Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

Re: Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

I hope Spike is able to pull this off.

I was at his "party" for Michael last year in Propect Park (Brooklyn) and it was a huge love fest. All sorts of people came out for that joint, both young AND old. Everybody had a ball. I left when it was over and folks were STILL coming. I hope he does it again this year. I'll be first in line!

I worry Spike Lee might not get authorization to use all these songs. The estate seems to be really strict about not letting the songs be used or misused.

Isn't Spike friendly with John McClain? I hope he is able to convince them.

Off Topic:
I might attend the Prospect Park block party this year. He hasn't announced anything yet, but last year he said there would be another one...so hoping.
Re: Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

I worry Spike Lee might not get authorization to use all these songs. The estate seems to be really strict about not letting the songs be used or misused.

I was thinking the very same thing.

The Estate is strict AND Spike's work can sometimes be a little controversial at times, to say the least. Definitely not "kid" friendly. I'm not so sure the Estate will be willing to license Michael's music to a project that may seem too risque.
Re: Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

open for it as long as they don't make a long ass over dramatic bio pic where they portray michael as this lost deluded soul
Re: Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

I was thinking the very same thing.

The Estate is strict AND Spike's work can sometimes be a little controversial at times, to say the least. Definitely not "kid" friendly. I'm not so sure the Estate will be willing to license Michael's music to a project that may seem too risque.

From reading the Playlist's synopsis, the movie would lose its soul & purpose without the music. So, he will need to conpromise with whatever the estate ask without losing his artistic freedom.

Isn't it funny how deeply Spike has been affected by MJ's death? I remember during the Dangerous era, Spike said something negative about MJ...and I always wondered if that wasn't the reason why MJ selected him to direct TDCAU. But I am glad he is in our corner and wants to support MJ's legacy.

open for it as long as they don't make a long ass over dramatic bio pic where they portray michael as this lost deluded soul

Spike's movies are often wrapped in controversy because the often touch on the subject of race relations...and I cannot for the life of me imagine a movie about the gentrification of Brooklyn without controversy.

I think this could be a really great movie, in line with dothe right thing, Crooklyn...
Re: Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

I know that his movies mostly deal with racial issues that is why I'm not sure about him wanting to do a flick on Michael tbh
I'm mixed
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Re: Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

^^^ same here as much as i love Spike, im white,and not a racist, this is like, i dont know, i know he is a master, i love Crooklyn cause it didnt have that racial issue, but i dont like rascim...
Re: Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

I haven't seen many of Spike's films. One that I saw and enjoyed was "Summer of Sam". I liked it though it was a little too graphic for me but I'm easily embarrassed by adult content in movies. Anyway, I kind of picture this "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" as turning out similar to "Summer of Sam". Of course, there most likely will be controversy - especially dealing with the subject of gentrification.

Natives vs hipsters!

I'm a native. :)
Re: Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

Spike Lee Pens New Film About Michael Jackson; Samuel L. Jackson Likely to Star

Popeater.com reports that Spike Lee has written a new movie about Michael Jackson. The movie is called "Brooklyn Loves You, Michael Jackson," and tells the story of a group of people organizing a tribute concert in honor of Michael Jackson and the conflict that arises with the "gentrified people that live in the neighborhood."
Lee was one of the main organizers of a real-life tribute concert, also called "Brooklyn Loves You, Michael Jackson," which took place on Jackson's birthday after his death in 2009.
According to Popeater, the film, like the concert, was inspired by Lee's "depression" over Michael Jackson's death.
Samuel L. Jackson confirms that he will likely star in the film, claiming that it "looks like I might be doing" the movie, when asked during a press day for his new movie "Mother and Child" earlier this week. Jackson hopes JuliAnne Moore will sign on to play his character's wife.
Says Jackson of the film's progress: "We [Jackson and Lee] had a power meeting. We talked about it and I read the script. So it should be okay."
No details regarding production or a release date have been revealed.

here is link:http://movies.broadwayworld.com/art...kson_Samuel_L_Jackson_Likely_to_Star_20100423
Re: Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

I think this will be a good film. Like Lee, Scared of the moon is my favorite song by Michael too. I can't hear it without tearing up. :(
Re: Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

This film, if become a really, will show the legacy that Michael left to many people in the world!
Re: Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

A little off topic but Spike's episode of "Who Do You Think You Are" airs next Friday (season finale). Sounds like it will be interesting, although all the stories have been so far. I like this show. For those not familiar with this program, several celebrities over the weeks have their genealogy traced. Spike is next.
Re: Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

^^^ same here as much as i love Spike, im white,and not a racist, this is like, i dont know, i know he is a master, i love Crooklyn cause it didnt have that racial issue, but i dont like rascim...

:clapping: You can't love MJ and be a racist.

The only issue I have w/ Spike he tends to blame MANY things on race. But he is from an older generation...And I am sure being a groundbreaking young black filmmaker had its challenges.

I haven't seen many of Spike's films. One that I saw and enjoyed was "Summer of Sam". I liked it though it was a little too graphic for me but I'm easily embarrassed by adult content in movies. Anyway, I kind of picture this "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" as turning out similar to "Summer of Sam". Of course, there most likely will be controversy - especially dealing with the subject of gentrification.

Natives vs hipsters!

I'm a native. :)

I had forgotten he did Summer of Sam...great movie indeed.

A little off topic but Spike's episode of "Who Do You Think You Are" airs next Friday (season finale). Sounds like it will be interesting, although all the stories have been so far. I like this show. For those not familiar with this program, several celebrities over the weeks have their genealogy traced. Spike is next.

I will watch just to see Spike's face when they tell him the slave owner's name of his great grand father.

Spike is cool. Outspoken...but really cool.
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Re: Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

Spike Lee to direct 'Brooklyn Loves Michael Jackson'

Spike Lee organized a 'block party' and directed a posthumous video for Jackson in 2009, now he will direct a feature film tribute to Jackson and Brooklyn.


According to the Edward Davies article 'Spike Lee Details', which appeared on The Playlist, website, it has been confirmed Spike Lee's next 'joint' will not be a sequel to the critically acclaimed 2006 crime drama Inside Man, but rather a film titled 'Brooklyn Loves MJ,' rumored to feature an array of Lee regulars including Samuel L. Jackson, John Turturro, Rosie Perez, Anthony Mackie and Kerry Washington.
Spike Lee's Reaction To Jackson's Untimely Death

Lee, who directed two short films for the Michael Jackson protest song "They Don't Care About Us,' was evidently saddened in the days after Jackson's death on June 25 2009 (Michael Jackson. "They Don't Care About Us" HIStory: Past, Future and Present: Book 1. Epic Records 1995).
On June 29 2009, in a Q&A with Tim Morrison, which was featured on the Time Magazine website, Lee stated his immediate reaction to Jackson's death - "Let's celebrate his genius, his musicality, his gift, his talent, and leave the other stuff at least till he gets buried. Let's celebrate his life now. That's the way I feel."
On July 1 2009, Lee appeared in a CBS web interview with Katie Couric, stating his thoughts on being a fan of the Jackson 5 as a youth, directing Jackson in the short films, (Jackson returned the favor and provided the opening song 'On the Line' for Lee's 1996 film Get on the Bus), and the media's often negative view of the late entertainer.
Lee staged a communal tribute for Jackson, a 'block party' on what would have been Jackson's 51st birthday on August 29 2009 at Prospect Park, Brooklyn.

