Something very ironic !!

I was kinda hoping DD was going to stay in the dusty hole in which she was hiding. Ah well - some people fixed her but good! Gotta love MJ fans.
I posted my comment…but I dont think she's gonna approve it cuz I've sent some things that are not soo nice… :lol:

Wonder if this one gets approved :rofl:

"Diane does it not seem important to you that the only people commenting on this story KNOW your track record! You say you get "ALL the facts" yet everyday civilians, with no budget or means to pay people for information have completely shown you to be a liar in the below posts? That to me just proves that this book or whatever toilet paper you have wrote is infact mirroring your own standards of "Journalism".

In 100 Years time, no one will know you or care "Who's Diana Diamond?" Everyone will remember Mr Jackson, not for the things you or anyone else put him through but for the things he did, The music, the dance, the magic, 300 Million dollars to charity, how many lives do you think that saved??? How many have you destroyed?"
I can't believe that Diane Dimond wrote an article titled "The Media Lies to You." I just can't believe it. Very ironic is an huge understatement.
Birchey !! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Your post is just great !!! I wonder if she will answer you :laugh:
I don't know whether to laugh or cry, that article is just so absurd coming from DD.

Cirque -- or circus -- perfectly describes the information superhighway traveling into our homes every minute of every day. It has become a circus of truths, half-truthful exaggerations and downright lies.
She should know..... :smilerolleyes:

I feel like throwing up. Can't believe the hypocrisy.

Birchey: reps added to you!
:lol: Mine was deleted… :lol: SO i wrote another one, With a "respectful" tone… I'll try to post both my comments on here…

Romi Lovmj Commented 12 hours ago in Politics
This comment was removed in accordance with HuffPost's moderation guidelines.

What guidelines? I never use/used profanity or anything…I guess she didnt like how people really felt about her and her "investigative ways" :smilerolleyes:

:lol: ok my 2nd one got deleted too… this is crazi… :lol:

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This is too funny for words.
And Huffington hosting her? Do they care about their profile at all?
Thank you, I just wrote what I thought was appropriate, if she replies this will be my next comment:

Dear Miss/Mrs/Mr Diane Diamond

I feel our comments over the internet are not quite enough, I would like to extend a hand of friendship to you and invite you on holiday with me to a lovely remote spot on the Isle of White here in the british isles so we can discuss this matter further :)

Its a beautiful location out in the middle of the fabulous Countryside, The view is absolutely stunning and the cliffs there are as high as 150 ft, ensuring instant death, shall one of us "accidently" fall, I am sure this picture will seal the deal:


Anyhow hope to here from you soon so we can settle ALL differences :cheers:
Thank you, I just wrote what I thought was appropriate, if she replies this will be my next comment:

Dear Miss/Mrs/Mr Diane Diamond

I feel our comments over the internet are not quite enough, I would like to extend a hand of friendship to you and invite you on holiday with me to a lovely remote spot on the Isle of White here in the british isles so we can discuss this matter further :)

Its a beautiful location out in the middle of the fabulous Countryside, The view is absolutely stunning and the cliffs there are as high as 150 ft, ensuring instant death, shall one of us "accidently" fall, I am sure this picture will seal the deal:


Anyhow hope to here from you soon so we can settle ALL differences
Maybe she should interview Jeff Goldblum there?? That would be a real Cliffhanger!
I wasn't familiar with Diane Dimond and her connection with Michael, but as I am reading now about her on the internet, I start to realise what a b*tch she is... The title is so correct :doh:

Thank you, I just wrote what I thought was appropriate, if she replies this will be my next comment:

Dear Miss/Mrs/Mr Diane Diamond

I feel our comments over the internet are not quite enough, I would like to extend a hand of friendship to you and invite you on holiday with me to a lovely remote spot on the Isle of White here in the british isles so we can discuss this matter further :)

Its a beautiful location out in the middle of the fabulous Countryside, The view is absolutely stunning and the cliffs there are as high as 150 ft, ensuring instant death, shall one of us "accidently" fall, I am sure this picture will seal the deal:


Anyhow hope to here from you soon so we can settle ALL differences :cheers:

:lmao: :lmao: Loving how smooth this comment is!
And the one you posted on her page is really great! :clapping:
yeah !!!! I can't believe it but they agreed my post :D may be the moderator don't like her :laugh:

"Medias lie to you - Beware !" what a great title !!!!! I can't believe it's you who wrote this - why do we have to believe you ? Because you have '"All the facts" ? which ones, those you have invented ? I can't believe that your ethic of journalism has changed since few years - Sorry but all the false things you have reported as truth since many years make me not trust in you 'til the end of times. "
Someone I know asked her about what happened to the love letters that MJ wrote to Gavin and that was gonna be a major evidence for the prosecution's case in the trial, according to her in 2004. Of course, she didn't approve the comment. She is not only a liar but also a coward.
The Media Lies to You -- Beware!

Oh, that is rich coming from Diane. She is the definition of hypocrisy. How about she starts righting her own wrongs and the lies she spread about Michael?

From the comments of that HuffPo article:

Diane Dimond said:
a commenter said:
So why would anyone trust you?
Because I have a track record as an investigative reporter who bothers to get ALL the facts about a story.

I can't. I just can't.
has anyome brought up her lies about michael in the comment? I can't bring myself to even read the article....

Yes !! Here from comments

"Or how about this small and insignificant fact? It must have been insignificant because you did not report it to those millions of viewers watching your program.

"TOM MESEREAU: When did you meet Michael? ACCUSER’S MOTHER:.... August 2000. MESEREAU: According to this official statement/sworn declaration that you gave to the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s department and district attorney, you retained an attorney and investigator in.... (January 2000) for the sole purpose of finding out information about Michael Jackson and settling with him. You discussed a settlement concerning Michael Jackson.......before you even knew him?"

So, are you in truth a lousy fact checker or a great liar? "


"You wrote slanderous remarks and half truths about Michael Jackson for years; never researching many of the remarks you wrote about or stated as fact on national TV; anything for money seemed to pass muster with you. You have milked a living off Mr. Jackson's back for years and now you have moved on to promoting yet another one of your books, this time targeting the Salahis. Now, I am definitely not a fan of the Salahis or do I support their underhanded way of seeking attention to gain some benefit. But, I'm sure the purpose of your article is to promote your book...well, I will not be buying it.

Diane, thanks for the careful who you trust...I do not trust you! "

or again

"Diane, does this look familar?
The "Veritas (Truth) Project" gives the following details about her:
"Diane Dimond is the former host of Hard Copy who has apparently declared herself the expert on the Michael Jackson case. She's obviously very close to the District Attorney Tom Sneddon but is far from accurate in her reporting. Here's a little history lesson on Diane Dimond:
- In 1993, Dimond did a segment with two of Jackson's former bodyguards. They claimed they were fired because they knew too much about Jackson's alleged relationships with young boys. Dimond swore that the bodyguards were not paid for their story. A contract later revealed that they were given $100,000 to appear on her show. When taken to court, both bodyguards admitted that they had made the whole thing up.
- Dimond admitted that she knew about the new allegations in advance. Why was the DA leaking information to a tabloid journalist? She was also at Neverland when the police conducted their search of the grounds.
- Dimond, after getting a copy of a confidential document revealing the details of Jackson's 1993 civil settlement, leaked the contents of the document to the press. She also falsely stated that Jackson admitted to wrongdoing in the agreement.

Read more at:
Source: - this is just one of many sources available with the same information. Watch her on Youtube and Larry King!
yes, I will be careful who I trust - not you! "

Don't worry, noone has forgot her lies !
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This woman makes me sick to my stomach, reading the comments, I realized she didn't respond to anything in regards to Michael....Cowardly.
Originally Posted by Diane Dimond
Originally Posted by a commenter
So why would anyone trust you?
Because I have a track record as an investigative reporter who bothers to get ALL the facts about a story.
I can't. I just can't.

OMG :toofunny: She needs to dig herself a hole and bury herself in it. :smilerolleyes:
OMG :toofunny: She needs to dig herself a hole and bury herself in it. :smilerolleyes:

The female version of Roger Friedman! She may as well dig a very large and very deep hole and take RF for company.

The media world will only be cleaner for it!

With L.O.V.E
Thank you, I just wrote what I thought was appropriate, if she replies this will be my next comment:

Dear Miss/Mrs/Mr Diane Diamond

I feel our comments over the internet are not quite enough, I would like to extend a hand of friendship to you and invite you on holiday with me to a lovely remote spot on the Isle of White here in the british isles so we can discuss this matter further :)

Its a beautiful location out in the middle of the fabulous Countryside, The view is absolutely stunning and the cliffs there are as high as 150 ft, ensuring instant death, shall one of us "accidently" fall, I am sure this picture will seal the deal:


Anyhow hope to here from you soon so we can settle ALL differences :cheers:

For some reason it says I am banned from commenting! :lol: and I haven't even tried. Maybe it sensed I was an MJ fan :lol:

edit: ok I found a way around it :D and I wrote this:

"I could write endlessly about the contempt in which I hold the likes of you Ms Dimond and the rest of the abusers who hide behind the rights of the media. I will however state only this:

Myself and thousands of others see your male cow faeces and we call your bluff and kindly point out that coming soon to a reality near you are Michael Jackson's grown up children.

Good luck explaining your 'all the facts reporting' to them because you are seriously going to need it."

Sadly I don't think it will get approved.
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