So much negativity and anger. Is it just me?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi everyone.
(I wasn't sure which forum I should post this in. Please move it if it needs to me moved!)

I need to know if I am the only one who is completely frustrated by all the negativity in some of these forums & threads.
Controversy, bad news, conspiracy theories, anger, arguing, crusading against anyone who may have offended Michael's memory - I just feel like most of the threads I read contain these things.

I just feel a little isolated as a fan sometimes because I don't want to get angry, even if it's righteous anger; I don't want to argue with anyone who posts here and I really have no interest in investigating Michael's death or in conspiracy theories. I don't want these things, but it's very hard to avoid them, and I feel like so many fans get absolutely caught up in their own anger, sadness and frustration and it hurts me to see that. :no:

Don't get me wrong, I understand where this is all coming from, and all of these things are only to be expected in the wake of Michael's passing. And I do sympathize with all of you, I truly do.

I just get so disheartened when I see people fighting about things like Michael and women, or Michael's looks, or Michael lip-synching - whatever. It saddens me.
I have a tendency to lurk in threads and give up reading them because of all the negativity and arguing.

Does anyone else feel this? Am I alone here?

Really, I just want to tell all of you that I respect and care for you, from one fan - one human being - to another.
Maybe I sound over-the-top, but I'm okay with that.
I completely know what you're talking about. There are a lot of fans walking around with a chip on their shoulder.

I just try to ignore it, although it does seem to be everywhere at the minute. I think things will eventually calm down. It's only been four months since his death, so everything is still a bit ultra-sensitive on here right now.

Michael endured many betrayals during his lifetime but was no way near as bitter as many fans come across.
Littlesparrow, it sounds like you're one of those fans who prefer to discuss what Michael wanted fans to discuss in the first place: his artistry.

I'm the same too, but I do read other stuff to keep on top of things. A lot is flying around unchecked and theories spinning out of control mudding the waters.

Some day this will all calm down and the music is all anyone will talk about.
I agree there is a lot of negativity, but if there wasn't all this unfair things against Michael these days all those people saying bad things or not doing their job properly or not shutting their mouth when they should, and, most of all, if michael was still alive, there wouldnn't be that much anger.
I admit it, I'm angry at many things now and as much as we can talk about our love for Michael, our grief over Michael, I think we should be able to talk about our anger over people who disrespect Michael.

I agree with what Mattyjam said.. everything is very hypersensitive over all of this but that's the way it is I guess.
Yeah I feel you, what I'm especially getting really tired of is everyones arguing about whether something's right or not. And then I mean the arguing about something personal, not even about facts.:doh:
And I don't mean people investigating or anything, I mean, everyone deals on it's own, but you also can go to far.
I thought the borders here had sharpened and people would be banned, but somehow things still need to happen 10 times before the person gets kicked out. No offence, but I'm getting a bit irritated how many crap (with exceptions there ofcourse) there is posted often here...:( Makes me keep my stories to myself and not discuss anything because most in return is negative.
And I hate to say it, but it's always new members...I'm not a member that long myself, but I can well pick out who knows what is respect and who knows what MJ is about and who is not.
I'm sorry...wish I could help with anything to keep this board like a family!
Gaz, maybe your warning-message from earlier could be told again?
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people are upset and deal with it differently I suppose :/ but I do agree with you, there is a lot of anger here and a lot of the time little issues are made bigger than necessary.
But that's just how it is right now, we're all very sensitive when it comes to Michael and have our own ways of expressing it. I'm sure it'll pass though, at least I hope it will :)
people in the press used to complain about Michael writing bitter and whining lyrics about injustices done against him. so to the person that said that he harbored much less bitterness than fans, i beg to differ. he just had a better outlet...his music. and, there's nothing wrong with ventilating. it's only right. would people just prefer that MJ gets stepped on by people with you know what on their soles of their shoes, and leave it at that? i don't know why people have a problem with people expressing the pain against injustice.

what people fail to realize is that the negativity AGAINST Michael was massive and unprecedented? where were his defenders? look what the negativity against him has done to him. are people just ok with that?

the pendulum is simply swinging the other way. that's only right.

there is not an individual, a nation, an animal, or anyone else who doesn't retaliate, when backed into a corner, and wounded. this get what you give aspect, is designed to teach a lesson in history, and keep people from repeating the injustice..
I understand how you feel and I do feel sometimes there is a lot of negativity in these threads. I try to stay away from commenting on these particular threads because I feel my comments would ot be appreciated. I also understand the frustration everyone is feeling Michael is gone and he shouldn't be. I am angry too but I am trying to appreciate Michaels gift of music and dancing and I am trying to focus on him as a wonderful and caring human being.

