Sony Pairs PS3 and This Is It in Japan

I would love to have this. Japan always gets the exclusive stuff.:(
Never have I heard such crap.

Blu-ray rocks, PS3 rocks, best consol ever made. Wii, x-box etc. is crap compared.

SONY sucks because they treat the fans the way they do and mostly because they treat their artists bad. Like MJ said himself.

But long live BR and PS3 !! :punk:

So true!
No more words needed!
SONY sucks because they treat the fans the way they do and mostly because they treat their artists bad. Like MJ said himself.

But long live BD and PS3 !! :punk:

I really don't get you all. $ony cashes in using Michael since his death, but now even uses him to promote their PS3? And all that comes to your mind is saying "wow, that's cool."

Michael would turn over in his grave.
I really don't get you all. $ony cashes in using Michael since his death, but now even uses him to promote their PS3? And all that comes to your mind is saying "wow, that's cool."

Michael would turn over in his grave.

Look, I don't even care a bit what SONY does! I don't even care if it's SONY, Microsoft or whatever...! I just wanna enjoy my life and not sit in a corner everyday being sad, just cryin' all the time...! Things like PlayStation, Blu Ray, DVDs, CDs, TV and everything what u can get in life are there to entertain urself, to have some fun in life. U can't always just work, work, work! Sometimes u have to buy some nice things and enjoy urself cuz' that's the only way u can have a good life and some quality times of being happy! Of course, the most important things are friends and not material things but it's common to buy those things to spend some good time or just havin' fun. If we all never bought these kinda things we would always sit around on our sofa and just be bored doing nothing...and u can't always just invite some friends and talk all day long...! ;)
Long story short - so of course I don't want SONY to use MJ for makin' money and I don't even care about SONY! What they're doing is not good but simply we can't do anything about that! Always sittin' at home, not buying anything from SONY won't help...they're gettin' their money whatsoever!...
Look, I don't even care a bit what SONY does! I don't even care if it's SONY, Microsoft or whatever...! I just wanna enjoy my life and not sit in a corner everyday being sad, just cryin' all the time...! Things like PlayStation, Blu Ray, DVDs, CDs, TV and everything what u can get in life are there to entertain urself, to have some fun in life. U can't always just work, work, work! Sometimes u have to buy some nice things and enjoy urself cuz' that's the only way u can have a good life and some quality times of being happy! Of course, the most important things are friends and not material things but it's common to buy those things to spend some good time or just havin' fun. If we all never bought these kinda things we would always sit around on our sofa and just be bored doing nothing...and u can't always just invite some friends and talk all day long...! ;)
Long story short - so of course I don't want SONY to use MJ for makin' money and I don't even care about SONY! What they're doing is not good but simply we can't do anything about that! Always sittin' at home, not buying anything from SONY won't help...they're gettin' their money whatsoever!...

Oh, I get it. You can't just work work work, you got to have some fun... So that means that everything Sony is the best thing ever? Sure, we can't do anything about that, we don't want Sony using MJ for makin' money... But who cares? SONY RULEZ ROFL!1!

I mean... One more guy cheering for a brand here and we have a f'n console war in a Michael Jackson forum. Think about it. This is not IGN, move on.

You know what? I miss my childhood. Back then you had rivalries (Nintendo vs Sega comes to mind), but I surely don't remember all the ignorance of nowadays when it comes to brands, consoles, etc. You just can't talk about consoles today without someone coming to say "OMG XBOX 360 SUXX0RZ U FAT NERDS" or "PS3 SUCKS U JAPANEEZ SUCKER". I grew up playing Nintendo, Sega AND Sony (when the PSX was released) without major problems, as my friends did too.
Don't get me wrong, I just don't want to see MJJC turning to GameFAQs or something, the "etc is crap compared" comments are not necessary here.
If you're happy with what you got, then be happy and keep your thoughts to yourself. This topic should be about the PS3 TII bundle, not "OMG PS3 IS BEST CONSOLE EVAH!!1!" and "OH YEAH I SO AGREE LOL".

