So it seems that Beyonce Is On her Way To Iconic Status


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
There's a big debate on the prince forum about wheter or not Beyonce is on Madonna's Level concerning her career such as impact and success, and there's some who like to dubb her as the female Michael Jackson which I personally disagree with because Madonna and MJ came from an era that you had to start from ground zero (before the internet hit) they were innovators, they've took risk with their music and grown as artists. they are truly the blueprint for today's pop male and female artists. Her music catalog really into the catagory of legendary but she is by far the best performer out today. she truly is entertaining on stage and has an ambitous work ethic (she been in the business 15 years now) which will most probably secure her place as an icon of this generation in the next 20 years. You hear lots of legends and current artist talk about how mcuh they admire her talent also

I don't think shes quite up there, her latest album isn't exactly groundbreaking and she's definitely not an innovator, maybe she's up there with regards to the other crap being released in charts today but when compared to Michael, Prince, Madonna, Beatles, Freddie Mercury she's no where near.
I don't think she is an icon, she has a great voice, but she's not innovative, and she doesn't even write her music. She is probably the most likely to be considered an icon from this generation of music, but an icon means a lot less in todays music to be honest.
No, her later album is the worst she's done. No melodies, it's boring. And she always has some kind of evil sparkle in her eyes, I don't like her. No offense for her fans.
Her latest album is awful and she picked the worst song on that album for the lead single. She used to be good but now her career's going down the drain.
I don't think she is an icon, she has a great voice, but she's not innovative, and she doesn't even write her music. She is probably the most likely to be considered an icon from this generation of music, but an icon means a lot less in todays music to be honest.

that's what I mean, Not as a music icon of all time, but as one of this generation but as a entertainer on stage not soley on her music
Am i the only one who thinks she's extreamly overrated?
I think Beyonce is gorgeous but I don't think she is iconic or innovative. My opinion.
I think she's definitely an icon for this generation, but definitely not a music icon on the same level as Madonna, much less an all-around innovator and legend like Michael. Out of all the females in the pop industry today (the new generation, not counting Xtina or anyone else like that), Beyonce is definitely the one with the most vocal talent. The things she sings about are also, for the most part, halfway interesting and not so similar to those her peers prefer to musically endorse.
I agree with those who believe she has reached icon status for this generation. She doesn't hit the mark for me, personally, due to the fact that her music has no depth and is only surface material. But her performance is beyond what most artists can say for themselves today. For performing artists in this last decade, I put Beyonce above Pink and just a hair above Gaga. Gaga is friggin crazy on stage (mostly for show, of course, and for no particular reason).

I'm sure seeing one of Beyonce's concerts is worth your money. So I don't criticize her too much since she has more to back up than most.

But for an "icon" status that will last for decades. Well.....she might be forgettable in that case.

Honestly, it's just the music for me. If she (or her songwriters/producers) took the time to write better shit, i'd be totally in to her! I just don't care for the music. And THAT should be the focal point of this whole idea!
Am i the only one who thinks she's extreamly overrated?

No! :)

Her latest album is awful and she picked the worst song on that album for the lead single. She used to be good but now her career's going down the drain.

I agree it's terrible. I found it very bland, and no real melodies like TheDangerousFan said. I do however think the song Best Thing I Never Had isn't too bad.
Icon? Definitely not, I dont think shes done anything groundbreaking or innovative in terms of performing or music. She does the same types of songs with every single album and i really dont think shes grown as an artist since destiny's child. She had a nice voice but icon she is not.
Oh C'mon! It's definitely not impossible for her to get there. Who knows 5 years from now where she'll be!

I wont say its COMPLETELY impossible but at the rate shes going now i dont see her getting to icon status, her music seems to be declining in quality.
If someone from today was nominated to be an icon, I'd put on my money on Beyonce.
I dont know why people talk about Beyoncé like an Icon, because she is only the USA star, in fact, she is not successful and popular in the rest of the world like in the US (even her status in the US is questionable) ... and that means there is no reason call her - Icon.

She is just a great singer, a good looking average stage dancer but her sexism as a tool for album/records sales is ridiculous.

Icon because of ... what?
^ Actually her recent performances have been really good and polished. Glastonbury, Good Morning America etc.
I didn't know that Beyonce was considered such an important music figure. I haven't seen anyone of those who were speaking about her, speak about MJ this way. Weird. Anyway. I like Beyonce very much byt i think she needs a bit more time to be called an icon. She is one the right way ,though.
Like I said before, she definitely has the talent and a good work ethic, however, she has no real drive or vision. In that sense, she's just like Ke$ha and Lady Gaga, talented, hard-working, but nowhere near innovative enough to matter, really. However, at least Beyonce sings about better things than the rest. As for IvoryKeys' comment about the likes of Beyonce and Gaga putting an interesting show, I definitely agree that they can put on a good visual performance, but that has nothing to do with music, and therefore I consider it irrelevant in evaluating who is and isn't worthy of icon status.

I think things like vocal talent and song-writing ability are the things that ought to count, along with anything truly innovative (i.e. Michael's idea for the short story/film music video). Obviously, no one in the past ten years has done anything which would qualify as innovative, so the only things we've got to measure thus far are vocal talent and song-writing ability. None of the "world's biggest pop stars" in this generation have written material which is worth a damn in terms of depth, feeling, and value, so even though singers like Ke$ha and Gaga write their own material, the stuff which comes out is not impressive in the least, with few exceptions ("The Harold Song" and "Animal" for Ke$ha, "Speechless" and "Americano" for Gaga).

Neither's voice is really powerful or touching in any way, although they are both competent singers (and yes, Ke$ha can sing). Beyonce, although she does not write her own material, has a voice which evokes both feeling and power. It is easily the most amazing pop female mainstream voice in the last five years, second only to Xtina Aguilera's, but in my opinion, Aguilera is more part of the "Britney and Justin" generation than this current one. So, keeping her apart, Beyonce is the most vocally talented pop music female in the industry today.

I agree with IvoryKeys, she could make something memorable of herself. She has the talent, she just needs the desire to achieve her goal. If she really wanted to, she could transform from her current "lead" state into alchemical gold.

Well they said the same thing about MJ's Invincible CD but what I heard was brilliant. The same goes for Beyonce's music and nothing will stop her from becoming a legend.

Ehm, no. You can't compare anything Beyonce's done to anything Michael's done, especially brilliant work like Invincbile. I admire Beyonce's talent as much as the next guy, but currently, she's done nothing memorable. Up until now, there has been nothing brilliant about her music. The only brilliant thing Beyonce has at the moment is her voice, which she can use to become something musically brilliant. If she really wants to be a legend, she's going to have to look deep into her own self and figure out what matters to her.

She has to step away from collaborating with so-so commoner singers who have nothing new or interesting to contribute (i.e. Lady Gaga, whom she easily outshines), and find someone whose talent is comparable to her own and collaborate with them instead. She should also step away from pop music a bit, leave the "girl power, yeah!" anthems alone for a bit, or at least elaborate on them with something which makes us think. The problem with pop music today is that it makes no one think (well, at least not with the right part of the body). It is all modeled commercially, with selling singles and making club hits in mind. If everyone follows the same beat to death model, how on Earth is one to become a legend? The conglomerate idea is just a quick and lazy way to do well financially, but these "club hits" are quickly forgotten as soon as the next catchy tune comes out.

Therefore, if Beyonce wants to be a legend, she needs to find something that matters, a calling. Michael, for example, found his calling in singing about things which are wrong with the world and the current system in regards to racism, media scrutiny, the government, war, etc.

Beyonce could do a lot more for the cause of gender equality than just urging single ladies to tell their guys to "put a ring on it," or pretending that girls run the world, because they certainly don't. She should try her hand at writing, even if it's just jotting down ideas and reflections on issues which matter to her. The music will definitely sound different if she cares about the themes behind her songs. It's so easy to tell when someone doesn't really care about what they're saying or singing--their voice sounds cold, there's no real feeling--in other words, it sounds like pop music today. :)

Anyway, she'll definitely not make any club hit singles if she goes down that route, but she might invest in a memorable legacy and rebuild her own image, which is what she was (failing at) attempting to do with the whole Sasha Fierce disaster.
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Like I said before, she definitely has the talent and a good work ethic, however, she has no real drive or vision. In that sense, she's just like Ke$ha and Lady Gaga, talented, hard-working, but nowhere near innovative enough to matter, really. However, at least Beyonce sings about better things than the rest. As for IvoryKeys' comment about the likes of Beyonce and Gaga putting an interesting show, I definitely agree that they can put on a good visual performance, but that has nothing to do with music, and therefore I consider it irrelevant in evaluating who is and isn't worthy of icon status.

I think things like vocal talent and song-writing ability are the things that ought to count, along with anything truly innovative (i.e. Michael's idea for the short story/film music video). Obviously, no one in the past ten years has done anything which would qualify as innovative, so the only things we've got to measure thus far are vocal talent and song-writing ability. None of the "world's biggest pop stars" in this generation have written material which is worth a damn in terms of depth, feeling, and value, so even though singers like Ke$ha and Gaga write their own material, the stuff which comes out is not impressive in the least, with few exceptions ("The Harold Song" and "Animal" for Ke$ha, "Speechless" and "Americano" for Gaga).

Neither's voice is really powerful or touching in any way, although they are both competent singers (and yes, Ke$ha can sing). Beyonce, although she does not write her own material, has a voice which evokes both feeling and power. It is easily the most amazing pop female mainstream voice in the last five years, second only to Xtina Aguilera's, but in my opinion, Aguilera is more part of the "Britney and Justin" generation than this current one. So, keeping her apart, Beyonce is the most vocally talented pop music female in the industry today.

I agree with IvoryKeys, she could make something memorable of herself. She has the talent, she just needs the desire to achieve her goal. If she really wanted to, she could transform from her current "lead" state into alchemical gold.

