Songs/performances that have made you cry?

Recently Robin Thicke's "I'M NOT LOVIN YOU".. beautiful song that I relate to totally..
The Prayer ~ Andrea Bocelli and Heather Headley. Their voices are so beautiful

Heather Headley ~ If It Wasn't For Your Love. I cry every time I hear this song

Tamia ~ Smile
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Beyonce 'Listen' on Oprah
also watching her perform "fLAWS AND aLL" LIVE IN CONCERT!
Omg billions of songs have made me cry but recently..

"Sorry, blame it on me" - Akon
pink's song coversation with my 13 year old self and nobody knows is one of fav. songs both songs are very personal songs for me.
Wow, too many songs would be on this list...

MJ - "Don't walk away", "Will you be there", " You are not alone", "On the line"
X Japan - "Endless Rain", "Forever Love", "Without you"
Yoshiki Hayashi - "Without you"
hide - "Goodbye"
Gackt - "Last Song", "Rain", "Tea cup", "Leeca"
Malice Mizer - "Le ciel"
Dir en Grey - "Ain't afraid to die"
Hikida Kaori - "Michiyuki"
Olivia Lufkin - "A little pain"

That's about all I can come up with :lol:

I always cry when watching concerts, I think there might be something wrong with me :mello:
I feel lots of things with lots of songs but there isnt many, if any,
that make me cry or w/e. Maybe some near tears.

BUT.....Heaven Knows I Love You Girl by The Jacksons have made my eyes well up.
:mellow: Almost every time I listen to it.
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only MJ performances have brought tears..

Though my hair on my arms have stood up for others.. Mike is the onlyone that could bring me tears from a performance.
Michael Jackson- Gone too soon, you were there, I'll be there


You'll be in my heart , idk which artist sings that..its off of the disney movie Tarzan..

Boys II men- Its so hard to say goodbye??(i think thats the name of it??i'm bad with the title of some songs)


Boys II men- Its so hard to say goodbye??(i think thats the name of it??i'm bad with the title of some songs)
My mom has the 45 of the original version, which was sung by C.G. Cameron. It was from a 1970s movie called Cooley High. The actual title is "It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday"
I don't think a song has ever literally made me cry...but these ones came close..(there are many more but these are the recent ones)

oh mother - Christina Aguilera (The first time she performed the song on an MTV special)
Home - La Toya Jackson (the song just made me sad about all the time she had lost with her family during the 'nightmare' years she was being abused by her husband)...the song definatley reminds me of family and home
Listen - Beyonce (on Oprah)
Petals and Can't take that away - Mariah Carey
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I'm not too big on crying, in general, but Michael's For All Time is the only song that has brought me to tears.
"Complain" by Tweet. The chorus "If I had your back, I wouldn't complain at all." I've felt that way sometimes, so I can relate.
oh im such a crying baby many many of Michael's songs have made me cry! :lol:

Will you be there
Keep the faith
You are not alone
Man in the mirror
Gone too soon

the whole Dangerous in bucharest dvd made me cry when I first watched it cause I was so happy!

Dang i confess i even cried with Irreplaceable by Beyonce! there i said it! :rofl:
The one performance that had always made me cry was Michael's Earth Song performance from the 1996 World Music Awards. I have that entire awards show on tape that I had taped myself back then. And as many times I have seen that performance. I had cried every single time which is why I no longer can watch it. I think that is one of the best performances Michael has ever done.

This is the only performance of Michaels that has ever really made me cry.
I don't cry over performances, but if I did, I reckon this would do it:
I think I once cried listening to the recorded version...Yeah such a marvelous song. Many of his love songs ain't just beautiful, it's very deep and just cuts you right through your heart. It never just tickles you around your ear and leaves. So, You And I right here ain't a typical, pleasant love song, mos def. The same goes for Joy Inside My Tears. I clearly remember I cried to it several times.....