PS.: Back to topic, I wish I had the money to buy the bundle - because a guy can be open-minded and enjoy everything the industry has to offer.
Oh, I get it. You can't just work work work, you got to have some fun... So that means that everything Sony is the best thing ever? Sure, we can't do anything about that, we don't want Sony using MJ for makin' money... But who cares? SONY RULEZ ROFL!1!

I mean... One more guy cheering for a brand here and we have a f'n console war in a Michael Jackson forum. Think about it. This is not IGN, move on.

You know what? I miss my childhood. Back then you had rivalries (Nintendo vs Sega comes to mind), but I surely don't remember all the ignorance of nowadays when it comes to brands, consoles, etc. You just can't talk about consoles today without someone coming to say "OMG XBOX 360 SUXX0RZ U FAT NERDS" or "PS3 SUCKS U JAPANEEZ SUCKER". I grew up playing Nintendo, Sega AND Sony (when the PSX was released) without major problems, as my friends did too.
Don't get me wrong, I just don't want to see MJJC turning to GameFAQs or something, the "etc is crap compared" comments are not necessary here.
If you're happy with what you got, then be happy and keep your thoughts to yourself. This topic should be about the PS3 TII bundle, not "OMG PS3 IS BEST CONSOLE EVAH!!1!" and "OH YEAH I SO AGREE LOL".

PS.: Back to topic, I wish I had the money to buy the bundle - because a guy can be open-minded and enjoy everything the industry has to offer.

You completely missunderstood me!
I agree to you a hundred percent!

What have I posted? I posted that it doesn't matter to me at all if the brand is SONY, Microsoft or whatsoever! I don't care about the brands or companies or whatever it is, I only care about what I have, the product itself! So I NEVER said that SONY is great or beautiful and I NEVER said something like "SONY forever" or something like that...! I just wanted to say that all of these things we can buy nowadays are normal in our life now and we all buy those things to be entertained and have fun, no matter if it's SONY, Microsoft etc...!
You know what? You were talkin' about the old times and back then when everything was different and stuff like that. Lemme tell you somethin' - I'm still havin' a ATARI 2600 Jr., a NES and a Sega Mega Drive, so don't come up to me with "I hate all of this PS3 is way better than the Xbox" garbage! ;)

No offence, it's all for love - L.O.V.E.! ;)
What they're doing is not good but simply we can't do anything about that! Always sittin' at home, not buying anything from SONY won't help...they're gettin' their money whatsoever!...

I'm also still buying Sony products (e.g. movies I really like), but I try to avoid it, they get more and more dislikable to me ('specially because of Michael, but also because they seem to treat their customers like sh... and don't give a d4mn about it).

Just look at the London 2002 footage again: Everyone (the fans) is screaming "$ony s4cks" and booing when Michael mentions that the record companies take advantage of the artists.
In contrast, everyone seems to enjoy Sony's MJ marketing now as if nothing happened.
You completely missunderstood me!
I agree to you a hundred percent!

What have I posted? I posted that it doesn't matter to me at all if the brand is SONY, Microsoft or whatsoever! I don't care about the brands or companies or whatever it is, I only care about what I have, the product itself! So I NEVER said that SONY is great or beautiful and I NEVER said something like "SONY forever" or something like that...! I just wanted to say that all of these things we can buy nowadays are normal in our life now and we all buy those things to be entertained and have fun, no matter if it's SONY, Microsoft etc...!
You know what? You were talkin' about the old times and back then when everything was different and stuff like that. Lemme tell you somethin' - I'm still havin' a ATARI 2600 Jr., a NES and a Sega Mega Drive, so don't come up to me with "I hate all of this PS3 is way better than the Xbox" garbage! ;)

No offence, it's all for love - L.O.V.E.! ;)
Thank you.
Though my post was more towards the fact that... that user (forgot the nickname) was saying "everything's crap compared" (basically because he thinks so...) and you replied "So true!
No more words needed!". Coming from that reply, I thought you were agreeing with his "oh so true" opinion. Probably what Remington Steele thought too or something similar.
Thank you.
Though my post was more towards the fact that... that user (forgot the nickname) was saying "everything's crap compared" (basically because he thinks so...) and you replied "So true!
No more words needed!". Coming from that reply, I thought you were agreeing with his "oh so true" opinion. Probably what Remington Steele thought too or something similar.

