So that is that.. The Screenings are over...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Today I watched it again at the last screening here in Holland.. It was some kind of closure for me, how about you guys?
yes me too. I went today for the last day too :( so sad. I regret it so much not going 4/5 times..
saw it 3 times here in holland... was going to go today but couldnt
Damm today was he last day? I was wanting to see the last screening by myself and watch MJ on the big screen for the last time, just for some comfort with my birthday and all that this week.
Yes, me too. It was great to see that the whole theater was packed with people. But I'm really sad that this was the last time to see This Is It... :( Ah well, let's wait for the DVD!
Just came back from Belgrade. Last day here in Serbia. And umm... I still could watch this every day. It's the most inspiring thing I have ever seen.
I saw it last week for the last time before it was pulled here in Hull, UK. I felt a strong sense of grief as I watched, and then peace as I was walking back to the interchange. I would love them to show the film a few more times in a more relaxed setting, where people can dance around and clap etc. I guess we'll have to wait til it's on DVD for that though :p I just love watching the film on the BIG screen!
Yeah with TII coming to an end in the theaters...It is really depressing.....I looked forward to seeing Michael in concert, then he past away...we were blessed with TII it is over......I hear nothing but silence now......makes my head hurt..:(
Tomorrow is the last day here and I will be going for one last view on the big screen. I think it will show up again in some of the second run theatres.
Ill be seeing it again tomorrow as well
If you dont see TII on the BIG screen
you're really missing out _ LAST CHANCE
I saw it again today for the last time since I will not be able to go tomorrow. There were about 50 people in the theater. Everyone was saying it was such a lost and he was such a genius. The lady behind me cried during the whole thing. She was very nice.
The day after the final showing here in the UK i felt really sad because it felt i'd lost that "concert feeling" that the movie brought to us throughout it's run :( Watching it on DVD just won't feel the same :(
I watched TII for the last time last night. Thursday is officially the last day, but I knew I couldn't make it tonight. I really enjoyed seeing it one last on the big screen. I hope everybody who wanted to see the movie on the big screen got the chance. It was a great experience!!!
We miss you and forever
Just back from my last viewing on the big screen. 11 showings. Still doesn't come close to making up for being too young to see any of Michael's concerts... :'(
Just back from my last viewing on the big screen. 11 showings. Still doesn't come close to making up for being too young to see any of Michael's concerts... :'(

I thought it was gone already,i wouldn't mind going one last time. Where was it that you seen it?
It was only on for 4 weeks here. But from the looks of it each showing had good numbers :)
I went to see it yesterday for the last time..
I was thinking while watching it that it must be a different experience to watch it at your own house. But I can't complain, I experienced 4 showings lol
I had my last time with MJ at the theather last night. That was my 12nd time. Each one unique. Some among hundreds of silent and shocked fans (the special premier night), with my little nice or my little nephew (I love to see their amazement to MJ), on my own, with a handful of fans.

For me, TII is a gift. I know there are many mixfeelings about it, but I choose considering this a the special gift left to each one of us, no matter where we live, who we are, how long we have loved him. For many, it was their first approach to MJ.

I am proud to be his fan. I feel the pride when people say what a great ARTIST he IS and what a big wonder we have been stolen. But still, we were blessed to walk this world along with him, listening to his music and dreaming to his dances.

Yesterday night I really cried a lot. I couldn't stop and the girl by my side was so sweet to give me a tissue. You know, when you are among loving MJ fans, there is that special feeling of being all just a big family. My friends already know me and they are always worried about me, ready to give me a hug and support.

I am glad and honored I had the chance to join this last journey with so many millions of MJ fans all over the world. The initial 2 weeks turned into 5 weeks here and every time I sang, I screamed, or I cried, I knew for sure somewhere, out there, there was another heart beating for MJ too.

"We are family. Know that."
I saw it yesterday for a final time. The theatre was completely empty, except for me, but I kind of enjoyed that. Just me and Michael up on the big screen, no distractions.

I'm going to try my best to hold on to the inspiration I felt while watching MJ. It's hard though. I've got that feeling of emptiness creeping up. Around me, people seem to be moving about with their lives. But the world doesn't seem quite right with him gone. Even though there will bonus material released on DVD, and new albums put out, this... is it. And it shouldn't be.
I'm going to try my best to hold on to the inspiration I felt while watching MJ. It's hard though. I've got that feeling of emptiness creeping up. Around me, people seem to be moving about with their lives. But the world doesn't seem quite right with him gone. Even though there will bonus material released on DVD, and new albums put out, this... is it. And it shouldn't be.

Your are so right.... so right it hurts :(
Yesterday was the last day of screening here, but i wasnt able 2 go. But i had seen enough times though.
I had my last time with MJ at the theather last night. That was my 12nd time. Each one unique. Some among hundreds of silent and shocked fans (the special premier night), with my little nice or my little nephew (I love to see their amazement to MJ), on my own, with a handful of fans.

For me, TII is a gift. I know there are many mixfeelings about it, but I choose considering this a the special gift left to each one of us, no matter where we live, who we are, how long we have loved him. For many, it was their first approach to MJ.

I am proud to be his fan. I feel the pride when people say what a great ARTIST he IS and what a big wonder we have been stolen. But still, we were blessed to walk this world along with him, listening to his music and dreaming to his dances.

Yesterday night I really cried a lot. I couldn't stop and the girl by my side was so sweet to give me a tissue. You know, when you are among loving MJ fans, there is that special feeling of being all just a big family. My friends already know me and they are always worried about me, ready to give me a hug and support.

I am glad and honored I had the chance to join this last journey with so many millions of MJ fans all over the world. The initial 2 weeks turned into 5 weeks here and every time I sang, I screamed, or I cried, I knew for sure somewhere, out there, there was another heart beating for MJ too.

"We are family. Know that."

:hug: Beautiful. I agree wholeheartedly. I was watching it tonight and just wondering...what would this have been like without the movie? Worlds different, loads harder. I think it was the best thing that possibly could have happened - under the absolute worst circumstances.

I saw it yesterday for a final time. The theatre was completely empty, except for me, but I kind of enjoyed that. Just me and Michael up on the big screen, no distractions.

I'm going to try my best to hold on to the inspiration I felt while watching MJ. It's hard though. I've got that feeling of emptiness creeping up. Around me, people seem to be moving about with their lives. But the world doesn't seem quite right with him gone. Even though there will bonus material released on DVD, and new albums put out, this... is it. And it shouldn't be.

I just got back from the last showing on the east coast. =( I kept trying to hold on to the movie as each minute went by. This is the end of this era. It's been the worst era ever, no doubt, but still...leaving it feels scary. Like it's pushing us farther and farther away from him. The "acceptable" mourning period is coming to a close and I'm not there yet. From June until now, the whole world has been mourning with us and there's been sympathy from everywhere, but now...that all disappears. We're going to be alone. He won't be everywhere we turn and I feel like sooner or later someone's gonna say something, I'm going to be expected to "get over it"...and I'm gonna have to restrain myself from slapping them. Tonight felt like another goodbye. I'm tired of saying goodbye. Each time I have to say it, he's farther away.