So...Is Beyonce the NEW Queen of POP now?

I get so tired of people trying to take away the hard earned success and titles from the artists who deserve them. Michael didn't ask for the title. He earned it. Madonna didn't ask for the title. She earned it. It doesn't matter if she never does another album or concert. Like with MJ, she's got it for life and no one can take it away no matter what new flash comes along. To be the Queen of Pop you don't have to be the female equivalent of MJ. What you have to be is a driven individual female with unheard of fame and undeniable worldwide dominance for a lengthy period of time. People here like to say that there is no clear QoP but honestly, come on! What is the one name that is more famous and stands out like no other in the world of pop music??? MADONNA. She is the one who has the success, the classics, and the performances to back it up. Go to any corner of the globe and everyone and they momma knows who Madonna is. It has been proven time and time again that Madonna is the best selling female artist of all time. The charts all indicate that. Only Mariah's, Whitney's and Celine's fans/publicists/record companies claim otherwise. We all know the truth.

Usually I'm not really on ''team Madonna'' but I have to say I agree on some of the points you made.
Main reason is, I keep hearing people say that someone like Lady Gaga is ''The queen of Pop" or even of music in general. But ,sorry to the fans of hers on this board, she hasn't earned a title like that. I don't think titles like that should be tossed around.
Just like the title Icon. So many people use this word to describe modern day artists you would think we are living in the music golden times or something lol.

There is one Queen of pop and one King of pop. Those titles aren't past on to the next big thing. People seem to be underestemating what it took to get a title like that. It's not just about awards, it's about changing music or having a big impact on the music industry. Also about having a global impact with your music.
Truth is so far no one has had that impact besides Michael and Madonna.
Madonna is the Queen of Pop..and the only artist besides MJ who is very popular worldwide..I don't think she's that talented though, but she has good songs and has sold a lot of records..I believe she is the best selling female artist ever..I love Beyonce and think that she is way more talented than Madonna, however, she doesn't come close to Madonna's accomplishements..I honestly prefer Janet over both Madonna and Beyonce..but MJ is better than them all!!
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Love Beyonce. But she's not quite there yet. She emulates alot from Michael. And truth be told it's lovely to see. I don't see it as stealing. After all Michael himself was influenced by James Brown and Jackie Wilson. These titles cause too many arguments. How did Madonna change the face of music pray tell? Through contraversy? I've never seen Madonna as something special. Just someone that's very clever with the media. She hasn't got a great singing voice, and she's an okay dancer but nothing special. As far as titles go, 'The Queen of Pop' should be the equivilent to Michael Jackson 'The King of Pop' Sorry to say this but no one comes close, male or female, to Michael Jackson. Though we'll see where Lady Gaga is in 20years time. Now that girl has something special...
Love Beyonce. But she's not quite there yet. She emulates alot from Michael. And truth be told it's lovely to see. I don't see it as stealing. After all Michael himself was influenced by James Brown and Jackie Wilson. These titles cause too many arguments. How did Madonna change the face of music pray tell? Through contraversy? I've never seen Madonna as something special. Just someone that's very clever with the media. She hasn't got a great singing voice, and she's an okay dancer but nothing special. As far as titles go, 'The Queen of Pop' should be the equivilent to Michael Jackson 'The King of Pop' Sorry to say this but no one comes close, male or female, to Michael Jackson. Though we'll see where Lady Gaga is in 20years time. Now that girl has something special...

I agree..Michael is the Greatest of All Time..male or female..

I wish someone would explain "Madonna's impact" to me :lol: Because I don't see it.

and this is no shade.
I get so tired of people trying to take away the hard earned success and titles from the artists who deserve them. Michael didn't ask for the title. He earned it. Madonna didn't ask for the title. She earned it. It doesn't matter if she never does another album or concert. Like with MJ, she's got it for life and no one can take it away no matter what new flash comes along. To be the Queen of Pop you don't have to be the female equivalent of MJ. What you have to be is a driven individual female with unheard of fame and undeniable worldwide dominance for a lengthy period of time. People here like to say that there is no clear QoP but honestly, come on! What is the one name that is more famous and stands out like no other in the world of pop music??? MADONNA. She is the one who has the success, the classics, and the performances to back it up. Go to any corner of the globe and everyone and they momma knows who Madonna is. It has been proven time and time again that Madonna is the best selling female artist of all time. The charts all indicate that. Only Mariah's, Whitney's and Celine's fans/publicists/record companies claim otherwise. We all know the truth.

READ TRAVIS READ! :hysterical: :clapping:
Not surprised to see some of you using this thread as an opportunity to belittle Madonna. :rolleyes2: :coffee:
Not surprised to see some of you using this thread as an opportunity to belittle Madonna. :rolleyes2: :coffee:

I didn't mean to belittle her. Just really don't see what is so great about her. Mind you I think Beyonce getting called a Heffer is far worse than anything that has been said about Madonna. That was uncalled for :(
GaGa just came out. As much as I love her (I do think she's clearly more orginial than Beyonce), you really shouldn't compare. Beyonce's been doing this since the 90s. GaGa just came out - let's see how she does in a few years.

LOL Why people making it seem like Beyonce been in the music industry for 20 years LOL Beyonce was in a ALL girls group in the late 90's she went solo around 03 so Beyonce really hasnt been around that long either she is just heavily over exposed.

On the topic: I'm tired of threads like and questions like this And its annoying that this question keeps coming up with Beyonce. Beyonce is VERY VERY overrated period. People are sick of her and sick of all the praise she gets for not doing much of anything. For like the 50 million time, She doesnt write any of her music, she doesnt paly instruments, she doesnt produce or arrange anything. She has no input in anything she does because she is just a POP singer not a TRUE artist. She cant dance and when she tries she is just copying off another great entertainer. She cant act the only reason why she gets the roles that she does is because she is popular. People think LOL it sad that since your popular people suddenly give you the title of being the queen or king of something.

Its easy for someone like Beyonce to get a hit one the radio or to win 7 grammys unlike a true artist like Erykah Badu, Jill Scott etc because she appeals to a mass of people. She sells her looks and she makes garbage music. She has a descent voice but nothing really to jump up and down about like alot of people say. There are plenty of singers better than her. Its more to artist besides a nice voice... like exactly making quality music instead of selling an image. She is no where near original. She is not innovative. Her music is not ground breaking. She is not did anything that has impacted the music industry or popular music to be called the queen of POP. LOL Is this suppose to be a joke?

I'm sick of these thread topics and People asking the same questions about the same stupid artists
Yeah but alot of Beyonce's success involved alot of politics I hope u all realize.

Sadly alot of people dont because if they did they wouldnt keep asking stupid ass questions like this.

LOL I'm not even a Madonna fan but she IS the Queen of Pop.
I didn't mean to belittle her. Just really don't see what is so great about her. Mind you I think Beyonce getting called a Heffer is far worse than anything that has been said about Madonna. That was uncalled for :(

Many claimed or still claim not to get what was so special about MJ. It's hard to believe, but true. Just because someone out there doesn't "get" the artist or person in question doesn't take away from that person's undeniable success and long lasting impact in pop culture. A fact is a fact is a fact. Madonna took music, image, and sexual taboo to a whole new level. She was shocking and criticized heavily but what made it all work was that she had the talent to back it up. She could sing (no Mariah but more so a Janet but she does well with what God gave her), dance and write and so no matter what controversy was swirling around her or what anyone said about her, she always proved her critics wrong. Madonna was predicted to last no more than a year or two. Who's laughing now?

As I said before, there is no single female name that is as synonymous with pop music as Madonna. And no, they don't have to be equal or come close to being MJ's counterpart. That's ridiculous! No man or woman could ever come close. No comparison. Why do people do that? This is about women, not Michael Jackson.

Madonna isn't a master at any one thing per say but she does combine her talents and even weaknesses and uses them to the full extent of her being like no other. She's a very driven and intelligent expressionist. By doing so, Madonna has become one of the greatest artists/entertainers who few can compare accolades to.

At this point, I really don't see how anyone can argue it. As I have said before, there were artists before and after Madonna but none of them have reached the heights of world dominance that she has. Similar to MJ, Madonna became more than just a singer. More than an entertainer. They became the last of the true legends that transcend time. They achieved the kind of fame that the Britney's, Miley's, and Beyonce's can only dream of.

The names of Michael Jackson and Madonna will go down in the annals of time as with the Beatles, Elvis, and Sinatra. Some are just larger than life and Madonna is one of them. It's really not even a question of talent. It is what it is.
I love Beyonce, she is a talented singer and dancer, a great performer, but as much as I love her.... respect where respect is due - Madonna is the Queen and Michael is the King... they'll always have it.

BTW - I really don't see the sucess of Janet evident anywhere, am I missing something? I like her, mostly as a dancer, but I don't see how she is a contender. Maybe she is big in the USA but not the UK?

Comparing Beyonce to Michael Jackson is like comparing Kobe Bryant to Michael matter how many accolades they get in music and sports, they will never mount up to the 2 MJ's..Michael Jackson changed music and made it what it is today and Michael Jordan changed Sports and made it what it is today..Beyonce & Kobe are clearly inspired and influenced by the two of the Greatest of All Time..they can emulate them all they want, but they will NEVER be better than them..