Well, maybe I didn't think good enough about it before I quoted his post. But I only quoted it because I like the quality of the PlayStation or the Blu Ray and nothing more, not because I like SONY that much! ;)

However, I'm happy that you've understood me and we've made this whole thing clear now! (At least I hope so) :)
Re: Japan gets Michael Jackson PlayStation 3 bundle

I really don't get why they couldn't go with a special design of the ps3 like they do with many games. Like this IMO its just pointless.

Because this is a movie. If a game is big (like say final fantasy XIII) then yes, you do get a redesign... for a movie though? not really.
Never have I heard such crap.

Blu-ray rocks, PS3 rocks, best consol ever made. Wii, x-box etc. is crap compared.

SONY sucks because they treat the fans the way they do and mostly because they treat their artists bad. Like MJ said himself.

But long live BR and PS3 !! :punk:

PS3 is hardly in the top 10 best consoles of all time. Anyone that thinks it's the best console of all time clearly doesn't know much about gaming... sorry but it's the truth.
Re: Japan gets Michael Jackson PlayStation 3 bundle

I like my Nintendo Wii..and Moonwalker is supposed to be coming out on the Wii..(so I have read anyway). I really want a PS3 now Preferably this one! I feel too poor to keep up!:glare:

Like. Really?

Keep us being posted

This PS3 bundle has to be one of the biggest RIP-OFFS in HIStory. $366 dollars for a PS3 w/ a copy of TII and a TII cardboard PS3 box -- WOW. CHEAP GIMMICK. Same PS3 costs 300, TII blu-ray costs $23 off amazon, and you're screwed out of 40 bucks for some cheap card-board box w/ TII packaging. Way to go Sony to F over the fans.

No extra TII content, no PS3 TII content, not even a commemorative PS3 'face'/artwork on the console -- just a cardboard box. Unbelievable. Sony could go jump in a lake.
That's just a cynical move by Sony to shift more PS3 units off the back of Michael's popularity ... honestly, when are fans going to realise they're being used?

The PS3 is not selling anywhere near as well as the PS2 and Sony are under pressure to shift units ... oh I know, let's shove a This Is It bundle out there for the still grieving Michael Jackson fans to give us a few sales based on sentimentality and grief.
Never have I heard such crap.

Blu-ray rocks, PS3 rocks, best consol ever made. Wii, x-box etc. is crap compared.

SONY sucks because they treat the fans the way they do and mostly because they treat their artists bad. Like MJ said himself.

But long live BR and PS3 !! :punk:

In your opinion.

There are plenty of counter opinions I could list to give a compelling argument.

If you prefer PS3, then fair enough ... but there are upteen reasons why it's nowhere near the success the PS2 was and never will be. And while the Wii is poor and aimed at the casual gamer and family market, the Xbox 360 is far from "crap".

If Sony took their hands out their pockets and paid for exclusives like they used to (one of the many reasons I mentioned previously), then the console would be shifting more units.

If Sony Corp (ie: the HQ) had not instructed SCE (Sony Computer Entertainment) to include BD drives to use the PlayStation brand as a Blu-Ray trojan horse against HD-DVD, at a time when HD-DVD was on the up, then we wouldn't be subjected to a x2 drive with poor loading times and mandatory installs (another of the many reasons I mentioned).

I cannot get people who get all protective of and attached to a box full of plastic, silicon, metal, and wires. Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, Apple (who's products I've used for a decade now) don't care about your loyalty ... they care about your $/£.

Enjoy your tech, but let other people enjoy theirs too.