Songs you are clinging to that Michael left for us.


Proud Member
Feb 19, 2008
Illinois - U.S.
If there are any of you, like me, who can still listen to Michael's music, what are the songs that you are clinging to the most? I know I cannot stop listening to his music, and will probably ONLY listen to his music for awhile now. I can't/won't let go of it.

The songs that I cling to, but also make be bawl like a newborn baby, lol, are:
I'll Be There
You Are Not Alone
Time Waits for No One
Will You Be There
I Just Cant Stop Loving You
Man In the Mirror
Whatever Happens

and actually so many others.... Anything that allows me to reflect on the happenings of the last 2 days. Anything that is of heartache, remorse, love or assurance I will hold closely.

So any specific songs you are listening to to get you through these hard, hard times.
All of them. That pretty much sums it up.

I started off with "We Are The World" today, and then I went into Speechless....lost it here for a bit....then Gone Too Soon. Now I'm listening to Disc 4 of the Ultimate Collection
^^ Nice! I still don't own the Ultimate Collection. Oh crap! It's gonna go up in price now too...damn, lol! But if I did own it, which may be in a few days, I know the 4th disc holds a lot of previously unreleased demos. Very nice!
For All Time
Gone Too Soon
Will You Be there

All four make me cry and i dunno why i torture myself listening to them.

...but his voice makes me fantasize that he's still alive...

and the irony in the lyrics of these songs makes me sick to my stomach. I'll say it again. It really IS like he knew and prepared for it.....


I'm so sad inside. On the outside, i can pretend like im ok. And I do know that he's 'better on the otherside' (another song i cling to when i cant bare to listen to MJ)...I know he's happy now.

But I miss him deeply. It's like the world is not right with out him.

Something just isn't right...

So surreal. So unexpected. So...almost right out of a movie. And I can ask "why, god why" all the time, but I know that it wont bring him back. Nothing can bring him back. That fact ...makes me sick. Sick, sick, sick.

But i can listen to the music, listen as if he never left us.

And think about how he really lives forever. Like he said he wanted to do. Like he said to do.

"I would like to live forever".

Sorry for the tangent. I havent really...let it out. And starting on how his songs make me feel just did it for me.

Its just so sudden. 2 days ago we were all excited about his future...we were all reflecting about how the trial was sooo behind us. IT could only get better from here...MJ was happy, with his kids, MJ was still standing...and nothing could touch him.


Its not even a thing I can bring myself to weep over as frequently as i thought i would. Cuz weeping wont bring him back. So I'm a loss.

But I know life goes on. And we must continue his legacy. We will continue to answer his question "will you be there" even after...

Its just so surreal. So so surreal. Why did he have to go now?

I know God has him...MJ belongs with Him, and praise God that MJ is free...but, why now? I knew it would be

14 years of ups and downs....14 years of following this man, as if i knew him personally. 14 years of debates, of laughter, of dancing...of admiration. FEELING him, and i mean really FEELING him with all my heart through his high points and low points....

and its not like i was even alive during the 80s, I became a fan in 1997-8. But he even touched me...

...but just feeling him, through all of that. Like he was a close personal friend. Loving him unconditionally, like he loved others...The long rollercoaster ride that is Michael Joesph Jackson has stopped....and i dont even know what to do with myself...

except continue.

God, its like he knew...its' like he knew.

I'm sorry.
I am listening to two songs mainly:

1. Music and Me

2. With A Child's Heart
For All Time and Someone Put Your Hand Out. They don't really make me feel any better but they sort of make me imagine that he's singing those songs to us from the other side, if one believes there is another side... I couldn't listen to anything by him yesterday though. For example My mother was listening to You Are Not Alone and I just couldn't bear hearing it.
I've been listening to the faster songs. Dirty Diana, Smooth Criminal and Bad. It's easier than listening to his ballads and the videos make you realize just how wonderful he was. I have been listening to him non-stop since yesterday. All of my other favourite bands and singers just don't seem to matter at the moment, it's all about Michael.
"I Wanna Be Where You Are" & "One More Chance" has been going on rotation together.
Went for a walk last night listening to "You Are Not Alone", bursted out in tears.

Listened to "Music and Me" also...

I mostly just watch Michael Jackson shows and stuff right now. It's really tough.
Music and Me

Gone Too Soon

Will You Be There


These seem to be the songs I am listening to when I need to release the pain. Then a track like Rock With You or Just Good Friends comes on and I am on my feet sliding and poppin my way across the floor.

