So much negativity and anger. Is it just me?

ya know, i figured mj fans would be moreup in arms about his death. he's gone for no reason at thehands of another. yet they are moving forward, and im glad. im glad that people can see the sun again and be cheerful. there are some who appear that way but are still upset, that's ok, too.

but for many that feel this was murder and that what's going on isn't cause for celebration, they want that to be heard. just like the trial, we were fighting an uphill battle. but this time, instead of fans vs. the grifters/sneddon. it's fan vs. fan vs. aeg. vs. dileo vs. this and that.

it's bananas. but im not gonna fault someone for being pissed and angry just like im not gonna fault them for being happy and positive.

Absolutely. There are a variety of opinions on this board, and it's fine as long as discussions are respectful, and agree-to-disagree if necessary.

For some, much remains unfinished and unknown. No one has been arrested and charged. And also for some, that "unfinishedness" prevents a lot in the way of celebration because Michael is gone and we really do NOT know why yet. Of course, we honor his life and artistry! But Michael, himself, was outspoken in his songs and words, about injustices. .in the world, and to himself. "D.S." "They Don't Care About Us," "Tabloid Junkie," and so much else. He is not here to speak up for himself anymore. . . . .

For those who don't want to argue, may I gently suggest. . .that you just don't? If a thread is upsetting, just leave it and go somewhere more positive? There is plenty to do and read here, so that should be possible?


I don't know if you believe in the Bible, but if you don't then use it as philosophical reference. In one passage it talks about death. When someone dies that is where we need to be learning from it instead over where everyone is celebrating. I am paraphrasing of course. It is not saying we should stay sad all the time, but take this and learn from it. It also talks about speaking the truth in the Old Testament. God sent prophets to speak to a stubborn people they would not listen and the prophets were persecuted and sometimes killed for speaking the truth. The prophets death helped the people in the future to learn and not repeat mistakes. It talks about how we are to promote reconciliation, justice and integrity. And in so doing, this may mean speaking the truth in the face of opposition. We can not stop speaking the truth. This is one of the ways we redeem ourselves. We may go about it in the wrong way sometimes but we need to here the truth in order to improve our lives. Most importantly, improve someone elses life.
I don't know if you believe in the Bible, but if you don't then use it as philosophical reference. In one passage it talks about death. When someone dies that is where we need to be learning from it instead over where everyone is celebrating. I am paraphrasing of course. It is not saying we should stay sad all the time, but take this and learn from it. It also talks about speaking the truth in the Old Testament. God sent prophets to speak to a stubborn people they would not listen and the prophets were persecuted and sometimes killed for speaking the truth. The prophets death helped the people in the future to learn and not repeat mistakes. It talks about how we are to promote reconciliation, justice and integrity. And in so doing, this may mean speaking the truth in the face of opposition. We can not stop speaking the truth. This is one of the ways we redeem ourselves. We may go about it in the wrong way sometimes but we need to here the truth in order to improve our lives. Most importantly, improve someone elses life.

Such an amazingly wise post! Thank you.

Absolutely. There are a variety of opinions on this board, and it's fine as long as discussions are respectful, and agree-to-disagree if necessary.

For some, much remains unfinished and unknown. No one has been arrested and charged. And also for some, that "unfinishedness" prevents a lot in the way of celebration because Michael is gone and we really do NOT know why yet. Of course, we honor his life and artistry! But Michael, himself, was outspoken in his songs and words, about injustices. .in the world, and to himself. "D.S." "They Don't Care About Us," "Tabloid Junkie," and so much else. He is not here to speak up for himself anymore. . . . .

For those who don't want to argue, may I gently suggest. . .that you just don't? If a thread is upsetting, just leave it and go somewhere more positive? There is plenty to do and read here, so that should be possible?



Yes - that's really what I'm concerned about.

To repeat myself, I never meant to imply that righteous anger is unwarranted or wrong, and I am all for defending Michael.

And yes - I do just leave threads that are upsetting, and I very rarely join arguments. I'm not saying that it's impossible to find something else to read on here, no way. I love this site. If that were the case, I wouldn't be here at all!

I'm just expressing concern about the issue of respect, for everyone's well-being.

I don't know if you believe in the Bible, but if you don't then use it as philosophical reference. In one passage it talks about death. When someone dies that is where we need to be learning from it instead over where everyone is celebrating. I am paraphrasing of course. It is not saying we should stay sad all the time, but take this and learn from it. It also talks about speaking the truth in the Old Testament. God sent prophets to speak to a stubborn people they would not listen and the prophets were persecuted and sometimes killed for speaking the truth. The prophets death helped the people in the future to learn and not repeat mistakes. It talks about how we are to promote reconciliation, justice and integrity. And in so doing, this may mean speaking the truth in the face of opposition. We can not stop speaking the truth. This is one of the ways we redeem ourselves. We may go about it in the wrong way sometimes but we need to here the truth in order to improve our lives. Most importantly, improve someone elses life.

