Some girls can be so stuck up!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Basically last week I was on the train and there were 3 girls standing right by me. I kind of knew one of them because my dad knows her dad.

So then one of the girls starts knocking on the glass to me and then hiding. So I just laughed a long with it. ...

Anyway, this girl that I kind of knew anyway caught my eye so I thought I would add her on Facebook. Immediately she writes on my wall that she recognised me from the train and was talking quite a lot.

Then I saw the other two girls on her friends list and thought id be friendly and try and talk to them as well.

Suddenly this girl I added first stops talking as much, as if something was wrong with her......

Then I tried to speak to one of the other girls. Basically she started calling me a freak and a loser because I had added 'all her friends'. She was even getting really personal saying 'have you seen the state of you'. (Even though she was obviously knocking on the glass to me on the train to get my attention).

Ok, maybe I shouldnt really add people I dont really know. But it was only to get talking to them..........I had no idea the fact I added them would 'disturb them' to the point they would think im a freak and a loser.

The whole thing really really got to me, which makes it worse. Its not like online arguements where people make unpersonal insults. These were actually personal insults. It was a confidence knock as well. Not to mention being slightly embarrassed that I had added these girls and they had thought of me as a loser.

I know its actually them who have their faults and I shouldnt let it get to me, but it has just really really got to me anyway.

I couldnt actually believe what she was saying, it was just horrible :S
That's completely out of order, no way is that "freaky" or anything.

At least you know now that they aren't worth your time.
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That's completely out of order, no way is that "freaky" or anything.

At least you know now that they aren't worth your time.

Thats what some people are like it seems.

All 3 of them were creeped out by the fact that I had added them all.

I actually couldnt believe what I was reading when she was talking.
That would really bother me!!! But don't pay so much attention to losers!!! ;)
That would really bother me!!! But don't pay so much attention to losers!!! ;)

Its like, I was trying to be nice. Just trying to talk to them. Then you get all that from one of them.
it's territorialism. a person wants to think they are the only one. but when they find out they are not, that bothers them, i guess.
it's territorialism. a person wants to think they are the only one. but when they find out they are not, that bothers them, i guess.

Im not sure you know. I think its more to do with the fact they just think its creepy that I added them all when I dont even know them.
C'mon, that means they don't have a life and they found sth to pass their time with... :)
Woah that is a little bit over the top. I wouldn't think it was freaky or whatever if you knew one of them anyway. As for them saying 'look at the state of you' or whatever it was, wow, you aren't even a state. :lol: Don't listen, and they're not worth your time anyhow.
Woah that is a little bit over the top. I wouldn't think it was freaky or whatever if you knew one of them anyway. As for them saying 'look at the state of you' or whatever it was, wow, you aren't even a state. :lol: Don't listen, and they're not worth your time anyhow.

They really arent. The 'look at the state of you' part did affect me a little bit. I did think, why would she knock on the window to me in a flirty way if she thought I looked a mess? :S But there is still a chance she did think I looked a state and thats the part that gets me.
Trust me, you are not a state. I can say that, because I've seen pics! :hug:
oh i hate tramps like that..
dont worry about it, her/they're loss.
I spoke to my friend who knows her more. He says shes a 'Mouthy little b**ch'.

So apparently its not just me she is like that with.
Immature bitch.

And about that facebook thing, I have dozens of contacts I don't know. :D
I.hate.girls. Period. haha.
That's childish of them, they're not worth your time. I wouldn't worry. :)

And about that facebook thing, I have dozens of contacts I don't know. :D

Same for me. If we have mutual friends or something, I figure it's safe to add them or accept their friend request. I go to an all girls high school and we have a "brother school." We all basically added each other even though we haven't met or don't know each other. I don't see the harm in that.
Ugh, girls can be so ridic. :smilerolleyes: I always got along better with guys in high school. I'm always happy to meet new people and get to know people better (even though I'm terribly terribly shy), that totally does not make you a creepster. No worries. :better:
you think she would've still talked to you if you hadn't added her friends?
apparently, i endured similar experience like you...but of course in different situation.

this guy is my ex-classmate. we had never say much to each other in those days maybe because nothing to talk about and further i was a bit shy back then. since leaving school, we've never contact each other for almost 12 years. to cut the story short, i managed to get his email and i started chatting with him.

at the first chat, we talked a we missed school, friends, where they are now etc. everything seemed fine. we enjoyed the conversation...we laughed a lot. the subsequent chat, i asked about him and a bit about his girlfriend. not that i want to go into his personal but from the pictures he uploaded, his girlfriend looked like one of my long lost friend. i asked him whether it is possible that they're the same person. he never replied me until now.

i just don't get it! am i wrong to ask about it? i swear that that was my last question to him before he 'disappear'. i can still remember it.

until now, i'm still puzzling. he left me hanging.
also, i'm not trying to steal him! (if that was what he was thinking).i accept him as my friend and nothing more.
They sound like immature little girls. Ignore them. Gosh, we're living in a world that you can't be friendly and talk to people without them thinking we're creepy or weird? What is the world coming to!! Tsk. Chin up xx
Oh god, so pathetic. If that's you in your profile pic then you have no need to worry as you're a good looking fella :flowers:
Those girls have major issues. They're immature and need to grow up. Just wait, the same thing will happen to them in time. Maybe then they will smarten up and realize that what they did to you was wrong and will learn from it. Til then, brush them off and move on. They're not worth the time of day or the powder to blow.
How mean that you should be treated like that!?

Girls like that aren't worth your time or effort. I thought that was how facebook operated anyway! My girls add friends of friends all the time! There is nothing weird or freaky about it - that's why they are called social networking sites!

Please don't let these girls upset you - you are worth more than that!
:lol: ok...this is not a funny situation but my best friend(a guy) had the same thing happen to him. we laugh at it now...but was not funny at the time.

IMHO, I think thats too much(for the girls to do that) but my thinking is that they thought you were a player, maybe because their thinking might be that "Why would he add us if he likes our friend" you know? But for them to go as far as to insult you, Its them thats MESSED UP!

Listen, this is not your thought you were doing a nice thing by trying to talk to them...but they didnt see it that way, I guess. Dont get me wrong, I'm female and I'm not trying to talk down on my gender, but even from personal experience, Girls(my peers) have done some things that are unmentionable.

And from now on, Dont think about it, I know its hard to do that but you need to be above that.

I've replied to you comments and have seen some of your comments and YOU ARE NOT A loser. I mean what does that mean anyways. They said that cuz they got nothing on you. Rise above it man! Some girls tend to play with guys feelings. Dont feel bad about yourself cuz you are not the first person that this happened to. You'll be fine, For real. Dont wast your time on that Garbage hun. I feel for you. Just dont let it define who you are. :cheeky:
