So...Is Beyonce the NEW Queen of POP now?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Providence, RI
Since the title has never OFFICALLY been bestowed upon anyone (although Madonna has claimed it) Can Beyonce take it?

She deffinitly has the credentials...

- Biggest pop star of this generation
- Sold out tours all over the world (ok maybe not the WHOLE world but you know what I mean)
- Big selling Albums (atleast "big" for this generation)
- 16 (Yes 16) Grammys to her name (more then a lot of critically acclaimed singers that came out before her)

And she's only 28.


I'm just waitng for the media (or somebody in her camp) to start calling her that.
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I don't know, because in TODAY'S music climate, they give you a so-called title one day and the next day, they trying to give that same title to somebody else. LOL!

You got GaGa getting love from those same folks and Lord help us, if and when Britney Spears decides to come back, they will bump Beyonce and give the title BACK to Britney. You know how they do.

As long as the general public don't accept it, she'll never have a title.

I have a feeling, the public out of respect for Madonna will never give her that title.


That was my reaction to this mess!
Madonna never claimed that title. The media and fans bestowed it upon her. She's been doing her thing for nearly 30 years now and deserves it. One good performance (albeit overrated imho) doesn't make you the Queen of anything. Let's revisit this topic in 20 years.
Lol Beyonce is just another generic artist. Stupid kids in our generation think anyone is the king or queen of pop

Someone told me Michael wasnt the king of pop Adam Lambert was........ I wanted to strike them down where they stood
Madonna = Queen of Pop

Beyonce = overrated, generic, booty shaking singer

In today's industry, i'd put the likes of Alicia Keys, Pink and Lady Gaga above Beyonce.

And she is nowhere close to the legacy other female artists before her have left such as Madonna, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey & Celine Dion.
Lol Beyonce is just another generic artist. Stupid kids in our generation think anyone is the king or queen of pop

Someone told me Michael wasnt the king of pop Adam Lambert was........ I wanted to strike them down where they stood

Adam Lambert? lmao. How old was this person? I like Adam but does he even have an album out yet? I don't even think he's done anything THAT good yet...
I remember his audition...oh yeah he sang a Michael Jackson song!
She's not queen but you gotta really respect her - she's been doing this for a long time now. That's not easy.

I love Beyonce. Talented, graceful and classy.
Madonna = Queen of Pop

Beyonce = overrated, generic, booty shaking singer

In today's industry, i'd put the likes of Alicia Keys, Pink and Lady Gaga above Beyonce.

And she is nowhere close to the legacy other female artists before her have left such as Madonna, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey & Celine Dion.

GaGa just came out. As much as I love her (I do think she's clearly more orginial than Beyonce), you really shouldn't compare. Beyonce's been doing this since the 90s. GaGa just came out - let's see how she does in a few years.
Beyonce is talented and she is getting there..but imo, she lacks originality..last night, her performance reminded me so much of MJ in This Is It..she needs to be her own performer, not jack other artists, especially MJ..I understand that MJ is Beyonce's idol, but I think she needs to be more original..
No. Like the King will always be Michael Jackson. The Queen of pop is Madonna. The End.

Beyonce hasn't done anything close to what Madonna has done to get that title. 7 years worth of solo accomplishments doesn't hold a candle to 28/29. :sleep:
Madonna and Janet put Miss B to shame. Forget the lengthy, historic careers... at least we know for sure that Madonna and Janet write their own songs!
No. Like the King will always be Michael Jackson. The Queen of pop is Madonna. The End.
lol I agree...But the reason I ask the question is because unlike MJ who is UNIVERSALLY known as the undisputed KOP because of his unparalled talent and critical/commercial success, there really hasn't been a clear cut QOP. That title seems to get switched around alot imo. And like somebody said, B's been doing this for over a decade, but, unlike some of her more artistically talented, original, innnovative, and lyrically challenging female predeccessors, has gotten MUCH more industry, critical, and commercial praise/success for some reason. Weather or not it's all deserved is another question, but you can't deny that she does have it. In other words, she's managed to do in a little over ten years, what a lot of her predeccessor have not been able to do in their entire career peeks in terms of success, and while I'm no "Beyonce hater", I just can't, for the life of me, figure out HOW she was able to do that. Last night really boggled my mind lol.
The KING or QUEEN of pop has to be so far ahead of the pack that no comparisons can even be made with everyone else.

Michael was and IS.

Beyoncé isn't. She is a great artist and I admire her but she isn't the Queen of Pop in my opinion. I don't think there is one! No one is that far above everyone else.
HELL TO THE NO !! :bugeyed

Have you seen this ****** constantly trying to get the MJ spotlight for mourning his death, or worse did you see MICHAEL'S the "They Don't Really Care about Us" This Is It Drill on the Grammy's !!! I thought I was going to THROW UP :puke: !!! I am done with HER!!!!

The ONLY way she will be QUEEN of ANYTHING is of one The people who will be the imitators of the Michael Jackson BluePrint!!!

"Could I ask you nicely to edit this post and make it a little less disrespectful without the name calling? Actually, I can't understand why someone would want to be that way about someone who clearly had a lot of love and respect for our MJ..
Each to their own I guess.
I'll check it later, If still the same i'll be removing it. "

Lorraine, Everyone is entitled to their OWN opinion, and this is mine, I am sorry if YOU are a Fan of her's, I am NOT!! Nor will be!! To each their OWN!!
I have removed the offensive words from my post. It doesn't change the way I feel about HER. And if there are any other words that offend you please PM me again and I will remove them. I hope you don't feel it is still necessary to threaten to remove MY post because of my honest opinion that doesn't agree with yours. Thank-you..

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Comparing Beyonce to Michael Jackson is like comparing Kobe Bryant to Michael matter how many accolades they get in music and sports, they will never mount up to the 2 MJ's..Michael Jackson changed music and made it what it is today and Michael Jordan changed Sports and made it what it is today..Beyonce & Kobe are clearly inspired and influenced by the two of the Greatest of All Time..they can emulate them all they want, but they will NEVER be better than them..


These titles are so silly and overrated. They don't amount to anything.
I don't know, because in TODAY'S music climate, they give you a so-called title one day and the next day, they trying to give that same title to somebody else. LOL!

You got GaGa getting love from those same folks and Lord help us, if and when Britney Spears decides to come back, they will bump Beyonce and give the title BACK to Britney. You know how they do.
The grammy's are a joke now i'm sorry.. And I'd rather name artists "king" or "queen" from a critical view point, not a commercial one. So no, B is certainly not the best.
To be honest I don't think there is a Queen of Pop.. I mean no-one has been the female equivalent of Michael.. nowhere close.

I can see that Beyonce is achieving great success and so have many others but I don't see anyone as the queen of pop.
no way beyonce is way too overrated
madonna will always be the queen
and I really much prefer lady gaga then beyonce,and I think that gaga is most original pop artist right now.She writes her music,she has her own style,she has great live performances,and she is very talented,you have to admit that even if you don't like her music.
I think Beyonce's songs are more of R&B style ?? Not sure, but beyonce's fame is increasingly rocketing at the moment. We'll see in the future if the people's gonna dub her a title :)
I get so tired of people trying to take away the hard earned success and titles from the artists who deserve them. Michael didn't ask for the title. He earned it. Madonna didn't ask for the title. She earned it. It doesn't matter if she never does another album or concert. Like with MJ, she's got it for life and no one can take it away no matter what new flash comes along. To be the Queen of Pop you don't have to be the female equivalent of MJ. What you have to be is a driven individual female with unheard of fame and undeniable worldwide dominance for a lengthy period of time. People here like to say that there is no clear QoP but honestly, come on! What is the one name that is more famous and stands out like no other in the world of pop music??? MADONNA. She is the one who has the success, the classics, and the performances to back it up. Go to any corner of the globe and everyone and they momma knows who Madonna is. It has been proven time and time again that Madonna is the best selling female artist of all time. The charts all indicate that. Only Mariah's, Whitney's and Celine's fans/publicists/record companies claim otherwise. We all know the truth.
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