Who compared Beyonce to Michael? Is Michael the Queen of Pop?

Beyonce is WELL aware. MJ is her idol.

She has said many times (available to view on youtube) and screamed to her audience at her concerts (after showing the clip of her as a kid going to one of his shows) -

''There is only one, and there will only ever be, ONE MICHAEL JACKSON!!!''

So there is no need to use this thread for that discussion...we know how that begins, continues and ends..with one huge bash to the head of Beyonce.

Those who say Beyonce is influenced by Michael. Good. Just like Michael was influenced by James Brown and others. Lets see what Beyonce does in the future...

And to repeat the title of Queen of Pop has to go to Madonna... even if you don't like her.

PS. Remember it is not Beyonce making these threads and asking these questions (although someone was going to sign her up here :p) Its the public here asking the questions.
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I love Beyonce, she is a talented singer and dancer, a great performer, but as much as I love her.... respect where respect is due - Madonna is the Queen and Michael is the King... they'll always have it.

BTW - I really don't see the sucess of Janet evident anywhere, am I missing something? I like her, mostly as a dancer, but I don't see how she is a contender. Maybe she is big in the USA but not the UK?

Who compared Beyonce to Michael? Is Michael the Queen of Pop?

Beyonce is WELL aware. MJ is her idol.

She has said many times (available to view on youtube) and screamed to her audience at her concerts (after showing the clip of her as a kid going to one of his shows) -

''There is only one, and there will only ever be, ONE MICHAEL JACKSON!!!''

So there is no need to use this thread for that discussion...we know how that begins, continues and ends..with one huge bash to the head of Beyonce.

Those who say Beyonce is influenced by Michael. Good. Just like Michael was influenced by James Brown and others. Lets see what Beyonce does in the future...

And to repeat the title of Queen of Pop has to go to Madonna... even if you don't like her.

PS. Remember it is not Beyonce making these threads and asking these questions (although someone was going to sign her up here :p) Its the public here asking the questions.

I know we are not comparing MJ to Beyonce, but it was just on my mind because people are saying that she is the heir to MJ..and I was using an analogy to address my thoughts about it..
I know we are not comparing MJ to Beyonce, but it was just on my mind because people are saying that she is the heir to MJ..and I was using an analogy to address my thoughts about it..

Ok, well no I can't say she is.
I love Beyonce, she is a talented singer and dancer, a great performer, but as much as I love her.... respect where respect is due - Madonna is the Queen and Michael is the King... they'll always have it.

PS. Remember it is not Beyonce making these threads and asking these questions (although someone was going to sign her up here :p) Its the public here asking the questions.

People know this but people are also sick of the overrated Beyonce. Its tired and thats why the public makes threads like this always comparing the younger artists with the old because the MEDIA give thems these titles. They give them these titles for ratings and to sell. They really dont mean anything but its nothing wrong with having a music discussion BUT at the same time this has been discussed countless of times. Its embrassing how Michael Jackson fans would even dare to compare mediocre artists to Michael. I just dont understand it.
People know this but people are also sick of the overrated Beyonce. Its tired and thats why the public makes threads like this always comparing the younger artists with the old because the MEDIA give thems these titles. They give them these titles for ratings and to sell. They really dont mean anything but its nothing wrong with having a music discussion BUT at the same time this has been discussed countless of times. Its embrassing how Michael Jackson fans would even dare to compare mediocre artists to Michael. I just dont understand it.

I don't understand it either and thats why I think threads like these should NEVER exist!!
Many claimed or still claim not to get what was so special about MJ. It's hard to believe, but true. Just because someone out there doesn't "get" the artist or person in question doesn't take away from that person's undeniable success and long lasting impact in pop culture. A fact is a fact is a fact. Madonna took music, image, and sexual taboo to a whole new level. She was shocking and criticized heavily but what made it all work was that she had the talent to back it up. She could sing (no Mariah but more so a Janet but she does well with what God gave her), dance and write and so no matter what controversy was swirling around her or what anyone said about her, she always proved her critics wrong. Madonna was predicted to last no more than a year or two. Who's laughing now?

As I said before, there is no single female name that is as synonymous with pop music as Madonna. And no, they don't have to be equal or come close to being MJ's counterpart. That's ridiculous! No man or woman could ever come close. No comparison. Why do people do that? This is about women, not Michael Jackson.

Madonna isn't a master at any one thing per say but she does combine her talents and even weaknesses and uses them to the full extent of her being like no other. She's a very driven and intelligent expressionist. By doing so, Madonna has become one of the greatest artists/entertainers who few can compare accolades to.