Ehm, no. You can't compare anything Beyonce's done to anything Michael's done, especially brilliant work like Invincbile. I admire Beyonce's talent as much as the next guy, but currently, she's done nothing memorable. Up until now, there has been nothing brilliant about her music. The only brilliant thing Beyonce has at the moment is her voice, which she can use to become something musically brilliant. If she really wants to be a legend, she's going to have to look deep into her own self and figure out what matters to her.

She has to step away from collaborating with so-so commoner singers who have nothing new or interesting to contribute (i.e. Lady Gaga, whom she easily outshines), and find someone whose talent is comparable to her own and collaborate with them instead. She should also step away from pop music a bit, leave the "girl power, yeah!" anthems alone for a bit, or at least elaborate on them with something which makes us think. The problem with pop music today is that it makes no one think (well, at least not with the right part of the body). It is all modeled commercially, with selling singles and making club hits in mind. If everyone follows the same beat to death model, how on Earth is one to become a legend? The conglomerate idea is just a quick and lazy way to do well financially, but these "club hits" are quickly forgotten as soon as the next catchy tune comes out.

Therefore, if Beyonce wants to be a legend, she needs to find something that matters, a calling. Michael, for example, found his calling in singing about things which are wrong with the world and the current system in regards to racism, media scrutiny, the government, war, etc.

Beyonce could do a lot more for the cause of gender equality than just urging single ladies to tell their guys to "put a ring on it," or pretending that girls run the world, because they certainly don't. She should try her hand at writing, even if it's just jotting down ideas and reflections on issues which matter to her. The music will definitely sound different if she cares about the themes behind her songs. It's so easy to tell when someone doesn't really care about what they're saying or singing--their voice sounds cold, there's no real feeling--in other words, it sounds like pop music today. :)

Anyway, she'll definitely not make any club hit singles if she goes down that route, but she might invest in a memorable legacy and rebuild her own image, which is what she was (failing at) attempting to do with the whole Sasha Fierce disaster.

I love how you express your thoughts in your posts
Maybe she's achieved it in the U.S but worldwide she's far from it. I used to love this girl back when I was very ''teenagery'' aged 12/3
Hmmm....twinklEE just made me realize something here. This subject reminds me of the main demographic to which US mainstream music has been targeting for the past 10 years. Pre-teens, Teenagers and, to an extent, college age kids. It's been a real long haul with this type of music too. Would anyone else agree with me on that? Further, I would hope that soon the "adults" will be so starved and deprived of music that has depth, soul, passion, whatever that this "style" of pop music will soon fade into the twilight and never be seen again.

Is anyone else with me in that i'm tired of the main attraction being teenagers? I want better music to get popular again.

I realize i'm putting this idea into a LARGE nutshell so bear with me on that, and maybe someone can help me out and elaborate a bit more.

Back on topic. Another question to ponder for all of you. Would anyone consider Beyonce to have reached a similar platform to the likes of Tina Turner perhaps? Or maybe a Jody Watley? Just throwing out ideas here.
Victory22;3431296 said:
Beyoncé is an exceptionally talented artist and she is definitely an icon.

Why is she an icon? What "iconic" things has she done in her career? The mere fact that she's been in showbizz for over a decade doesn't cut it for me. If that's the only criterium, Britney should be proclaimed a legend too. In fact, I would say Britney beats Beyonce in terms of worldwide popularity and success. I do agree that Beyonce is a talented artist (not 'exceptional' though). But that's not enough to become an icon; there are plenty of talented artists out there. In my opinion, Beyonce does have a good voice but her catalogue is very weak. I can't think of any song of hers that is truly memorable or unique. She is predictable. That is the main reason I don't consider her an icon.

She is absolutely gorgeous; she loved Michael and admired him.

I don't see how this is relevant in any way (although I do appreciate the fact that she respected Michael).

Beyoncé is the total package and I can’t think of another performer out today who comes close to matching her level of creativity.

Her level of creativity? Does she write her own songs? Does she choreograph her own dance routines? Does she design her own clothes? Is her "art" really that creative compared to other artists?

I'm sorry but I think Beyonce is massively overrated. Yes, she is a good singer but not exceptional. Her voice doesn't "touch" me the way e.g. Adele's does, it just sounds cold and bland to me. Whenever I hear her voice, I get the feeling that there are millions of girls out there who could sing her songs just as well (if not better). The only difference between them and Beyonce is that they don't have a creative + marketing team behind them. Yes, she is an OK dancer but not exceptional in any way. She can memorize a choreography but she's not a natural dancer. Again, I feel like many girls out there could do the same thing if only they had the same training. Yes, she is a pretty girl but her appearance is not exceptional. She has worn the same blonde weave, short dress and heels ever since she became famous. She doesn't reinvent herself the way many of her contemporaries do and there has never been anything controversial or noteworthy about her appearance. In short, she does have the "total package" but she does not excell in any area.

ETA: for a more eloquent summary of my position, please read Mikage Souji's post, lol.