For so long it's been Devin and Michael and people would say "Devin, moonwalk like Mike" or "Devin, what's Michael up to?". Now they ask "how are you?" or say "I am so sorry". This is going to be a huge life change for all of us. I know that. I mean, I had thought someday he'd pass away but I never knew it would be so soon. It just seems so surreal still although it sinks in more each time the sun rises. I almost feel guilty watching his videos play over and over like if I keep watching it's not real. But then you have to get up, shut the TV off and go be alone in a corner someplace and it hits you like a brick wall all over again. He helped me through the passing of my mom and my nephew and I get all panicked and wonder "who's going to help me with his passing?"....and it hits me......he is. Love you Mike....always.

hey guys, im listening to mj none stop. stranger in moscow helped me thru some seriosu personal issues at that time so im clinging to it now. also the song on jacksons album, always please be not always, its killing me!! various lines from other songs stab my heart, white hot pain of our loss. in the back he sings "dreams dont last forever" n i cry another thousand tears
These are the songs that i am finding it hardest to listen to. The likes of beat it and thriller i can manage with but when you are not alone came on i had to change channels, it was just too much. However i know in time these will be the songs that make me feel better and help me to remember him and realise that he will be around and with me for all time.
all of the ones listed but also "you rock my world' got to me really bad. Whenever i had a crush or something i would listen to MJ songs.... it sounds weird but seeing Michael chasing the girl, made me believe.
i'll be there
you are not alone
shes out of my life
whatever happens
liberian girl
will you be there was so strong i listened to it first time after his death.
and Ill be there or for all time. ben and gone too soon..
Gone To Soon, Will You Be There, Man In The Mirror and especially Destiny from the Jacksons.

I had a deal with myself. That when I made a Will, I would write that if I dies an early or unexpected death, they would play Gone To Soon at the funeral. I made the Will today - because Michaels death made me realise it Can happen any day! People die. Why shouldn't I?

For those of you interested - if I dó not die early, the song played Will be Man In The Mirror or Will You Be There. I prefer the last one.
pretty much all of them..but the MAIN ones i listen to is

1. Who Is It
2. Thriller
3. Earth Song

nuff said
fly away
remember the time
Break of dawn
privacy(Damn the media)
I can't listen to Smile or You are Not Alone without crying, but they do somehow make me feel better.

I also really like Keep the Faith right now.
the songs i cant get enough off are
. girl is mine
. dirty Diana
. Whos Loving you
. Man in the mirror
. Dnt stop till you get enough
. she outa my life

theres just so many tbh.
"One Day In Your Life" is special right now, it was the track I was listening to while I heard the news of mj death.
I'm totally the opposite to what most fans are listening too, I'm here to celebrate MJ's life, I can't listen to Heal the World, Speechless, Gone too Soon, so depressing.

You have to blast out Rock with You, Thriller and You rock my world, it makes you feel so much better, let the streets hear the music.

Life is too short to be down, need to be upbeat, get dancing, get singing show the world the love for MJ.
There are many, but I'll just say one for now. "Speechless", moves me so much right now. I mean I liked it before, but now it's a whole 'nuther meaning & has gotten my attention, and it cheers me up a bit when I'm down. His voice is so perfect, and calming in it, it's such a beautiful song.
Music And Me
With A Child's Heart
You've Got A Friend
You Are Not Alone

are the most comforting songs for me now, it just feels like he's next to you holding your hand when you're listening to that voice.
edit: just listened to When I Come Of Age...
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i do not know why but i for 8 days now Liberian Girl has been playing in my head. I never much listened to it properly before. Even in my sleep it is going, cos when I wake in the night I hear "2 lovers in a scene, & she said .........". :scratch:

i haven't been brave enough to listen to the sad ones yet! but most others yes.
I have been listening to mostly Superfly Sister, Morphine (I know it sounds eery now, but I have forced myself to listen to it), Sunset Driver, Childhood, In the Back, and Someone In the Dark. Someone In The Dark makes me emotional because Michael is now my Someone In The Dark. It's like he's singing to me from Heaven. I tear up everytime. I listen to it before I go to sleep at night.
Smile I have been listening to a lot, blood on the dancefloor and all his uptempo stuff.
I have been avoiding songs like you are not alone, cant bring myself to listen to them yet!