Wonderful post, thanks.
i think for some, the ticket WOULD have been great b/c mj designed it. but to charge fans the same price for a ticekt that would've been accompanied by a show is wrong. it's usingthem. they even bragged that if 25% of fans kept their tickets, they would not lose money. so in a way, fans are mad cuz a company is using this to their advantage. he's gone and we wanna collect and hold ontoanything and everything mj. that's preying on their emotions.

and u have other fans who refuse to listen cuz they don't want to feel guilty for watching a movie or buying a shirt. so they want to fight back at the very fans who are avoiding those thigns.

whatever floats ur boat. we all have a right to say something. but we gotta say it ina way that doesn't alienate or belittle anyone else
I agree it has gotten a lot more negative, hostile, and down right rude.

I expect for any community like this to have disagreements and differences in opinions and views which is great. I believe in dialogue and discourse. I think this is one way we are challenged about our views and at times can learn from one another person.

I think it perfectly ok for each of us to be passionate about different issues and all things MJ. Some are passionate about justice others legacy.

I have come to the conclusion to post less, avoid touchy subjects, and be mindful before I post anything.

There are few subjects in which I am compelled to respond... i will say my peace and never return to the thread. Its just no need to bang your head against the wall.... especially when people are just looking for a fight or to "win" a fight.

its already hard enough dealing with a devastating grief well enough.... SO SORRY FOR THE RANT.
I agree it has gotten a lot more negative, hostile, and down right rude.

I expect for any community like this to have disagreements and differences in opinions and views which is great. I believe in dialogue and discourse. I think this is one way we are challenged about our views and at times can learn from one another person.

I think it perfectly ok for each of us to be passionate about different issues and all things MJ. Some are passionate about justice others legacy.

I have come to the conclusion to post less, avoid touchy subjects, and be mindful before I post anything.

There are few subjects in which I am compelled to respond... i will say my peace and never return to the thread. Its just no need to bang your head against the wall.... especially when people are just looking for a fight or to "win" a fight.

its already hard enough dealing with a devastating grief well enough.... SO SORRY FOR THE RANT.

Yes, definitely.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

i think for some, the ticket WOULD have been great b/c mj designed it. but to charge fans the same price for a ticekt that would've been accompanied by a show is wrong. it's usingthem. they even bragged that if 25% of fans kept their tickets, they would not lose money. so in a way, fans are mad cuz a company is using this to their advantage. he's gone and we wanna collect and hold ontoanything and everything mj. that's preying on their emotions.

and u have other fans who refuse to listen cuz they don't want to feel guilty for watching a movie or buying a shirt. so they want to fight back at the very fans who are avoiding those thigns.

whatever floats ur boat. we all have a right to say something. but we gotta say it ina way that doesn't alienate or belittle anyone else

Yes, I totally agree with you.
Hi everyone.
(I wasn't sure which forum I should post this in. Please move it if it needs to me moved!)

I need to know if I am the only one who is completely frustrated by all the negativity in some of these forums & threads.
Controversy, bad news, conspiracy theories, anger, arguing, crusading against anyone who may have offended Michael's memory - I just feel like most of the threads I read contain these things.

I just feel a little isolated as a fan sometimes because I don't want to get angry, even if it's righteous anger; I don't want to argue with anyone who posts here and I really have no interest in investigating Michael's death or in conspiracy theories. I don't want these things, but it's very hard to avoid them, and I feel like so many fans get absolutely caught up in their own anger, sadness and frustration and it hurts me to see that. :no:

Don't get me wrong, I understand where this is all coming from, and all of these things are only to be expected in the wake of Michael's passing. And I do sympathize with all of you, I truly do.

I just get so disheartened when I see people fighting about things like Michael and women, or Michael's looks, or Michael lip-synching - whatever. It saddens me.
I have a tendency to lurk in threads and give up reading them because of all the negativity and arguing.

Does anyone else feel this? Am I alone here?

Really, I just want to tell all of you that I respect and care for you, from one fan - one human being - to another.
Maybe I sound over-the-top, but I'm okay with that.
You are not alone at all!!! I agree with every single word u said and I feel exactly the same the way you do!
i agree with first post, ive felt the same on here

dont worry though im sure many people feel the same
I have a question for the fans.

If hard evidence came out that MJ did in fact behave badly around a few kids would you still be fans?

Sorry but i couldn't. What about the rest of you?

You have to realize i don't believe he done it, but some people will never believe that. So you can't talk them around. No-one will ever know for sure apart from MJ and the kids involved.
You're on point. All the negativity is sickening, it destroyed this place.
I agree with much of what has been said - I have witnessed much negativity. My own personal opinion is just that - my OWN personal opinion - and I wouldn't dream of forcing it on someone else or trying to convert someone to my way of thinking.

I can see the point of view from most posts I read but would hope that we could all accept the point of view of others.

Being hurt like this means we often want to hold on to things in order to retain the person we loved - it can also mean we want someone to blame for what happened. Ultimately I just think most of us want the truth. Sadly the ultimate truth died with Michael.

I came here after Michael died because I felt very alone and wanted to belong to a community that felt as strongly about him as I do - I feel I have found that but I still feel we don't all have to share the same opinion in order to share the same love.
i'm much the same, i like to read all threads but can't get into the arguments. i do have my own opinions and sometimes i agree or disagree with others on here but i won't post my feelings as i don't want to have to defend my thoughts.
i respect each and every person on here and sometimes i love the passion some have but it can get out of hand and become more than just passion, its like an obsession to make us all think the same and damn us if we don't.
we all share the same thing.. our love for one man, theres no need to have all these in house fights. we are all on the same side and i know we just express it differently.
It's a very interesting topic this! I personally can't stand the negativity and anger. It's too much for me to cope with and frankly too depressing. I don't read tabloids, I don't listen to the news, I don't look in the Investigative Unit thread, or read any happenings which are negatively slanted.. nothing about Murray.. I just want to enjoy Michael's legacy and his music. His artistry as someone said. And that doesn't mean I won't stick up for Michael; because I always always do in the face of anyone - as frustrating as it to me, many many people believe the lies of the media. People think he wanted to be white etc etc etc. I mean even though I was a fan since 1999 I didn't know up until about a month ago that Michael did pro-Black speeches over the years of his life right up until his death. I knew and believed he has vitiligo but I mean, if fans such as me don't know about those speeches for example - how can we expect the average person to believe any different to what the media tells them. I think we can all work as fans in a constructive way to change the negative perception of our Michael.

I agree people can be angry and upset etc but it is important it's constructive, not just gossip. I know many people want justice but we need to remain patient so that we can ensure Murray is put away. For the moment though I'm trying to live my life with Michael in my heart. I've got enough negativity in my life and Michael helps me through it.
Am one of the bitter and angry ones even though l never lash it out to this forum. But its one of the aspects that my sister brought to my knowledge recently. She told me am filled with anger and resentment and thats something that was never brought to my attention before. I wish this could go away. Am stuck with what if and whats not. I guess time heals all the wounds. Am sad though
that Michael gets to experience this:(
Hi everyone.
(I wasn't sure which forum I should post this in. Please move it if it needs to me moved!)

I need to know if I am the only one who is completely frustrated by all the negativity in some of these forums & threads.
Controversy, bad news, conspiracy theories, anger, arguing, crusading against anyone who may have offended Michael's memory - I just feel like most of the threads I read contain these things.

I just feel a little isolated as a fan sometimes because I don't want to get angry, even if it's righteous anger; I don't want to argue with anyone who posts here and I really have no interest in investigating Michael's death or in conspiracy theories. I don't want these things, but it's very hard to avoid them, and I feel like so many fans get absolutely caught up in their own anger, sadness and frustration and it hurts me to see that. :no:

Don't get me wrong, I understand where this is all coming from, and all of these things are only to be expected in the wake of Michael's passing. And I do sympathize with all of you, I truly do.

I just get so disheartened when I see
people fighting
about things like
Michael and women, or Michael's looks, or Michael lip-synching - whatever
. It saddens me.

I have a tendency to lurk in threads and give up reading them because of all the negativity and arguing.

Does anyone else feel this? Am I alone here?

Really, I just want to tell all of you that I respect and care for you, from one fan - one human being - to another.
Maybe I sound over-the-top, but I'm okay with that.

Dear Littlesparrow,

Mr.Jackson says it soo very eloquently...

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Keep Helping to Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
You're not alone, littlesparrow. It just, tends to be human nature? for those types of things to happen. And yes, it is sad, and yes, it hurts. Often you have to have thick skin to enter here. Well, good luck.

Edit: haha! Sdeidjs I didn't even see what you had posted until after I was done writing! :p Great minds think alike? lol
I am going to take a break from this board for awhile, perhaps a few weeks,. The comments in the Katherine thread in News and Happenings was over the top, hateful and degenerated so badly the thread had to be closed. I was hanging in there but that thread was a bit much. When negativity becomes so prevalent on a fan site, it takes away from the meaning of "fan" especially since Michael was about love and positivity.
You're not alone, littlesparrow. It just, tends to be human nature? for those types of things to happen. And yes, it is sad, and yes, it hurts. Often you have to have thick skin to enter here. Well, good luck.

haha! Sdeidjs I didn't even see what you had posted until after I was done writing! :p Great minds think alike? lol


:angel:Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
thanks for that ut clip. brought a big grin and tear of joy to me

Your very welcome...
Anything I can do to help...I will be there~~~

:angel:Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~