Julia really isn't just you. I've noticed it and I've been going on about it to friends for weeks. something has to be done about it.

if people can't be nice or positive, why bother posting?
There's still negativity on this board...but if you look at this board 'bout a month or 2 ago, it was a lot worse.

So for me, even though there's the negative or at least argumentative ppl on forums, it's calmed down a bunch since the beginning of it all.

And for those like me who want to try to stay positive about most situations (and don't confuse that w/ keeping rose-colored glasses on either), your best bet is to comment positively or not comment at all.
I'm right there with you LittleSparrow.

I've lurked in quite a few threads simply because of the negativity and arguing in the thread. Sometimes, there are respectful disagreements going on, which I enjoy, and may even get involved in. Other times there are people who are so stuck in their ways that they refuse to respect another point of view. Even when presented with facts, they still want to argue and get the last word.

I'm seeing fans blame companies and other individuals for his death, people are disrespecting The Jackson family, disrespecting the executors of the estate and in some instances, disrespecting the man himself.

Some of you will be mad about this, but some of us have been treating various people involved with Michael Jackson as bad, if not worse than the media treated Michael.

I certainly don't expect everything to be happy-go-lucky, that's just not realistic. But there has been a lot of unnecessary disrespect in these forums in the last couple of months.
I'm right there with you LittleSparrow.

I've lurked in quite a few threads simply because of the negativity and arguing in the thread. Sometimes, there are respectful disagreements going on, other times there are people who are so stuck in their ways that they refuse to respect another point of view.

I'm seeing fans blame companies and other individuals for his death, people are disrespecting The Jackson family, disrespecting the executors of the estate and in some instances, disrespecting the man himself.

Some of you will be mad about this, but some of us have been treating various people involved with Michael Jackson as bad, if not worse than the media treated Michael.

i don't think anyone can match how the media treated Michael. there were talk shows on that had people doing death pools trying to predict when Michael Jackson would die, a few years ago. that was the atmosphere of the media against Michael.
I think that "negativity" is OK as long as it's constructive, respectful and has a purpose - and most certainly not to force anyone to believe the same as they do.
Why I think many fans talks about Michael's appearance and possible illness' is to understand Michael and what he went through even more.
When Michael talks about things he went through and his insecurities about different things, there are many who feel connected to him because they share the same pain.

Really the only thing I have a problem with is when people bring stories or things that are absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary to talk about, e.g. when someone mention a hate group on Facebook about Michael or tabloid stories that certainly are fake.

But you know, people talking about people who may wanted to hurt Michael, possibly illness' or anything that isn't totally out of context - I can understand that.
Some things that we aren't "allowed" to talk about on this forum are things that could make people understand Michael even more.

But in the end of the day I'm with you, it's about his music, his art, and what he gave to the world.
i don't think anyone can match how the media treated Michael. there were talk shows on that had people doing death pools trying to predict when Michael Jackson would die, a few years ago. that was the atmosphere of the media against Michael.

The media has been horrible, there's no doubt about it. At the same time, I've seen fans blame Kenny Ortega and Randy Phillips for someone's death. That's not right at all. Fans have been making outlandish accusations and we shouldn't.

A lot of us are letting our emotions cloud our logic. I understand a lot of it is displaced anger, but its still not right.
Yes, there is a of negativity on the board at times. As some posters mature they will be better able to communicate their feelings. I mean no disrespect to anyone, that' s just a fact of everyday life. Negativity is not a good thing. It's not healthy and it hurts the person who is negative more than the people they have harsh words for or have negative feelings toward. When you are negative you are allowing people to rent free space in your mind.

I would guess that those who are the target of the negative talk don't visit these boards so it's an exercise in futility. Sometimes the negativity is a bit much but hopefully this will not be a long term direction that some on the board will stick with.

I usually take breaks from here when it's too much and go to another board where the discussions are calmer even when folks get a little upset. But I do like the passion that this board has for MJ and his legacy.
The media has been horrible, there's no doubt about it. At the same time, I've seen fans blame Kenny Ortega and Randy Phillips for someone's death. That's not right at all. Fans have been making outlandish accusations and we shouldn't.

A lot of us are letting our emotions cloud our logic. I understand a lot of it is displaced anger, but its still not right.

it's a fair statement you make, but i also understand the other side. if there ever was a fanbase that had no outlet for their sorrow, it's Michael's fanbase. he and his fanbase have unprecedented unchartered territory. MJ has been maligned unlike any other artist, and there was no outlet for the little people that were and are his fans. many of those fans committed suicide.

it may be an amateurish psychology comment i make, but, these fans need an outlet, so they won't do something to themselves. how do they find closure that MJ is gone? they weren't allowed to find closure for many negative things..evil things done against him BEFORE June 25. and now..we compound June 25 on top of that.

eventually, i think these fans will see when they may have misplaced blame, and come to grips about it. i know they don't mean harm. and i would think that perhaps..if other fans can't understand the possibly misplaced anger of these other fans, pulling away from the forum would be a good thing, for the well being of the fans who may be adversely affected by the fans you are speaking of.

personally..while this hotbed period is passing, i'd prefer temporarily misplaced anger, over suicide by these fans, any day of the week.
it's a fair statement you make, but i also understand the other side. if there ever was a fanbase that had no outlet for their sorrow, it's Michael's fanbase. he and his fanbase have unprecedented unchartered territory. MJ has been maligned unlike any other artist, and there was no outlet for the little people that were and are his fans. many of those fans committed suicide.

it may be an amateurish psychology comment i make, but, these fans need an outlet, so they won't do something to themselves. how do they find closure that MJ is gone? they weren't allowed to find closure for many negative things..evil things done against him BEFORE June 25. and now..we compound June 25 on top of that.

eventually, i think these fans will see when they may have misplaced blame, and come to grips about it. i know they don't mean harm. and i would think that perhaps..if other fans can't understand the possibly misplaced anger of these other fans, pulling away from the forum would be a good thing, for the well being of the fans who may be adversely affected by the fans you are speaking of.

personally..while this hotbed period is passing, i'd prefer temporarily misplaced anger, over suicide by these fans, any day of the week.

I completely agree with your post. I understand some fans are fans on a completely different level than I am. It is good for those fans whose passion is so incredibly intense to have a release.

As for our exchange in this thread, this is the type of thing I see dwindling. A respectful difference of opinion without the hostility. I hope we all can get back to having more exchanges like this rather than the hostility.

Nice talking to ya!
I completely agree with your post. I understand some fans are fans on a completely different level than I am. It is good for those fans whose passion is so incredibly intense to have a release.

As for our exchange in this thread, this is the type of thing I see dwindling. A respectful difference of opinion without the hostility. I hope we all can get back to having more exchanges like this rather than the hostility.

Nice talking to ya!

thanks. and nice talking to you too. :)
i don't think anyone can match how the media treated Michael. there were talk shows on that had people doing death pools trying to predict when Michael Jackson would die, a few years ago. that was the atmosphere of the media against Michael.

I doubt that a talk show would do that..maybe some sick person, but not a talk show?
I doubt that a talk show would do that..maybe some sick person, but not a talk show?

the Tom Leykis show, in los angeles. the show is now off the air. they held the death pool, every year. and Michael Jackson was always entered. i did listen to the show for the shock value of the sex talk they used to have, but then i heard this death pool..and i never tuned in again. like i said..they were run off the air. i thought it was a fluke, but then, i ran over the station, a second time, and they were still on the air, and did it again. i realized, it wasn't a fluke.
most talk shows have a "sick person or persons" as host so yea.

Not all of them. But still, i am more then sure that the media gave MJ a hard time, and i really hope that his kids will be out of the "flash lights"
people in the press used to complain about Michael writing bitter and whining lyrics about injustices done against him. so to the person that said that he harbored much less bitterness than fans, i beg to differ. he just had a better outlet...his music. and, there's nothing wrong with ventilating. it's only right. would people just prefer that MJ gets stepped on by people with you know what on their soles of their shoes, and leave it at that? i don't know why people have a problem with people expressing the pain against injustice.

what people fail to realize is that the negativity AGAINST Michael was massive and unprecedented? where were his defenders? look what the negativity against him has done to him. are people just ok with that?

the pendulum is simply swinging the other way. that's only right.

there is not an individual, a nation, an animal, or anyone else who doesn't retaliate, when backed into a corner, and wounded. this get what you give aspect, is designed to teach a lesson in history, and keep people from repeating the injustice..

I agree with you.

I am angry that this happened to Michael! -- why didn't someone truly intervene? What really happened? I want to understand and I want to know the truth. Yes, there's negative - he died unnecessarily !!!! I do think we should all respect each other's opinions, but we do have a right to vent. We should not argue and fight with each other, but there are legitimate negative issues.
ya know, i figured mj fans would be moreup in arms about his death. he's gone for no reason at thehands of another. yet they are moving forward, and im glad. im glad that people can see the sun again and be cheerful. there are some who appear that way but are still upset, that's ok, too.

but for many that feel this was murder and that what's going on isn't cause for celebration, they want that to be heard. just like the trial, we were fighting an uphill battle. but this time, instead of fans vs. the grifters/sneddon. it's fan vs. fan vs. aeg. vs. dileo vs. this and that.

it's bananas. but im not gonna fault someone for being pissed and angry just like im not gonna fault them for being happy and positive.
Littlesparrow (what a cute name :) ) I completely see where you're coming from. I do feel the same sometimes. Remember people are still sensitive, and when things happen which misrepresent MJ people get angry. I get angry at that.