At this point, I really don't see how anyone can argue it. As I have said before, there were artists before and after Madonna but none of them have reached the heights of world dominance that she has. Similar to MJ, Madonna became more than just a singer. More than an entertainer. They became the last of the true legends that transcend time. They achieved the kind of fame that the Britney's, Miley's, and Beyonce's can only dream of.

The names of Michael Jackson and Madonna will go down in the annals of time as with the Beatles, Elvis, and Sinatra. Some are just larger than life and Madonna is one of them. It's really not even a question of talent. It is what it is.

Okay, I see and accept your point :)
Many claimed or still claim not to get what was so special about MJ. It's hard to believe, but true. Just because someone out there doesn't "get" the artist or person in question doesn't take away from that person's undeniable success and long lasting impact in pop culture. A fact is a fact is a fact. Madonna took music, image, and sexual taboo to a whole new level. She was shocking and criticized heavily but what made it all work was that she had the talent to back it up. She could sing (no Mariah but more so a Janet but she does well with what God gave her), dance and write and so no matter what controversy was swirling around her or what anyone said about her, she always proved her critics wrong. Madonna was predicted to last no more than a year or two. Who's laughing now?

As I said before, there is no single female name that is as synonymous with pop music as Madonna. And no, they don't have to be equal or come close to being MJ's counterpart. That's ridiculous! No man or woman could ever come close. No comparison. Why do people do that? This is about women, not Michael Jackson.

Madonna isn't a master at any one thing per say but she does combine her talents and even weaknesses and uses them to the full extent of her being like no other. She's a very driven and intelligent expressionist. By doing so, Madonna has become one of the greatest artists/entertainers who few can compare accolades to.

At this point, I really don't see how anyone can argue it. As I have said before, there were artists before and after Madonna but none of them have reached the heights of world dominance that she has. Similar to MJ, Madonna became more than just a singer. More than an entertainer. They became the last of the true legends that transcend time. They achieved the kind of fame that the Britney's, Miley's, and Beyonce's can only dream of.

The names of Michael Jackson and Madonna will go down in the annals of time as with the Beatles, Elvis, and Sinatra. Some are just larger than life and Madonna is one of them. It's really not even a question of talent. It is what it is.
Wonderful post! I completely agree!
but..this whole queen of pop thing? some say madonna is..some say beyonce..some say...gaga :S uh..ok anyway,
Michael was always 100% king of pop..everywhere! that was almost his LOGO.. THE KING OF POP, Michael jackson..
but I never hear that about "queen of pop" none of these artists (that I have heard of) is always called: here she is now, the queen of pop........
in magazines..award shows..wherever this artist goes..

like someone said...there doesn't seem to be a 100% queen of pop like it was with michael being the king of pop
this may sound confusing but I promise it's not
but..this whole queen of pop thing? some say madonna is..some say beyonce..some say...gaga :S uh..ok anyway,
Michael was always 100% king of pop..everywhere! that was almost his LOGO.. THE KING OF POP, Michael jackson..
but I never hear that about "queen of pop" none of these artists (that I have heard of) is always called: here she is now, the queen of pop........
in magazines..award shows..wherever this artist goes..

like someone said...there doesn't seem to be a 100% queen of pop like it was with michael being the king of pop
this may sound confusing but I promise it's not
And that's exactly why I asked this question lol
but..this whole queen of pop thing? some say madonna is..some say beyonce..some say...gaga :S uh..ok anyway,
Michael was always 100% king of pop..everywhere! that was almost his LOGO.. THE KING OF POP, Michael jackson..
but I never hear that about "queen of pop" none of these artists (that I have heard of) is always called: here she is now, the queen of pop........
in magazines..award shows..wherever this artist goes..

like someone said...there doesn't seem to be a 100% queen of pop like it was with michael being the king of pop
this may sound confusing but I promise it's not

Really? I always here that it is 'Madonna Queen of Pop'. Maybe it depends where you live.

Sometimes I think these stupid threads are created purposely to stir things up.
And that's exactly why I asked this question lol

I do understand what you're saying but if you look around you will see that there are always people or topics about who the king of pop. It always gets passed around and it's totally inaccurate and unfair. For instance, I have read many times now that Madonna has passed the crown to Gaga and while I love Lady Gaga, no way! She still has much to prove and as I said before, these are titles that can't be taken away.

Madonna IS pop music. Mariah, Janet, Whitney, Celine... none of them personify pop music like the true QoP does and Beyonce, nor any of the other young pups, can ever achieve those accolades. Those days are over. Long gone.
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No Way, the title belongs to Madonna. To have a title like this you need to have been in the music buisness for 20 years mininum. Maybe in a few years she may be Queen of R n B but not Pop.
Compared to Madonna and on talent dosages yes :) aha, she is, totally, we are talking about popular music arent we??? :yes: