Sony rejects Michael tribute!

Think it is about the rights to play Michaels music... it's with the family I suppose?!
Sony at the moment doesn't want to get involved in anything like tributes and such cuz they don't want the Jackson family or even Branca to sue them, I'm not really aware who has the rights about his music.
But I guess whoever has the rights to MJJmusic at the moment could sue Sony if they are involved and could try to get a h*** lot of money this way?! I guess that's more the prob at the moment than Sony not wanting to get involved in anything Michael cuz of just being bitching or not liking fans or something...
well let's say they didn't love eachother for sure... still they always meant money for eachother. So I just can't see Sony spying in their very own soup just for being bitchy... I'm pretty sure it has other reasons.
for sure that was one incompetent MJ hater on the phone who knows S**T...
why the hell should Sony do that. its nonsense. right now MJ is a goldmine...

Sony just released free tribute MJ posters to all kinds of Supermarkets in Germany...


(see the logo at the bottom)

i'd try calling them again... maybe you'll reach another person and have more luck. :)
or at least one that can explain better...

maybe some things are on ice at the moment ..untill its definitly clear
who will holding his parts of copyrights etc.
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