Lee also directed a posthumous music video for 'This Is It,' which was penned by Jackson and Paul Anka in1983 under the original title "I Never Heard" (Anthony McCartney "Anka Gets Credit for Co-Writing Jackson Single" ABC News. October 13 2009). The original demo consisted of Jackson's voice accompanied by a piano, the version of the song, retitled 'This Is It' which features on the credits of the Kenny Ortega 2009 documentary of the same name, includes an orchestra accompaniment and the voices of the Jackson brothers (Anthony McCartney "Anka Gets Credit for Co-Writing Jackson Single" ABC News. October 13 2009).
Spike Lee's This Is It Music Video
Lee's music video which appeared online on December 28 2009 featured footage filmed in the wake of Jackson's death, as well as personal childhood photographs and iconic images from Jackson career. The music video opens with the sound of a playful child who calls for 'Michael', against the backdrop of the modest Jackson family home, as it currently stands on 2300 Jackson Street in the industrial city of Gary, Indiana. Through the music video Lee depicts Jackson's journey from a lively child to an international icon.
Footage of the hysteria which often followed Jackson in the 1980s, is contrasted with that of the loyal fans, who are of all ages, colors and creeds, and wear Jackson's clothes, dance like Jackson did and are joined together through Jackson's music, now in his death as they were in his life. The music video ends with a poignant image of a spotlight, no longer on Jackson embracing his final moments in front of an adoring crowd, but now on Jackson's iconic fedora and crystal glove, placed outside his childhood home.
Lee's 'Brooklyn Loves MJ' will be a respectful tribute to Jackson, as Lee understands Jackson, beyond the public persona, he views Jackson's early life as somewhat parallel to his adolescence - as stated in the Time Magazine Q& A :
"I was born in 1957; he was born in 1958. And so I grew up, literally, with Michael Jackson. We both reached adolescence at the same time. And I had a big Afro like he did, and I hoped that the girls would like me the way they liked Michael"
Spike Lee's They Don't Care About Us Short Films
Looking back at Lee's short films for "They Don't Care About Us," a song which became controversial in it's own right for it's "alleged racist lyrics," it is evident that Lee understood Jackson as a "citizen of the world" and not the image often portrayed in the mainstream and tabloid media (Tim Morrison "Spike Lee Remembers Michael Jackson. Time Magazine Online. June 29 2009. Craig Halstead and Chris Cadman. Michael Jackson: The Solo Years. Authors OnLine Ltd. 2003. pg 138).
Perhaps the most widely seen short film for "They Don't Care About Us" features Jackson in Rio de Janeiro, alongside the Afro Brazilian percussion group Olodum. The other promo which features Jackson in a prison, is described by Craig Halstead and Chris Cadman, authors of Michael Jackson: The Solo Years as "much more violent ... [and] triumphed where the first failed, in that it more accurately reflected the angry, defiant, mood of the song" (pg. 139). This short film features Jackson, against various historical images of social injustices.
There is no official synopsis for the feature film, but one can predict 'Brooklyn Loves MJ' will explore how Jackson's work and life affected various characters who reside in Brooklyn.
'Brooklyn Loves MJ' is slated for release in 2012 according to IMDB.

here is link:http://news.suite101.com/article.cfm/spike-lee-to-direct-brooklyn-loves-michael-jackson-a229014
Re: Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

Not too sure about this script. I dig Spike Lee Joint(s) ...but I think Michael is on another level in pulling people together ...as in the whole world. Michael didn't seem to be a *one Locale* type of person ..blocked into one place..He is worldly....universal* His vibrations expanded past one burrough and flowed like water..blew like the wind that scattered the earth..merged and morphed into any one and all.
Re: Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

Not too sure about this script. I dig Spike Lee Joint(s) ...but I think Michael is on another level in pulling people together ...as in the whole world. Michael didn't seem to be a *one Locale* type of person ..blocked into one place..He is worldly....universal* His vibrations expanded past one burrough and flowed like water..blew like the wind that scattered the earth..merged and morphed into any one and all.

Re: Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

Spike Lee & J.Period present : Man Or The Music (MIXTAPE)

DOWNLOAD - http://www.jperiod.com/upload/mj/jperiod-mj2010.zip



There are few better ways to celebrate what would be Michael Jackson’s 52nd birthday than with a tribute mixtape dedicated to the King of Pop. DJ-producer J. Period joins forces with director Spike Lee and 40Acres.com to release a free limited edition mixtape Man or the Music (40 Acres Edition), an 80-minute collection of MJ classics, rare demo tracks, remixes, and behind-the-scenes interview clips.

The mixtape coincides with Spike Lee’s 2nd Annual “Brooklyn Loves MJ” celebration in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park, taking place today (Aug. 29).

“It is a tremendous honor to join a storyteller like Spike Lee in celebrating the legacy of Michael Jackson’s music with an exclusive mixtape for this incredible event,” stated J. Period. “Crafting the tape was a labor of love and a learning experience. Digging through hours of interview material and music, I have definitely gained a new respect for Michael’s life and legacy, and I’m excited to share that with my fans—and over 25K fellow MJ fans in attendance on Sunday!”

The mixtape offers tracks including the demos for “Billie Jean,” “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough,” “P.Y.T.,” and “Workin’ Day and Night,” as well as remixes of “Rock With You” and the Jackson 5’s “It’s Great to Be Here.”

Download below and celebrate the life of one of music’s greatest talents.
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Re: Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

^ the cd was given away for free on Sunday when you signed up for 40acres.com
Re: Spike Lee's "Brooklyn Hearts MJ" *Update At Post 5 With 'Scared of the Moon' Being Used*

Spike Lee Pens New Film About Michael Jackson; Samuel L. Jackson Likely to Star

Oh boy, I got really scared there. I thought that Samuel Jackson was going to play Michael Jackson. LOL