Some girls can be so stuck up!!!

They sound like immature little girls. Ignore them. Gosh, we're living in a world that you can't be friendly and talk to people without them thinking we're creepy or weird? What is the world coming to!! Tsk. Chin up xx

Wow that's harsh, girls can be be b**** sometyms, get used to it though and learn the lesson!!:)
Im kind of over it now.

Thank you for all your replies btw! Very helpful! I really needed to vent when I made this thread because I was so mad!

When someone is making personal insults like that it really gets to you. Its not the same as when your having an arguement based on a certain topic that might occur on here....or youtube or something.

I felt a lot better when my friend told me she was a 'Mouthy B**ch' anyway. So I knew it wasnt just me then....

Heres my facebook: