So that is that.. The Screenings are over...

2nd (and last) time was better for me than the first. The first time I was sad afterward, but this time I was happy and glad to see things I had missed before. Also I kept thinking the whole time how sexy Mike was lol. There were of course a few times I was thinking "God I wish this could have happened" :( but now I can't wait for the DVD. I'm sure I'm going to want to watch it a lot and see all the extra stuff.
^ I can't wait either, but while I was watching it a couple hours ago I just kept thinking "I cannot imagine this on my little t.v. screen..." It's not even going to compare. I got so used to that gigantic screen. =(
Don't forget guys, I'd bet you can still go see it on the big screen again if you have any of the discount dollar theaters around that still show movies after they have left the bigger theaters.

We have one here (The Palace) and I'm looking forward to seeing the movie again soon if they get it (which they should). :)

:hug: Beautiful. I agree wholeheartedly. I was watching it tonight and just wondering...what would this have been like without the movie? Worlds different, loads harder. I think it was the best thing that possibly could have happened - under the absolute worst circumstances.

I just got back from the last showing on the east coast. =( I kept trying to hold on to the movie as each minute went by. This is the end of this era. It's been the worst era ever, no doubt, but still...leaving it feels scary. Like it's pushing us farther and farther away from him. The "acceptable" mourning period is coming to a close and I'm not there yet. From June until now, the whole world has been mourning with us and there's been sympathy from everywhere, but now...that all disappears. We're going to be alone. He won't be everywhere we turn and I feel like sooner or later someone's gonna say something, I'm going to be expected to "get over it"...and I'm gonna have to restrain myself from slapping them. Tonight felt like another goodbye. I'm tired of saying goodbye. Each time I have to say it, he's farther away.

Hi, Princess.... auuuh :(
You couldn't have said it better. Are we crossing the end of "this" area?
Where are we going now? I got again this feeling of being so lost. So far I can't reach clousure and I am tired of goodbyes. And yes: sympathy is about to end and I am scared of that too. I don't know... I am quite confused at this moment. Very confused indeed...
Not closure, more sad that it's probably the last time we'll see new material from Michael on the big screen. It'd be nice if they put it back in theaters every now and then, say, during the week of his birthday.
Not closure, more sad that it's probably the last time we'll see new material from Michael on the big screen. It'd be nice if they put it back in theaters every now and then, say, during the week of his birthday.

I would prefer a bad tour concert in theater.. but thats only my opinion :)
ANY tour in a theatre!!!

But I'd prefer Bad tour also, or Victory.
That too! And it'd be nice to see Moonwalker get the theatrical release that Michael wanted.
That too! And it'd be nice to see Moonwalker get the theatrical release that Michael wanted.

But... I remember when I was a girl that there were theathers showing Moonwalker. I even rember the promotion on tv, but our family had no money to go. I even remember the theather where it was on.

Sure I missed something about this... (me -->
Saw it on Wednesday for the last time. It was my 4th time seeing it and it was just as spectacular as the first time. I get a huge grin on my face when Michael comes on the screen for the first time. It was such an awesome experience seeing a Michael Jackson movie on the big screen. Quite an event. Too bad it couldn't have been under happier terms though.
The longer we have to do without TII, the more we're going to enjoy the dvd/blu-ray when it comes out!:better: