Spike Lee - There's only one Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Valley Stream, New York
Nobody's Martyr: A GQ&A with Spike Lee

Over the past few years, Spike Lee joints have been a rarity—a documentary here, an HBO special there. But the remaining half of 2012 promises to make this year one of Spike's best. Between work on this August's upcoming drama, Red Hook Summer, a documentary of Michael Jackson's Bad album, and directing Mike Tyson's one-man Broadway play (yes, you read that correctly), the Brooklyn native has been pretty damn busy. We interrupted his intense schedule to get the double-truth from one of the most intrepid filmmakers of all time.

GQ: Is Spike Lee a martyr?
Spike Lee: A martyr?

GQ: A martyr.
Spike Lee: For whom?

GQ: For the people you make films for. There seems to be a lot of self-sacrifice behind your films.
Spike Lee: Here's the thing, though: I got my money back already from Red Hook Summer, and then some. All before the film has even opened. Now, there have been a lot of films I was going to do that never happened for whatever reason. The interim between Miracle at St. Anna and Red Hook Summer is like four or five years. I was going to do the biography of James Brown, and Brooklyn loves Michael Jackson...

GQ: You're working on a MJ doc now though, right?
Spike Lee: What I'm doing now is a documentary on the 25th anniversary of Michael Jackson's Bad album. I'm also doing another documentary on Brazil called Go Brazil Go. I'm going to be directing Mike Tyson on Broadway later, it's a one man show. And then we got, God willing, Oldboy [an American remake of the popular 2003 South Korean manga film of the same name] coming up in the fall...

GQ: Details magazine just labeled Adam Levine from Maroon 5 the "new king of pop" on their cover.
Spike Lee: The king of pop?

GQ: The new king of pop.
Spike Lee: Look, I have nothing personal against my man [Adam Levine] and I don't think that he called Details up to tell him to do that, but a lot of the time magazines will get you in trouble with titles like that. I remember M. Night Shyamalan was on the cover of Newsweek and it said he was the next Spielberg. Now I'm not trying to be disrespectful to M. Night, he didn't tell Newsweek to do that. When people see that cover they're going to be like, alright, this movie better be good. Just look at Spielberg's filmography...Signs was no Close Encounter.

GQ: Who would you say is the closest to what Mike [Jackson] was?
Spike Lee: That's a very interesting question. I don't think it's anybody, I mean there are some people who could dance, look at Chris Brown—the way he dances. Usher...

GQ: Maybe a younger sensation, like Justin Bieber?
Spike Lee: Justin Bieber is the new Michael Jackson? Interesting thing is that we interviewed Justin Bieber for this documentary, and you know he idolizes Michael. And I love Kanye and Jay and everybody else, but there's only one Michael Jackson. So if there's only one Michael Jackson, how can anybody be the new king of pop?
No time for lee after he showed his uneducated ignorance on mj. he allowed himself to be brainwashed by the white media. him of all ppl.and now he joins the love feast.
what white media elusive? in the US there is no room for goyim media.
From the interview Spike Lee had with Katie Couric after MJ past it was obvious he believed MJ didn't have Vitiligo and had Plastic Surgery because he didn't want too look black. And he said that's all forgiven now. o_O Hate to think of his real thoughts on the allegations too then? Since he hid so well his thoughts on MJ looks all these yrs while even workin with MJ! SMH -_-

And for naming others as the new King Of Pop...*sigh* I wish that would stop too. It's so disrespectful! And of all people Adam Levin? Laughable! The music industry is in real horrible shape when people like Levin and Bieber are others replacement in their minds for someone like MJ! YIKES!
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Adam Levine the new king of pop? I don't think so. I just hate that they like to take that title away from Michael and pass it to someone else. Maybe it's a title but when I hear those words i think of Michael. And I think most people do to.
Someone had to say it...finally. This "new king of pop" crap has to stop. If they want to do that then they better do a "new king of rock and roll" too. Oh wait, they only want to degrade Michael's legacy. It's disrespectful.
Adam Levine's response to his title:
Adam Levine ?@adamlevine
I too am uncomfortable with Details naming me the king of pop. I prefer "EMPEROR." #relaxmoronsitsonlyamagazine

He might have gotten some twits about his title that made him to reply:)
No Adam is no King of Pop, who ever wrote that article must have been on "something".
Someone had to say it...finally. This "new king of pop" crap has to stop. If they want to do that then they better do a "new king of rock and roll" too. Oh wait, they only want to degrade Michael's legacy. It's disrespectful.

That's why it's so annoying. The attempt is to minimize MJ. If everyone who has a few hit records or is the current pop sensation is the King of Pop, then the title becomes meaningless, and lessens the significance of it in regard to MJ. They'll never stop trying to strip away Michael's greatness, but they'll never succeed either. That's the comforting part. Michael's impact and stature are permanent, and can't be minimized.
From the interview Spike Lee had with Katie Couric after MJ past it was obvious he believed MJ didn't have Vitiligo and had Plastic Surgery because he didn't want too look black. And he said that's all forgiven now. o_O Hate to think of his real thoughts on the allegations too then? Since he hid so well his thoughts on MJ looks all these yrs while even workin with MJ! SMH -_-

I thought is it was (MJ's producer of Thriller and Bad) Quincy Jones that said that .. not Spike Lee.
I thought it was (MJ's producer of Thriller and Bad) Quicy Jones that said that .. not Spike Lee.


Spike did an interview with Katie, too. I don't remember him being blatantly disrespectful like Quincy. But Katie said something about MJ bleaching his skin and asked how did the African American community feel about it, and Spike responded, that's all forgiven now, leaving the impression it was true, but it no longer matter.
That Title retired with Michael and no one can take it away from him.
There is only one Michael Jackson and he is the ONLY King of Pop.
GQ: Maybe a younger sensation, like Justin Bieber?
Spike Lee: Justin Bieber is the new Michael Jackson? Interesting thing is that we interviewed Justin Bieber for this documentary, and you know he idolizes Michael. And I love Kanye and Jay and everybody else, but there's only one Michael Jackson. So if there's only one Michael Jackson, how can anybody be the new king of pop?


Straight and to the point!!!
I had to watch the Spike Lee document in order to get full picture what he said and didn't say.
Here is the link if someone out there haven't seen it

I kind of understand his what he is saying, and I think when he says blacks are territorial of Michael, he speaks of himself.
well I guess the autopsy proved to these mf's that MJ did have vitiligo and was prescribed medication called benoquin for it. All of this was before the autopsy results were revealed
Yea to say it's all forgiven now is just as disrespectful to MJ as blantly saying he didn't want to be black as some do. Cause what exactly does MJ have to be forgiven for? A disease he could't control? Like really!? That's just plain wrong!

well I guess the autopsy proved to these mf's that MJ did have vitiligo and was prescribed medication called benoquin for it. All of this was before the autopsy results were revealed
And yet u hear non take what they said back! Still very tellin to me!-_- I do not hate Spike just disapointed!
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I think spike lee's heart is always in the good place but maybe influenced and believed others like that vile bitter guincy jones. Michael knew it better, he said when the lies repeat often, people start to see them as truth. Spike Lee is one of those who misunderstood Michael, but I think he knows now from the autopsy Michael was the victim of vitiligo and he should've gotten people's support, respect and sympathy like any other vitiligo sufferers. I believe Spike Lee really wants to honor Michael and uplift his legacy.

IMO only those exploited or talked badly of Michael for their own gain: attention, money, jealousy, bitterness... deserved to be called out.
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Then why does he do his birthday bash for Michael making it free for fans and then this documentary? They all should ask Michael for his forgiveness for not believing him when he said he had vitiligo. But they can't do that now.

Adam Levine emperor? Whatever. Maybe it shouldn't matter but it hurts when people say this person is the new king of pop more now. You can't replace Michael. You can't do it.
i think we have to get used to the media calling any current popular act "the new king of pop". michael jackson did things never done before,revolutionized,changed the music industry.and from now on ,the media will compare current popular pop artists to the greatest (michael jackson). but i won't worry because mj's legacy is untouchable...nobody will ever come close to him. these pop artists will come and go,or maybe will stay somewhat relevant. but you just can't create the magic and impact mj did, especially in today's society...no body can be like michael because there's only one. although it annoys me a lot i'm always hearing "the new king of pop",but i keep in mind that the media will do whatever it takes to sell news
The title King of Pop died with Michael, if the media have to carry on with this surely the 'new' talent can only be called 'The Great Pretender' because so many of them were so influenced by the original.
I think spike lee's heart is always in the good place but maybe influenced and believed others like that vile bitter guincy jones. Michael knew it better, he said when the lies repeat often, people start to see them as truth. Spike Lee is one of those who misunderstood Michael, but I think he knows now from the autopsy Michael was the victim of vitiligo and he should've gotten people's support, respect and sympathy like any other vitiligo sufferers. I believe Spike Lee really wants to honor Michael and uplift his legacy.

I agree with your post. I was disappointed to hear that Spike Lee is one of them that didn't believe Michael when he said he has vitiligo, but I thought that MJ's own mother didn't believe him either when he said he wasn't drug addict. I suppose if you are sort of friend that you don't see often and aren't very close to know every bit of MJ's life, one could easily believe stories of him not wanting to be white. I wonder what fans thought of Michael before and after he made his vitiligo public, and did everybody believed straight away his statement?
The media simply gives people titles without looking at their full credentials to see if the person deserves the title. The media really do not know what King of Pop really means, and any artist who believes he is the new King of Pop does not know what it means either. It seems that it is our duty to school them on this topic, especially highlighting not King of Pop includes innovation, talent, charisma and style.

The next document Spike does should include the truth about Michael's charity, love of his race and all people, and vitiligo, since Spike was one of those who believed Michael did not have vitiligo. To me, that would be the best way for him to say he is sorry because he would be pointing out the truth to many like himself who did not believe. As we all know, most people did not read the autopsy report, and the media is not going to disclose anything that shows Michael in a favorable light.
I think vitiligo should be talked about more. Other people suffer from it too and Michael was treated horribly for something he had no control over. When I was younger and saw the changes I wondered why but when Michael explained it that was all I needed to know. I never met or spend time with him but I believed him. Michael said that people would eventually see the truth. It upsets me that he has to die for people to start believing it because it was in his autopsy report. People couldn't give him the benefit of the doubt? That wasn't right.

I wonder all these people who have given the title new king of pop over the years feel about that. I wonder if some of them believe in that or some feel that title doesn't belong to them. It's interesting how the media and others like to bring Michael down and yet everybody gets compared to him and the standards he set.
The title King of Pop died with Michael, if the media have to carry on with this surely the 'new' talent can only be called 'The Great Pretender' because so many of them were so influenced by the original.

I know what you mean but I wouldnt say the Title died with Michael. It lives on through his art, his music and his Estate that carries on his legacy. The Title is clearly his alone. When anyone speaks hears "King of Pop" they know it refers to Michael. So it would be a foolish move for anyone to try to claim it. I believe that title may even be copyrighted (not sure) ??
about the title for the NEW KOP...

I think if Spike Lee really thought that MJ cleared his skin, made plastic surgeries only for don't to look like a black "betraying his race" (and that he thought MJ was guilty of false claims as some are suggesting), it does not work with Michael in 1996 when those rumors were already strongly disseminated. I think he would not be so hypocritical to work with someone he considered a traitor. This concept is totally nonsense for me.

I have not heard him talking in no time in the video who he believes that MJ betraying his race. some are reading between the lines and taking the thing as a fact I think this is dangerous when you want to accuse someone of something. I remember what many read between the lines when MJ said that he saw no problem in sharing his room and his bed with childrens...
after remember this I think it takes something more concrete to accuse someone not just mere suppositions.

but I also read between the lines and my opinion is different from some fans
I think he's talking about the reaction afroamerican community's who believed that rumors, they "forgave" MJ and celebrated his legacy again after his death, unfortunately this is no lie, but is a fact was not only in much of the U.S. afroamerican community, such as Brazil, too, so you have an idea in 2009 there was an award traditional black in here that MJ was honored "the most successful artist in the world is black and we have proud of it! " this would never happen when MJ was alive , hypocritical and ignorant, I know.

I may be being naive or have lost something, but despite Spike not being "disgusted" with this situation as a fan he is, I don't take what he said in that interview as their feelings about vitiligo, bleaching (as treatment) and their plastic surgery.
unless it is shown factually that he believed that "MJ has denied his race" I will not feel entitled to be disappointed with Spike Lee.
he talked so much positive and some are on the defensive and taking only what SUPPOSEDLY was negative. this is what I think until now.