin went Dark Side thinking he could master Plagueis' ability to use the Force to preserve life. But if Snoke isn't Plagueis, then the question is, who is he, where did he get enough Dark Side knowledge for Kylo to call him master, and why haven't we heard of him before?

I was wondering almost the same things than in thiis video. If Luke already had a very realistic hand as a replacement, it was weird to see him with a robot-like one.
In ROTJ, the mechanical hand represented Luke's potential to become like Vader -- more machine than man if he went down the wrong path. In this article, there's an interesting quote from one of the concept artists for the movie:

The reason Luke is this whole new entity is because he was the first to acknowledge his own dark side — that it was not separate from him.
The mechanical hand could be a callback to Luke's turning point in ROTJ, and represents something critical about the current writers' concept of the character. It's perhaps noteworthy that the place we see it most prominently is in the flashback where Luke and R2 are in front of the burning school, with the bodies behind them.

The biggest question I have from the movie is, what has Luke really been doing for the past several years? As much as grief and shame may have had to do with his exile initially, it's hard to believe that the guy who would confront Vader and the Emperor alone would have taken himself out of the game this long.

Galactus123;4126158 said:

I hope we see Luke's green lightsaber in the upcoming movies. It's my favorite of them all:

Around 1:10. I fear that he will start using the blue one again. Rey should use it not him.
There's no reason for Luke to use anything but his own lightsaber, since building one is a fundamental step on the way to becoming a Jedi. Rey handing Luke the lightsaber was symbolic. I think she will in fact be the one to use Anakin's lightsaber, since she'll need one on her adventures, and I don't know where else she would get one before she can build her own.
What you guys think about the Star Wars: Rogue One movie that comes this year?

Comic-Con teaser:


I think it looks interesting but that pic could look more Star Warsy. It's set before Episode IV so we might see Vader.
is that Death Star in Rogue One trailer???
Yes. It's set before Episode 4 so it makes sense. They have said that the story will center on a group of Rebel spies on a mission to steal the plans for Death Star.
Really great film. I wasn't bothered by the repeated story points to be honest. I was so engrossed by the new characters!
the repeat points in the story i believe is like a bridge that will connect old generation with new one who will of course be the future