There is a lot of arguing between fans which is not needed. There is arguing about silly things which we, as fans, don't even know the truth about. Things which only Michael and whomever else was involved would know. For example the Shana girlfriend/not girlfriend thing. People have their own personal views and representations of Michael. Like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, our perception is subjective, even for Michael. We have what he projects about himself, we each interpret it in our own way, each of us places importance on different aspects, we relate it to something we personally have read or heard him say in the past, we can even add something from our own personal experiences.. until we end up with our own personal representation of him. We can have our opinions, but none of us here (well maybe some people here ;) )can know for sure we are right about certain things. It can be enjoyable to speculate about certain things..obviously that is what a discussion board is all about, but theres no point arguing and getting angry about it because at the end of the day, unless you are 100% informed about something, you don't know.

There are things posted on here which just wind everyone up - I don't think we should post negative things people say about him unless we can actually do something about it.. because it just upsets us and nothing changes because at the end of the day it has already been printed or said on national TV. Unless there is something we can do, and unless we are all going to do something to try and change or counteract it then theres no point posting it, it just creates negativity.

There are some over the top conspiracy theories -its going a bit too far when people seem to think that everything and everyone connected to MJ is involved in a big conspiracy. People want to investigate why he died though. They may not actually believe there is more to it than accidental death caused by murray when he gave MJ his propofol BUT they still want to investigate other possibilities when they come across something suspicious. Sometimes it goes too far, but the investigative threads have their own subforum, so its not in our faces.. people can go there if they wish. People who don't like that stuff don't need to go there.

People are going to be angry at AEG because they were around him, it feels like he was in their care and he ended up dying. He ended up dying from being anesthetised in his own home. Why did it come to that? We see photos of a skinny MJ and AEG's Randy saying that they had to employ someone to remind him to eat and that Kenny cut up his food almost spoonfeeding him?! Yet Kenny's twitter posts and video during rehearsals were all excitement and joy..people kinda feel lied to. What was happening that people must have been aware of yet allowed to happen? Why did he need an operating room general anesthetic to 'sleep'? Why didn't they see that his wellbeing...and ultimately his life was more important than any damn concert? No prizes for guessing why people are angry at Murray, he delivered the fatal injection and he made unforgivable errors. Murray is the focus of a homicide investigation. Michael DIED, there was no need for it, and it could have been avoided.

AEG also did the whole £80 for a bit of cardboard thing, seeming to try to guilt trip grieving fans into paying for our ticket as a memento 'Michael designed it, he hoped for it to be kept as a memento of the wonderful evening you spent together'. Great they managed to make us hold great sentimental value towards a bit of fancy card almost as if it was the last piece of Michael left. Like he was gone but we could have him in our lives if we payed £80 for the lenticular card. They gave us the choice though, bless them..

The thing that most people are sensitive over..including me is the misrepresentation of MJ in the media. The Michael the public knows isn't who we have got to know. They twist things, they're selective in what they print, they leave important information out, they lie.. its not fair and it shouldn't be allowed. Anger towards this is completely understandable. We've had enough. We'd had enough lonnnggg ago. It hurts us so bad. Imagine what it did to Michael, what it does to his family, and what it will do to his children when they see or hear it. The media portrays Michael's fans as all crazy deluded lunatics.. thats another thing they do to discredit him - by insinuating that his fans only like him because they are weirdos themselves. They say we believe that the media has a vendetta against him. They are damn right, and we aint crazy. We see it because in a lot of cases we know things first from here.. and then see it printed in a newspaper the next day or a couple days later, completely twisted..little quotes picked out.. with important information which completely changes the tone of the article left out. We saw it with the Rabbi tapes..where they picked out sensational quotes, completely ignoring what MJ said just a paragraph before which would have completely changed the tone of the quote, and the article. Also, when the recent autopsy was released how the press sensationalised
'freaky tattoos where his eyebrows were supposed to be'
[umm its called permenant make up and its really not uncommon] and him being bald in places..etc. whilst completely ignoring or twisting the conformation of his vitiligo which would have shut up the people who believe he bleached his skin because he wanted to be white. They could have dispelled a misconception/lie, but they chose not to. In one of the three newspapers I saw that actually bothered to refer to the vitiligo, after it talked about the tattoos it stated
'Ravaging his once good looks further, skin pigment loss was on his face, arms and chest'
leaving that open to interpretation. Why not just state what the autopsy said that other sources have quoted?
'suffered from a skin disease that reduced pigment and left patches of white skin'

