Site back up again but data lost, please read

Yeah, apparently every thread and post AFTER October second vanished. The really odd thing is what's happened to PMs. I keep getting the same PMs that I received a week ago. PMs I'd already answered are showing up in my in-box as though they'd not been sent before!

But, we carry on from here, now. . . . . .
Yeah, apparently every thread and post AFTER October second vanished. The really odd thing is what's happened to PMs. I keep getting the same PMs that I received a week ago. PMs I'd already answered are showing up in my in-box as though they'd not been sent before!

But, we carry on from here, now. . . . . .

In science fiction, that's usually called an anomaly in the time-space continuum.
Thank you mods!! I'm glad the forum is back!!

But I'm finding it all so sooo strange!! :mello: Do you guys know what happened?

This is weird!! :unsure:

You and your team are awesome and did a fabulous job under the circumstances yesterday. Thank you for everything you do for us. :flowers:

P.S. You can disregard my PM. Thank you so much. :)
Thank you for all you do Gaz, and everyone else too. Losing a few days worth of posts is certainly a bummer, but nothing more. The important thing is that this site is up and running again! :)

*continues MJJCing now*
Wow... I didn't even know this site was down. GREAT to see it back up nonetheless! I really appreciate this place and all your hard work! :flowers:
That's so funny, I actually understand what happened since I have this schooltest tomorrow about SQL databases, tables, and what happens if they're going corrupt! :lol:

Thanks for everything, Gaz and mods! Wouldn't know what to do without this board.
Keep up the good work! :heart:
Thanks so much! Really appreciate all the hard work.
Dear Members

Today I have gone from totaly devasted to the happiest person alive,

Now let me explain what happed, basically we have a bridge that bridges from the main website to the forum, in a nut shell when you register it pushes your registration into the forum to.

Last night at about 9pm gmt it corrupted and changed every members name to that of DangerouZ,

At that point as it had completely lost the member database we had little choice but to change them manualy thus the action plan last night.

This morning after speaking at length it would seem I did have a full mjjcommunity back up of all sites and forums after talking with my people I made the decision to go ahead, this back up was from last friday which is the day I upgraded the VBulletin board.

In making this decision I had to weigh up the loss of a few days worth of activity or the complete destruction of the entire MJJCommunity member base, so in affect it was a simple for me to agree.

I have to protect MJJC and its community this is of paramount to me and not a few days loss in posts, I am sure you will understand and agree this was right.

Moving forward I have a maintenance widow tomorrow in which there will be some changes to my root admin control panel allowing me create my own daily back ups of the database tables and the member mysql.

Again I would like to formaly apologise for the effects this has had on every member, I understand fully how much MJJC means to you all and this is how I operate going forward.

Lastly I would like to send my sincerest heartfelt thanks to my entire MJJC staff team, without you guys we simply would have gone to wall last night.

With that all said and this is the exciting part, KEEP MJJCing


Gary M Taylor
President & Owner

holy crap :shock: you must have been going out of your mind :(

I am so glad that we didn't lose the whole board, doesn't bear thinking about.

This is my home :wub:

Thanks again Gaz and all the mods for working so hard here :huggy: xxx
.......Thank you and staff for the hard work!:D:yes::D

Thank you guys so much for all of your hard work getting this board back up and running...I was freaking out a little...I coudn't log on and I have been here on this board every single day since Micheal passed away....I depend on this board and all on here to get me through each day....again let me say thank you so much for all that you do..:)
thank u mods... it was frantic indeed. Good job !
For real tho!
Ohhhhh goody. I was so confused. I didn't know what was going on. I was like "I *know* this is my password.....I pretty much live here." LoL. Thanks for your awesome (and timely!) hard work!
Lol! I feelya on that one!
Well, at least we're all back which is the main thang!

We were all having withdrawal symptoms and stuff, and its thanks to the Mods/Admin etc that we give to you all.

*Offers a drink to everyone who was helpful in the wee small hours of this morning*

But to be fair at least now I'm engaged - again :D
:D We dont miss our water till the well runs dry.:cheers: