Sleeping with Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In a cup, in a ride.
Now don't go thinking dirty now! LOL...;D this is about listening to Michael's music while you sleep. Not keeping the music on all night per say...but letting it soothe you into sleep.

The past couple days I've been putting on "Be Not Always" before bed. The soft strings and his voice in that make the most beautiful and peaceful lullaby. "You Are Not Alone" is a great one to fall asleep to also. Since I've done this I have slept better than I have in a long time!

Does anybody do this? If not, I highly recommend it!

YES! I do. One night I actually really fell asleep while listening to Little Susie and woke up in the morning and saw it playing another song because I forget to turn it off, lol. It's relaxing and brings me to another world..
LOL, I was expecting something like 'what would it be like if....' :') Nothing too crazy outta here it seems!:hysterical:

Anyways....I do sleep with Michael! Truly is very restful and also makes me feel more aware of the songs. In daytime all kind of things extract me from REALLY listening, so I love it to just lay on bed, close my eyes and let the rhythm get into me.
Gives a whole new understanding of the songs, so I highly recommend it too!;D
I always do this! It really helps me get to sleep. :)
Oh, Amygrace, that title is so misleading :lol:

I can't sleep with any music on, I usually do flick through a few songs from invincible before bed though :)
It's relaxing and brings me to another world..
Totally. It's a different world, listening to his music with your eyes closed in bed.

Mrs. Music said:
LOL, I was expecting something like 'what would it be like if....' :')
Well I certainly could fill pages with fantasies of that!!! :wild: Not sure the mods would allow though. hehe
I also do this - But I think the biggest fascination is when you wake up and the music is still playing in your ears.
It's like you wake up into a world beyond our world, and the music is so vivid at that point.
yes I do!! I like to listen to Scared of the Moon before bed.
Oh totally, I used to do that ALL the time, every night almost.
I'd fall asleep with the ear phones on, and then wake up in the middle of the night and still have his voice right in my ear... And then I'd fall asleep again...
I don't do that anymore because I think my heart would explode in sorrow, but I totally know where you're coming from.:yes:

And um... Yeah, the title got me too! :D
i listen to someone in the dark sometimes if i cant sleep ..something light... like human nature... i always loved. or i sing the song to myself, whatever i feel like.
i like the double meaning title there:lmao:
"Human Nature" has been my lullabye from Michael for months now. He just sounds so perfect--I am absolutely CRAZY about that song (obviously :p). I listen to it every single night (unless I'm too exhausted or forget which is rarely ever) right before I go to sleep. It's one of my night-time rituals. :cloud9:
Yes, I do that. I can't sleep without noise or without light, so I don't turn off my computer and I put Michael's music to fall asleep. Usually, my pc is very tired because of that. :p
I have done that lots of times. It really is just so relaxing. I even made a cd full of Michael's songs to fall asleep to. But I also sleep with Michael in another way. I always wear one of my MJ t-shirts to bed. As well as my MJ necklace. Plus I always keep 2 of my MJ pillowcases on 2 of my 4 pillows. I just love laying my head down on them. I just find that so very relaxing.
Now don't go thinking dirty now! LOL...;D this is about listening to Michael's music while you sleep. Not keeping the music on all night per say...but letting it soothe you into sleep.

The past couple days I've been putting on "Be Not Always" before bed. The soft strings and his voice in that make the most beautiful and peaceful lullaby. "You Are Not Alone" is a great one to fall asleep to also. Since I've done this I have slept better than I have in a long time!

Does anybody do this? If not, I highly recommend it!


well not exactly before bed,more like before my daily nap.i would tune in to songs like 'Childhood',The Lost Children or Will You Be There.sometimes i forget to turn my mp3 off that other songs keep running in my ears.
I also do this - But I think the biggest fascination is when you wake up and the music is still playing in your ears.
It's like you wake up into a world beyond our world, and the music is so vivid at that point.

I know what you mean, Bruce . I listened to Heaven Can Wait before I went to bed and woke up with it in mind. Usually when I listen to that song, I can never get it out of my head anyway.
I know what you mean, Bruce . I listened to Heaven Can Wait before I went to bed and woke up with it in mind. Usually when I listen to that song, I can never get it out of my head anyway.

Oohhh, Heaven Can Wait is one of my absolute favourite songs :)
I know what you mean - that song is like love, once it hits you it's hard to let go.
This is so heartwarmin :wub:
I will imagine im lyin beside Michael, he will have his arms around me and we will hold hands and go into the dreamland together.. :wub:
Thats how I get into sleep sometimes.

Usually its Fly away, Dont walk away, For all time, The lost children and sometimes others that put me to sleep.
yep, I sleep with his songs on... I've gone and made myself an assorted cd with his slower songs.. it helps a LOT. though in the beginning after I started listening while in bed, I'd just cry myself to sleep. the burial helped a little in calming me down.

I also like Fall Again. I can hear the little bit with his spoken voice at the end... I wake up to it too...
I actually have a "sleep list" (which I really need to update):

Stranger in Moscow
YANA + YANA R. kelly Remix
Lost Children
Don't walk away
You Are My Life
Fall Again
For all time
Human Nature
Liberian Girl
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
Man In The Mirror
Gone Too Soon
I do this. :wub: Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night I just put my ipod on, I keep it next to my bed at night lol. I love listening to Human Nature, For All Time, Liberian Girl, Childhood, Break Of Dawn, Heaven Can Wait, You Are Not Alone, Smile, Will You Be There, Music And Me...all the softer stuff just in complete darkness. It's magical.
"Human Nature" has been my lullabye from Michael for months now. He just sounds so perfect--I am absolutely CRAZY about that song (obviously :p). I listen to it every single night (unless I'm too exhausted or forget which is rarely ever) right before I go to sleep. It's one of my night-time rituals. :cloud9:

Ohh Human Nature is totally on my playlist...I am also CRAZY about that song. The way he sings "whyyyyy"is the most beautiful sound in the world to me. I've been listening to it every night too.

My night playlist is rather short. I made it quickly though so right now it's just:
Be Not Always
You Are Not Alone
Stranger in Moscow
Human Nature

I totally need to add Speechless... and a few others.

BruceWayne said:
that song is like love, once it hits you it's hard to let go.
I love the way you worded that! All of Michael's songs are like that for me... seriously it's like falling in love, once it happens you just don't ever want to let it go.
My night playlist is rather short. I made it quickly though so right now it's just:
Be Not Always
You Are Not Alone
Stranger in Moscow
Human Nature

Be not always is absolutely fantastic!
Weird part is that I just discovered it a couple of moths ago.

I love the way you worded that! All of Michael's songs are like that for me... seriously it's like falling in love, once it happens you just don't ever want to let it go.

Ohh you're too kind :)
Yeah I totally agree, but for me it's like some songs are more special and in a way an extension of my soul.
I think that sometimes a song can explain and help you visualize what you feel, and that song becomes an extension of who you are.
^ "Extension of my soul" - TOTALLY. I feel that way particularly with Earth Song and Human Nature. It's not even so much about the lyrics...but the SOUNDS he makes with his voice. The chorus of Earth Song and Human Nature's "whyyyy" - they bring me to tears almost every time. I don't know what it is about those sounds but I feel deeply connected to them.
^ "Extension of my soul" - TOTALLY. I feel that way particularly with Earth Song and Human Nature. It's not even so much about the lyrics...but the SOUNDS he makes with his voice. The chorus of Earth Song and Human Nature's "whyyyy" - they bring me to tears almost every time. I don't know what it is about those sounds but I feel deeply connected to them.

^ Exactly - I think that subconsciously ones mind and soul find something that explains and makes you visualize the feelings you have deep inside.
It's like you know, that sound explains your sadness you carry, your loss, or your longing.

What I mean is like, there's a great possibility that whatever you feel when you hear those ad libs is the same feeling Michael had when he recorded it.

You know, Michael always danced in the booth when he recorded his uptempo songs, and that emotion is captured in his vocals.
It's like that funky ass song "She Drives Me Wild" where he just go all nasty and shit with his vocals. That song makes me want to grab a lady and just get real dirty on the dance floor. And those small ad-libs and grunts makes such a difference because they bind his emotions to the track:

Uh-huh, satin lace and a paisley cut top.

That Uh-huh always gets me going :p :D

EDIT: With that said, She Drives Me Wild is quite funky even as an instrumental :p
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I always think i'll start to cry but i will try that i think it's a great idea and MJJ_luv1991 i love your sig with Paul and Michael together they were good together.
i chose scared of moon,someone in the dark ,fall again,and i dont think little susie would bring me peace to sleep,its sad and sometimes chilling when alone in dark
Someone In The Dark is my ultimate song before sleeping. Its so soothing, being in total darkness, with only Michael at your ears, blocking ever other sound. Its like he's talking to your heart and then that allows me to dream. I'm a big dreamer :) but then again who isn't.