I guess what I'm trying to say is I can see why people are angry about certain things. What I don't think we should do is argue between ourselves, especially about things we actually don't know about. We have enough negativity to deal with, we don't need it here.
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ya know, i figured mj fans would be moreup in arms about his death. he's gone for no reason at thehands of another. yet they are moving forward, and im glad. im glad that people can see the sun again and be cheerful. there are some who appear that way but are still upset, that's ok, too.

but for many that feel this was murder and that what's going on isn't cause for celebration, they want that to be heard. just like the trial, we were fighting an uphill battle. but this time, instead of fans vs. the grifters/sneddon. it's fan vs. fan vs. aeg. vs. dileo vs. this and that.

it's bananas. but im not gonna fault someone for being pissed and angry just like im not gonna fault them for being happy and positive.

co-sign 100%
Thanks for all the great posts, guys!
I wish I could quote and respond to all of them, but I just don't have the time :(
This is the kind of discussion I feel is constructive.

Please understand that I am in no way faulting any fans for their actions. I want to make that clear.
I know that everyone deals with these things in their own way.
And maybe I was being a bit broad with the term "negativity", I just wrote my original post in an emotional state ;) - BruceWayne made a very good point about constructive vs. unproductive negativity that I think is worth paying attention to.

I don't believe that there should be no discussion about the issues - MJ's health, appearance, etc. but rather that the discussion should be respectful and logical.

And I would never, ever imply that fans' anger is not justified or righteous - of course it is! And I experience it Yes, it's absolutely worth fighting to maintain Michael's good name.
My only issue is with fans fighting with fans over things that are silly and not worth the hurtful words. I feel like this makes us lose sight of what's important, you know?

It comes down to respect and tolerance, I guess.
Hi everyone.
(I wasn't sure which forum I should post this in. Please move it if it needs to me moved!)

I need to know if I am the only one who is completely frustrated by all the negativity in some of these forums & threads.
Controversy, bad news, conspiracy theories, anger, arguing, crusading against anyone who may have offended Michael's memory - I just feel like most of the threads I read contain these things.

I just feel a little isolated as a fan sometimes because I don't want to get angry, even if it's righteous anger; I don't want to argue with anyone who posts here and I really have no interest in investigating Michael's death or in conspiracy theories. I don't want these things, but it's very hard to avoid them, and I feel like so many fans get absolutely caught up in their own anger, sadness and frustration and it hurts me to see that. :no:

Don't get me wrong, I understand where this is all coming from, and all of these things are only to be expected in the wake of Michael's passing. And I do sympathize with all of you, I truly do.

I just get so disheartened when I see people fighting about things like Michael and women, or Michael's looks, or Michael lip-synching - whatever. It saddens me.
I have a tendency to lurk in threads and give up reading them because of all the negativity and arguing.

Does anyone else feel this? Am I alone here?

Really, I just want to tell all of you that I respect and care for you, from one fan - one human being - to another.
Maybe I sound over-the-top, but I'm okay with that.

Yes! Absolutely!
It sort of turned me off a bit. That's why I'm not on as much as I used to. Every so often, when I see a post that triggers good thoughts, I dive into it. Like right now. ^_^
But yes, you're right. I agree with you 100%
There is a lot of harshness. And I can understand why too.
Some people are finding comfort from the loss of their king of pop by checking up a lot of negative throwbacks MJ had to face. Fighting his battles.

In my case, I can't get into those things. I'm tired of feeling mad or depressed.
It's not healthy.

Gonna have to move forward and celebrate the greatness he bestowed upon this planet.

Good post
I feel you, and most peeps have said what I wanted to say anyway. Good post.
The media has been horrible, there's no doubt about it. At the same time, I've seen fans blame Kenny Ortega and Randy Phillips for someone's death. That's not right at all. Fans have been making outlandish accusations and we shouldn't.

A lot of us are letting our emotions cloud our logic. I understand a lot of it is displaced anger, but its still not right.

All I have to say is....they both saw how skinny Michael was getting..why didn't THEY put the concerts on hold until Michael was able to put on some weight??.....I 'll tell ya why...$$$$$......and my emotions are not clouding my logic....this is please dont say that everyone's logic is clouded ...this is a false statement.....I have no ill feelings towards you...I just think that you are entitled to your opinion...and I am entitled to just so happens that mine is the truth.