Something not right here

I think everyone needs to just calm down and wait for information to become available. There is no reason to go down the path of foul play when there is yet to be evidence of any. I know we are all very confused and devastated by the incredible news of Michael no longer being here, but we do have to keep a level head and watch things shake out.
I don't know what to say. It seems weird but really, foul play?
Jeez. I'm already devastated as it is. Honestly, this just makes me angry.
Maybe that's good... I'm more used to that feeling then this other, grieving, tearing apart my whole world thing. I hate this.
I of course hope this isn't foul play and the only reason i mentioned it is because look..MICHAEL HAS SAID HE WOULD NEVER TAKE HIS OWN LIFE..and not at this point in his life..WHY INTENTIONALLY LEAVE YOUR KIDS, FAMILY AND THE IMPENDING NEW BEGININING OF SOMETHING HE WAS SO LOOKING FORWARD TOO.

There is a inner circle in michael's life which is detatched from his family and that alone has always worried me.Coupled with the long long addiction to pain killers which seemingly never went away.Either this was a sad accident and could have been avioded or it was intentional for whatever reason.There is no third option because that would be suicide which should not even be mentioned.He was addicted but didnt get the correct help.SO If he didnt get the proper help that family and friends wanted...what the hell were these inner circle of people doing!!!!!!!!! just being yes men ? if so they would have been consciense of what they were doing was detremental to michael's health...arghhh i hate having to type this..but please it does help me get my emotions out..even if noone agress..please just respect my opinion from the point that this is what i sadly believe..The fact of him not being on this earth is bad enough i know but we must know what happened because i just feel this could have been avoided..i just feel it