Songs you are clinging to that Michael left for us.

For All Time and Someone Put Your Hand Out. They don't really make me feel any better but they sort of make me imagine that he's singing those songs to us from the other side, if one believes there is another side... I couldn't listen to anything by him yesterday though. For example My mother was listening to You Are Not Alone and I just couldn't bear hearing it.

I'm exactly the same. I have no idea how people can listen to YANA, it's so sad :(

I've just re-discovered Cry from Invinc. and absolutely love it. It's a really motivating song :)

I've also been listening to Someone put your hand out and Smile.

Listening to AOL Radio online's Michael Jackson station and also playing my own CD's/iTune downloads, especially:

Who Is It?
Stranger in Moscow
Will You Be There
Off the Wall
Lady in my Life
You are Not Alone
For All Time
I've been listening to "You Are Not Alone", "Stranger In Moscow", "Butterflies" and "One Day In Your Life" a lot since his passing.
I still can't listen to Gone Too Soon. I know it will make me so sad.

I'm listening to mostly Jackson 5 songs...I'll Betcha, Maybe Tomorrow, Never Can Say Goodbye, Lookin Through the Windows, ABC...I listen to these cuz I miss him so much and want to hear his voice and ease the pain. Sadly, after those song end and when I gotta do something else, I find myself missing him even more:( It's like an endless cycle for me every day.
I listen almost all the songs except for example You are not alone and gone too soon it's to hard for me to hear that kind of songs.